A new stage in tourism promotion

Mr. Hisham Zaazou Tourism Minister that preparations are underway to start a new phase of promoting Egypt tour packages, Egypt packages  globally through new plans and programs for international tourism advertising campaigns, media campaigns and public relations to help the tourism sector on the marketing of tourism Egypt.
Said Zaazou – in a special statement to pages “Travel and Tourism” – that in preparation for the implementation of this new phase of promotion is underway to move in more than one direction on the domestic level to prepare the ground for a breakthrough in the promotion so that speaks campaigns for reality helps in return of tourism.
He added that in this context it was agreed with Maj. Gen. Ahmed Gamal El Din, Minister of the Interior to develop a plan to secure all tourist areas and the fight against all infringements or chaos in these areas that the officials in the Interior preparing this plan to be presented to the Minister of Interior to coordinate with the Minister of Tourism for approval in a joint meeting of September 5 To confirm the stability of the security situation in Egypt, which would have the greatest impact in pushing a plan to promote the new Egypt.
In the same context, said Hisham Zaazou tourism minister he had decided that the plan promoted under the auspices of scientific and experts, as will be issued a decision this week to restructure and activate the Higher Committee to promote tourism so as not unique to one decisions activation and international campaigns and have opinions of experts and that these will be headed by the minister himself and will begin its meetings During the next few days to discuss a plan campaigns and prepare for the campaign of the new international, particularly after the expiration of the company that produced the campaigns of Egypt in the last three years so that it is producing a new campaign fit and Egypt keep events in the Egyptian tourism and contribute to the re-flow of tourists to Egypt again.
said Hisham Zaazou he would take care agenda, the Egyptian tourist on the internal industry events attract tourism and development of tourist areas in conjunction with the various ministries, for example has been agreed with the Minister of State for Antiquities to contribute the Ministry of Tourism with the effects in the development area Pyramids of Giza and it will immediately begin implementation, and contribute to tourism in the financial aspects will be to locate the horses, camels and construction of a wall “barbed wire” around the area to protect it from encroachment and providing courses water modern and mobile security services and that it was agreed to finalize the maximum speed of the implementation of this plan and in no later than Sept. 20 so can be exploited in promoting tourism to Egypt as the Pyramids one of tourist icons Egypt that has to be utilized in the new phase of promoting tourism to Egypt.
In the context of attention to promoting tourism internationally Minister tourism interest in follow-up performance tourist offices abroad and ensure the stand over the activation of its strategy in the coming period, where he met Hisham Zaazou Muhammad Jamal Office Manager Tourism Frankfurt (Germany) in while in Egypt, and reviewed the Director of the Office tourist latest position For inbound tourism from the German market and outlined a plan office in the coming period as well as achievements in the previous period.
The minister stressed the importance of the German market and the need to promote the destination Egyptian non-traditional ways, especially in light of the current conditions in the Egyptian tourism, pointing out that he will continue to perform all the offices in the next stage by himself.

Egypt all inclusive holidays, tours, vacations

No one in the tourism sector could deny that the  Egypt all inclusive holidays, tours, vacations  Pat is one of the issues that represent a major threat to the tourism industry or specifically the size of the return, including not only in Egypt but also in places or other tourist countries in the world.
Although I have already written and discussed on this page issue inclusive and warned of danger on the extent to which the tourism industry of the revenues of weak national economy, especially in light of the growing force of this system to the degree that made me call this system the virus comprehensive rampant in the body of the Egyptian tourism and weaken or reduces yield material for the benefit of the national economy.
There is no doubt that everyone knows that the reason to say that the deadly virus is that residence overall mean residence cheap or very cheap… So you if you ask for the majority of prices in Egypt, specifically in hotels Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh that accept this Egyptsystem you will find that the price of week to establish a comprehensive flight does not exceed 500 or 600 euros per week including price plane that up to 300 or 350 euros in most cases.
You can imagine that the rest of the amount of EUR 300 for the establishment of food and beverage and means at best 20 euros per person per night to stay, eat and drink, but unfortunately I hear it sometimes down to 12 euros in some hotels…
Does this make sense, and whether these rates in the target that tourism is one of the pillars of the national economy?
I do not think that at all!! But we must consider the issue of prices in general… Unfortunately sometimes some come and impose exaggerated prices on some Arab nationalities which is unacceptable because the prices should be uniform for all nationalities. And can be seasonal all nationalities as well.
Although I, as I said previously wrote in this case. And I got the answers I know in advance which is that hotels and companies compensate these cheap prices in ways that “twisted” that is important to come tourist and companies after organizing special trips him in the desert for Safari, or take to buy from bazaars or any other means compensate the loss.. But I think that in that kind of loss in the state Perhaps compensate private companies losses of those companies that sell at a loss any room price and sells food and drinks for less than the cost in the hope of compensation, as I said …! But the circumvention of the rights of the state and national economy and the weakness of a mental picture of Egyptian tourism and revenue in general.
We have said before that one of the important reasons that must be met in this case, is what we called the “Circle hellish” which is that the system of tourism in Egypt all become dependent on the tourism company that brings tourists which builds and owns the hotel and the bazaar and bus and floating hotel and therefore this system curiosities in return loss on the national economy.. Perhaps back winning or the owner of the company but it is Hurghada certain that the organization operates and customization in tourism can be a catalyst, to increase tourism income for the benefit of the national economy.
The phenomenon most serious prevalent today and that led to the spread of this virus, “inclusive”, which reached the five-star hotels and companies international hotels operating in Egypt unfortunately that tourism companies global majors such as TUI and deny Mann and others became interested in the “globalization” companies, hotels and branches and partnership in Egypt with major companies and therefore in these companies impose largely introduction inclusive paid tourist advance and therefore, in partnership with his Egyptian counterpart, you can say that a great return back to the outside of these companies do not thing for taking Egyptian companies or the national economy, but proportions slim unfortunately. Some might say I’m exaggerating to talk about inclusive system and its results and some might say that the case in many countries…
And I say yes… But that, of course, must lead us to the issue of quantity and quality in the Egypt tours

We have the state natural ingredients and unique cultural and archaeological and is unprecedented in the world and therefore it requires us to preserve them.
And to choose between quantity and quality that far any care بالكيف and quality in services because that is the way to increase revenue from tourism for the benefit of the national economy. But I can say that the choice of quality is one of the powerful means of blockade of the deadly virus or inclusive.
And may help us in that there is a global trend noticeable in a number of countries in the world tourism major exporting tourism, such as Germany, France and Angeltza to escape from this system, it has become citizens or wishing to travel and tourism tend to look for quality or quality but escape purposes or hotels spreads inclusive system.
The search for privacy and enjoy and communicate with people in the State or the place visited by tourists has become a important objectives of the tourists, which could be called in the science or art of modern marketing “experiment” that is a tourist looking for experience and should give him the experience to enjoy .. Tourists If attracted media campaigns or advertising, but some tourists are looking for a fun experience in travel and tourism and human communication, knowledge and culture which is the ultimate goal for tourism.

Tourism and Antiquities in Egypt

Egypt is one of the leading Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packages in the world because of its tourist treasures multifaceted, and the most important cultural tourism where ancient civilizations fresh eye, and pronounce what it was constructed Nations those civilizations since the dawn of history.


Capital: Cairo

The most important cities: Alexandria, Port Said, Suez and Ismailia, Tanta and Damietta, Aswan and Luxor, Assiut, Zagazig, Sohag and Fayoum, El Arish and Sharm el-Sheikh and Egypt Marsa Matrouh, Minya and Cairo, Beni Suef and Mariot, Hurghada and Cairo and Mahalla.

Area: 997.738 sq km.
Population: about 70.7 million people (2002)

Official Language: Arabic language and use English and French languages ​​in commercial transactions.

National Day: Revolution Day in July 23 (the year 1952).

Time: two hours + Greenwich.

Currency: Pound = 100 piastres = 1000 Dime

Phone: Line International 02

Weekend: Friday to government departments and the private sector on Friday or Sunday.
Working Hours: from 8 am – 2 pm, and the banks, it is 9 am – 1:30 pm and from 10 am – 12 pm on Sunday and bank holiday on Friday and Saturday.

Visas: mandatory for all foreign visitors except nationals of Arab countries.

Ports and airports: Cairo airport on 22.5 km from the center of the country and the Alexandria airport is 8 km from the center and there are airports in each of Aswan, Luxor and Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh and several other airports. There is the main port in Alexandria and there are other ports in Port Said, Suez, and Damietta.

Administrative divisions: Egypt made up of 26 provinces in addition to Luxor City Council… The provinces are: Dakahlia and the Red Sea and the lake, Fayoum and Western, Alexandria, Ismailia, Giza and Alexandria, Minya and Cairo and Alexandria and the New pyramids tourValley, Eastern and Suez and Aswan, Assiut and Beni Suef, Port Said and Damietta, South Sinai and Kafr el-Sheikh and Matrouh, Qena, North Sinai and Sohag.

Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, iron ore, manganese, tin, zinc, gypsum and asbestos.

Climate: Egypt moderate in total and there is almost the northern half of the prevailing climate in the Mediterranean basin variable according to the four seasons in the Western Sahara dry weather prevails not increase the humidity to 10%, and be hot and dry summers and cool rainy winters.

Thaana: geography and history
Tourism and Antiquities (renewed)

Egypt map

About Geography

Egypt is located between latitudes 22 and 31.5 north of the equator and between longitudes 25, 37 east of Greenwich, and occupies the northeast corner of the continent of Africa in the heart of the Arab world between the wings Asian, African and bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south, and Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea Middle. The topography of Egypt consists of four sections:

The first section of agricultural land and the Nile River is the most important natural features of Egypt, and mentioned here say Herodotus “Egypt is the gift of the Nile”, the longest river in the world and has a 6690-km Delta takes the form of a triangle head in the south, where the ramifications Nile to the branches: Damietta and Rosetta east and west where characterized Delta fertile soil .

The second section is the Western Sahara stretching from the Nile Valley and Delta to the Libyan border in the west to the borders of Sudan from the south and has an area of ​​68% of the area of ​​Egypt.

The fourth section is the Sinai Peninsula and an area of ​​6% of the area of ​​Egypt.

Suez Canal: The most important sea lanes in the world and connect Bahrain white and red to shorten the ancient trade route around the Cape of Good Hope 184 kilometers in length began drilled in 1858 and opened 1869 and for Egypt fought three wars years 1956, 1967 and 1973.


Egypt’s history corresponded in archeological landmarks, which are still there and Troy chapters of its history since the first Pharaonic era, and in many Egyptian museum collections, which records precise details about the life of nations and peoples who lived in the Nile Valley about 7000 years ago and until our time.

And perhaps can be said that the history of Egypt is different from many of the countries that recorded history according to the succession of political regimes that ruled, in the history of Egypt recorded successive civilizations and left after the demise heritage received by the back to add to it.

The history of Egypt overlap novel archaeological and historical with novel religious, between the story of families ancient Pharaonic and came in divine books of stories of our Egyptprophets who crossed Egypt and lived there and ties them with its people Copts and up to the beginning of history Arab Muslim who is considered inauguration actual modern Egypt when taken conqueror Amr Ibn al-from Cairo Fustat site the capital of a mandate.

We have codified the novel religious history of Egypt, but the direction of inspiration lessons and sermons and instilled the values ​​of standardization and right and justice and advocacy for the worship of the one God and with the beginning of Islamic Arab rule began codification history of Egypt takes attributes documentation and arrangement and detail frequently for narrators and recording in the first books.

Egypt has received on documented evidence sensual, more than any other country pharaohs, language decipher hieroglyphic a Champollion combine with books narrators Arabs and Muslims with religious novel that came in the heavenly books and access to recordings of the narrators, travelers and explorers and Western Orient lists.

And Egypt Museum not bounded space and time, where evidence and landmarks Troy civilizations and stories Copts and the Pharaohs and the Holy Family and the Greeks and Romans, Arabs and Muslims who have settled in nearly 15 centuries where and recognized identity Arab-Islamic roots of civilization multiple, and where the effects of the hallmarks of the invaders who dared to hope and crossed and deported from French and English and others.

Civilized can recognize that the modern state of Egypt was founded at the beginning of the Egypt era of the great family of Muhammad Ali, who came from Albania and Ottoman ruler scene walks mandate towards independence and laid the foundations of modern renaissance aspiring young to European civilization and organized by the carrier and its methods and its manifestations.

The family continued to rule this out that Egyptians took the reins of their country in the July 23 / July 1952 to begin the era of the Egyptian republic to take over the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s leadership directed helm towards asserting its bond and its Arab-Islamic identity and its leading role in the Arab region until the present day.

With the beginning of the nineteenth century, Egypt witnessed waves colonial powers coming from Europe, the first is the French expedition led by Napoleon in 1798 and had a cultural impact on Egyptian society, and the second is the British occupation in 1882, which lasted until Gelaúh ​​after the revolution of July 1952.

Third: future tourism plans

Tourism and Antiquities (renewed)

The plan for future development prepared by the Tourism Development Authority until 2017 to divide the region into six centers new tourism comprises a total (10 thousand) hotel rooms, services and facilities of each center, and include such services and facilities desalination plants, sanitation and energy networks and dial-up and wireless and divided these centers separated by isolating natural areas as follows:

1 – Ain Sukhna: 1500 room beach area and 500 rooms in the region background.

2 – Majesty: 800-room beach area and 200 rooms in the region background.

3 – North Abu stairs: over 1,000 hotel rooms in the front area and 600 hotel rooms in the villages are built on the mountain and will be expanded this center within the region desert sand dune valley in order to organize safaris and adventures and a desert villages.

4 – South Abu stairs: includes 1,200 hotel rooms beach area characterized Bhiabha and rare rock formations.

5 – Center Houri: includes 1,500 hotel rooms in the beach area.

6 – Center Jerivat: includes 1,300 hotel rooms in the beach area.

7 – Center North Zaafaranah: over 1,000 hotel rooms in the beach area.

And incentives for investment in tourism facilities

The government placed at the top of the priority list of policy to encourage private sector domestic and international, to invest in various sectors of production and services and play a greater role in the development of the national economy, and for that government gives investors a package of incentives, exemptions and facilities, providing for the establishment of tourism projects that are held areas desert like Ain Sokhna area and Zafarana the following incentives:

1 – exemption from profit tax for a period of ten years starting from the fiscal year that comes after startup.

2 – The possibility to renew the exemption from profit tax for five additional years with the consent of the Council of Ministers.

3 – Exemption from stamp tax on capital.

4 – Exemption from stamp duty and registration requirements for all construction contracts until the date that the implementation of the project.

Fourth: Data and figures about tourism in Egypt

“Arab tourism comes on top of our priorities is not the cultural and national links and by, but also because Arab tourists stay longer and more spending, and therefore is better care, a first-class citizen in Egypt, the house of the Arabs.”

“We and several years ago we urge the Egyptian tourism sector to understand the dimensions of the current and future developments in the global tourism market and urge Egyptthem to prepare for them through the process of concentration and integration into larger entities be able to work in all circumstances.”

Central Bank data show Egyptian tourism revenues in 1999/2000 was 4314 million, and payments were 1028 million dollars, and became a surplus 3286 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 76.3% of total revenue. In fiscal year 2000/2001 was 4317 million revenue and payments 1054 million surplus 3263 increased by 75.6% of total revenues.

Tourism is a labor-intensive industry and a multiplier effect on 70 industry and nutritious complementary service (study of the World Tourism Organization), which provides employment opportunities in multiple activities and professions directly and indirectly.

Experts discuss the future of tourism in Egypt

Agreed five Egyptian political parties are «freedom and justice, and the delegation and the middle, and the Egyptians Liberals, and Justice» the need to preserve  Egypt luxury tours, Egypt luxury holidays sector as a first locomotive of economic development, which can solve many of the problems experienced by the Egyptian economy in the recent period, and that it must Everyone facilitate his starting towards the front. This came during the end of the conference for the future of global tourism organized by the Tourism Investors Association Marsa Alam in the resort of Port Ghalib headed d. Adel Rady the presence of foreign tour operators and international media, to discuss how to get out of the crisis reduced the movement of tourists coming to Egypt and ways to develop the tourism sector in the Red Sea, in addition to seeing the Egyptian political parties on the future of tourism in the coming period.
It is scheduled to be released during the next few days an important document in all languages ​​of the world to reassure tourists coming to Egypt is an ad explicitly about the position of the Egyptian people toward tourism, which is one of the most important tributaries of the national economy, as a major supplier of hard currency in Egypt, as it serves more than 72 different industry and provides millions of employment opportunities.
Announced that Mohamed El Sawy Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism Egyptand the People’s Assembly during the media conference. The conference was attended Gen. Tarek Saad Eddin, head of the executive arm of the Tourism Development Authority, and Elhamy Zayat Prime Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism, and Amr Abdel Ghaffar representative World Tourism Organization, in addition to a large collection of tourism experts in Egypt and the Arab world and foreign representatives of various political parties and tour operators foreigners.
The Conference issued a number of recommendations, including:
1 to achieve the principles of sustainable development through conservation and development of natural resources and unique ecosystems.
2 increase tourism income kidney and targeting tourist segments with the highest income and increase the added value of tourism services.
3 diversify tourism development and the development of cultural tourism and hospital, religious and other, to integrate with the beach leisure tourism, which constitute 85% of the size of the current tourism.
4 shift towards green tourism-friendly environment.
5 support network of roads and tourist transport network to enter speed rail and high speed.
6 balanced spatial distribution of tourism development to promote regional development and growth of the national economy.
7 internal aviation liberalization to promote domestic tourism.
8 support Egypt as a central hub for air transport between Cairo and the world Hubb.
9 support the proposed bridge on the Straits of Tiran between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
10 support the promotion and e-marketing through new legislation.
11 Create a joint committee for tourism cooperation youth parties and NGOs and members of civil society to develop and boost tourism.
12 development of the institutional framework and the Supreme Council of Tourism of the semi-permanent.
13 rationing establishing tourism colleges and hotels nationwide, raising the efficiency of the graduates to intensify practical training for hotels and tourism service.

Security of Egyptian sightseeing is an urgent task

The accident Rafah dire is not the first of the events tragic terrorist to represent an alarm to the need to secure sensitive Egypt luxury tours, Egypt luxury holidays and most importantly secure tourist areas during the coming period, which has become an urgent task at the feast, especially with the attempts of terrorist elements targeting times represent joy especially for the Egyptians, as happened in Rafah as targeted time Breakfast incident which requires that the security agencies need to secure areas where communities and tourist areas with most tour operators ready for processing for the winter season to restore tourism in Egypt.
This comes within the framework of the Declaration and the interior minister for intensified security presence mosques and tourist areas in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism Egyptin the coming period, as confirmed by Hisham Zaazou and Tourism Minister in a press statement that there will be a meeting chaired by Dr. Hesham Kandil, Prime Minister in the presence of the Minister of Interior, Major General Ahmed Gamal El Din and all Conservatives, especially governors tourist cities, after the end of the Eid al-Fitr holiday to discuss the government’s efforts to find quick solutions to the return of tourism to Egypt.

The travel agents need to secure tourist groups in the holiday period and beyond to promote tourism and to prepare for winter season and says Hossam Eldin Mostafa member Federation of Chambers of Tourism Securing tourist areas became important not require any further delay, especially after an accident Rafah painful as exposure tourists to harassment and harassment led to the issuance of the Italian Foreign Ministry warning to its nationals to avoid travel to Sinai, Hurghada and Marsa Alam after cutting the road in Egypt front of Italian tourists coming to the city “Marsa Alam” which calls for intensification of security to send a reassuring message to companies abroad, explaining that the process of insurance in the near term should begin at the feast intensify presence policeman places gatherings and parks either at the public need separate to activate the role of tourist police to be affiliated Tourism salaries high for full-time to protect areas under the supervision of the Ministry of Tourism, adding that there is no coordination with tourism companies and should make coordination with them to secure flights and tourist groups, especially in light lawlessness which was subjected to tourist areas and the impact on tourism as a whole.
He says Amari Azim Chief, Division of Tourism companies Cairo Chamber of Commerce and head of a tourism companies that provide tourist areas due to the decision of the Ministry of Interior that back insurance operations as it was because the absence of security greatly affected during the last period due to incidents of theft and bullying affected the tour which requires the application of the law to back security was also pointing out that the tourist areas require insurance to a security plan of the Ministry of the Interior and attention to the traffic movement to secure the tourists on the roads as factors affecting the revitalization of tourist traffic. And demanding the Interior Ministry to intervene quickly to secure the tourist areas and attention to the file of tourism and tourist police without waiting for a disaster, as happened in Rafah, adding that tourism companies now assume the process of securing tourists but not rich on the role of the Ministry of Interior to prepare for winter season and securing domestic flights after stabilizing political situation in Egypt. It is a security standpoint shows Maj. Gen. Hossam Sweilem former director of the Center for Research and Strategic Studies in the armed forces that should not give security to terrorist groups who target times sensitive as time breakfast or time holidays so must attention to secure places with concentrations at the feast and the intensification of insurance because it not unlikely target any tourist area, which the Ministry of Interior is required to take security steps required urgently. Sweilem Brigade shows that there is a difficult task lies with the Interior in the coming period to deploy all of the places that has to be the participation of the armed forces in the insurance operations internally, not only in this festive occasions.
And confirms Maj. Gen. Fouad Allam security expert that President Morsi it to involve the armed forces to secure the interior of the failure to restore the police force yet fully and to intensify efforts to arrest the number of owners of these organizations, which caused the Egypt accident Rafah painful to be subjected to investigations and to identify the most informative for their abilities, their relationships and their potential to enable the devices to deal with them and identify their motives and should not wait for a disaster to intensify the process of new insurance areas.
The task of securing tourist areas have become an urgent task unbearable delay must be the top priority of the government in the coming period, which needs to plan a serious collaboration between the ministries of interior, tourism and the Federation of Chambers tourism with the need for attention to return tourist police in coordination with the tourism companies and insurance tourist groups and solve internal problems as spare roads and traffic crisis, which had a negative impact on the tourism traffic during the last period .

Experts:Tourism River will not be cut off from Luxor

Many described from tourism experts in Luxor tourism sector as a driver of development and the need of the necessities of Egypt tour packages, Egypt packages

,stressing that he always be tourism victim of global events on subsequent crisis of terrorism and lawlessness, banditry and transportation and protests categorical, where that seemed reeling and almost cry out of this successive crises that have been affected Luxor as the largest tourist destination in Egypt. Said Dr. Abdalmugod Rajeh lawmaker earlier for Freedom and Justice Party: We know that Luxor is in crisis not experienced any city of Egypt as the most children working in the field of tourism and so it was seeking the first is to look for a way out of this crisis and we strive now to expanded international conference to discuss the tourism crisis and ways revitalization of tourism with the participation of the specialized agencies concerned and academies of science in the field of tourism and experts to make recommendations to save the sector. He said: It was a visit Dr. Mohamed Morsi, President of the Republic for a shorter message content that the new leadership gives great attention to tourism and we have to look for new ways for the return of tourism and face the challenges ahead. As a student, Ibrahim Suleiman, director of the temples of Karnak need hard work, especially as we enter the winter tourist season working on opening the tourist attractions and new antique temples and tombs of the limelight media attracts tourists of Luxor, Egypt. He stressed Mohammed Jamil director Egyptmajor tour companies and tourist expert on the need for the return of security and safety and to give the state and officials the importance given to the return of stability, stressing that Luxor despite successive crises, the River tourism flows where, though not in the form required but the tourism we have including why God gave us the possibilities they get sick or die The work and the pursuit will return. Either Mohamed Osman Vice President of the Chamber tour companies said that tourism companies made a great effort in the activation process before the crisis and indicators were good for next season, but a crisis of terrorism had a major impact in addition to the security presence zero-in the streets and tourist areas and archaeological But the return of security, safety and stability and work and activation at home and abroad will express the crisis, pointing out that civil society has a big role in the stability and help of the police and army and we will in the coming period to make more of an effort to boost tourism cooperation with all concerned authorities.
For his part, Dr. Ezzat Saad, Governor of Luxor that all security agencies will work in the coming period on the return of stability and prevent chaos that was occurring in the tourist areas, archaeological and remove all encroachments and occupancies law and we are serious about work and strive for the return of tourism and stability in Luxor and the coming period is the period of work.

Tourist in Egypt live 6 ages

– With the growing sense of hope in  Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packagestomorrow, and punish the blows received by the remnants of the past and the ghosts of terrorism, is looking forward to the Egyptians sunrise revolution to achieve a decent life, and the recovery of the economy. With the return of  Egypt Nile cruises holidays  our country gradually moving attention to the Nile River, which is expected to resume a happy event Nile cruises by floating hotels between Cairo and Aswan after they stopped 15 years.
– In Aswan life returns once again with the start of flights have been stalled since the accident terrorist famous in 1997, which killed dozens of tourists from different nationalities to witness tourism in Egypt recession and the District of continued long to come back after tourist activity except tour long between Aswan and Cairo, which stopped completely after a security decision that has terrorist elements on the shooting randomly on cruise ships and floating hotels that reflect the Nile River.
It was difficult to secure the shores of the waterway of the Nile River in specific areas governorates of Assiut and Qena, Minya, and continued suspension 15 years, and in the bold step taken by the Government, Dr Kamal Ganzoury decision to re-conduct of these trips, which yields materially significant to the owners of floating hotels and talked popular Aswanin the provinces that experienced by the , accompanied by economic recovery and this is what Fakhry Abdelnour adopted and former tourism minister boldly.
The trip Nile cruise in the River Nile from Cairo to Aswan takes 15 days and calls it a tourist companies in their propaganda “Journey of Dreams”, Tourists through this journey curiosities in the River Nile recognize the history of Egypt through the pyramids and the sphinx and the end of the quarries of Aswan granite, which is made of stones larger obelisks and the largest statues and watched the tourist trip Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut and Sohag, which constitutes a museum historically extends to 6 times historical (Pharaonic, Coptic, Greek, and Roman, Islamic and modern), and the pioneers of these trips are a fan of nature, recreation and cultural tourism. These trips are an important economic benefit of tourists is the most spending.
Nasser Saber captain guides in Aswan, says the flights Cairo Aswan across the River Nile is a test of the security and if successful to Egypt a lot, Scripture journalists invited in the first flight will record their observations to the reader and will be writing good publicity for Egypt and call her success with all our hearts.
Mostafa El-Sayed, Aswan Governor says: We promise to celebrate leave the first flight from Aswan after tomorrow, “Thursday” and will celebrate the popularly expressed his delight workers in the tourism sector successfully this trip which will give a good impression in the global tourism market and have a positive impact when marketing tourism to Egypt for the success of these trips which reflects the state of security and stability in Egypt and attracts tourists special quality of the rich.
Walid Ibrahim, Director of running river cruises says: We chose floating hotels with special specifications for the success of such flights because it must be the ship prepared properly to receive tourists staying in the country for 10 nights connected, and must be staff familiar with the needs of tourists from the feeling that they safe journey interspersed Aswan with excellent services and there must be shipped leisure and entertainment facilities to ensure the success of such flights.
The expert tourist Ashraf Mokhtar that the continuation of these trips and success will have economic impacts on the Upper after the State has made intensive efforts during the last six months in raising the efficiency of anchors tourism these provinces, and were rehabilitated Marina Beni Suef and Marina, Marsa Nasser in Sohag and Marina in Assiut with the implementation of environmental requirements and security as these trips tourism product is important to achieve a return physically and nights tourist more.
The expert says tourism Salah Zafer The Marina Memnon tourist will see after tomorrow, “Thursday” to leave the ship “Nile Vaegni” The name means seeing the Nile and the 38 German tourists and a group of writers guides who specialize in first river cruise a long start from Aswan on its way to Cairo Herald for the start of sales of these trips will organize a ceremony at Marsa Memnon to receive tourists pioneers of this journey with flowers and folk groups and flutes municipal mobility channels across television screens Egypt Nile cruiseof the world the joy of Aswan this event, which means the safety of Egypt’s security and recovered movement Nile cruises, and confirms Brigadier Ezzat Abdel police chief of civil protection preparedness Police and civil protection to secure these trips between Aswan and Cairo and secure berths river against the dangers of fire and explosives.
Major General Bakri carpenter assistant minister and director of security Aswan says: Securing trips between Aswan and Luxor is not new, continuous, and the new is to secure these flights from Qena Governorate until Cairo through the provinces of Sohag, Assiut, Minya and Beni Suef is secure under the direct supervision Gen. Ahmed Gamal El Din, Minister of the Interior directly , and involving a system of leaders and police forces Tourism and subject Nile cruises long either in the direction of Aswan Cairo and vice versa to monitor and follow up the effective linking these cruise ships to the wireless network of the Ministry of the Interior and of these trips message to the outside world that Egypt and security fine and that the Egyptian police recovered.

Air route between Cairo and Taba

Sami Suleiman, head Investors Association Nuweiba and Taba in South Sinai he will organize four  Egypt luxury tours between Cairo and Taba each week to develop a line of flight between Cairo and Taba on global networks to promote tourism in southern Sinai from the first day of the Feast.

He added that the South Sinai Investors workers in the tourism activity supported this route agreement with Egypt Express Co. to boost tourism in southern Sinai.
He said the flights will be organized on Thursday and Sunday of each week and the ticket price as well to stay 3 nights and away breakfast 1250 pounds with the support of the taba owners of tourist facilities participating in southern Sinai.
And security conditions in South Sinai said Suleiman security in South Sinai 100% and is unaffected by the ongoing operations in northern Sinai, where chasing army and police elements that committed terrorist incident treacherous week to go in Rafah, killed 16 dead and four injured.
He explained that the agreement on the operation of this air route with the previous government and hoteliers in southern Sinai insisted on running after the accident Rafah.
For his part, the pilot said Helmi glaucoma, Chairman of Egypt Air for domestic routes and regional Express in a press statement that the operation of the Cairo was in accordance with the cooperation agreement that was signed recently between Egypt Air and the Tourism Ministry to restart the line Cairo – Taba system cost sharing in order to serve the men Business and restore travel, tourism and investment in Taba and Nuweiba, South Sinai.


Return of the long Nile cruises «Cairo Aswan» next Sunday

Mr. Hisham Zaazou, Minister of Tourism that  Egypt Nile cruises holidayslong «Cairo Aswan» will carried out on Sunday, August 19 this explaining that he will be invited ambassadors of many countries to participate in this event, pointing out that such flights of a special character and you can attract a large number of  Egypt luxury tours  who can enjoy the river trip may extend for two weeks.
On the other hand received yesterday Mr. Hisham Zazo and Minister of Tourism, both the Ambassador Huseyin Avni Bostaly Turkey’s ambassador to Egypt, Mr. Akef Kunar head of Turkish Airlines (for the Middle East and Cyprus) and Mr. Murad bash vice president of the company where they discussed the desire of the Turkish side to increase the energy carrier Turkish Airlines from Turkey to Egypt, especially to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.Egypt
The Minister of Tourism initiated the meeting by emphasizing the distinguished relations linking Egypt and Turkey and the desire of the Egyptian side to further tourism cooperation with the Turkish side.
For his part, the Turkish ambassador that the Egyptian and Turkish relations and the bonds of a dynamic relationship between the two peoples of Egypt and Turkey extends over many years where share many cultural and civilization links. The Ambassador pointed out that there is a large turnout of Turks to travel to Egypt, the need to increase the energy tanker from Turkey to Egypt to meet this growing demand.
The Minister said tourism to Egypt’s tourism depends mainly on aviation more than any means of transmission other, which underlines the fact that tourism played in cooperation with the aviation referring to the existing cooperation with the Ministry of Aviation and the Minister of Civil Aviation gives priority to the demands of tourism in terms of adoption of the tourism and aviation each other, mainly pointing out that there is already a joint committee between the ministries of Tourism and Aviation is working on the continuous activation of the aspects of cooperation between the two sectors.
He also pointed Zaazou that can be activated further cooperation between the Egyptian and Turkish through promotions common in order to attract more tourists from tourist markets remote (such as the United States and Australia) for both countries as well as the establishment of joint activities in exhibitions and international exchanges tourism that would promote tourism of the two countries.
As the Minister of Tourism, to his last meeting with the Minister of Interior Brigade Ahmed Gamal El Din, who was to emphasize that which will be dealt firmly with all aspects of security chaos and will take all measures to ensure that achieve this.
During the meeting, Minister of Tourism at the meeting the importance of preparations for Egypt the Ministry of Interior in relation to securing tourist areas and the tourist inflow to the success of the season winter tourism next-boot to resume promotion of the outside of the Egyptian tourist destinations, as the two ministers agreed on the need to deal very seriously and in accordance with the law with regard to banditry and all manifestations of chaos security, which adversely affect the tourist influx.
It was agreed that the meeting would be held after Eid al-Fitr holiday will be able to discuss all details with the security leaders and activate all aspects of cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Interior in order to start safely in the promotion of Egypt.

Marketing methods in Egypt

We talk about Egypt luxury tours  marketing … Thought and science and art… I often say and write on this page, we often are far from new ideas in marketing and is still ruled by traditional thinking and remember that we are on this page on visit of U.S. President Obama to Egypt… We said that this visit, they can be an opportunity to increase the promotion and marketing of  Egypt spiritual tours, Egypt meditation holidays

..But we always wasting opportunities.. And talking after the birth… But be prepared to seize opportunities… That is far away thinking about.

I have explained before that the promotion and marketing… Something else. For example, media attention all over the world visit was great too… But more importantly for tourism marketing of the visit or tour of Obama or what is called in English the Obama Tour. And Egyptconverted to tourist programs and specific rates are limited.

Just photos of the visit and the media attention it it kind of promotion and building a positive image of Egypt and its implications and its tourism sector… but it was most important for the specialists is marketing the sense that it should have been there from thinking or even draw tourism companies of the need to turn photos or places visited by Obama to any specific programs are marketed and sold because it was expected to demand much in the tradition of this round the world or its implementation and this is what we call it ..

I was surprised stresses including these words from Dr. Zahi Hawass, who asked him many international figures in the implementation of their desire for a round of Obama Tours the same itinerary of any trip or tour of Obama.

Therefore surprised that Dr. Hawass in the Egyptian tourism companies have not announced such a program, which guarantees the sale price turned out in large and global.

Perhaps what is published in Egyptian newspapers yesterday on the visit of U.S. General of Antiquities of Egypt and request the same itinerary tour of Obama confirms that… and emphasizes the difference between promotion and marketing, is that Antoni to miss the opportunities and do not know anything about marketing as an ideology and as a science and an art and new ideas.

We have read a lot of ideas have been implemented since the beginning of the global financial crisis in Dubai, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Britain, such as free tickets to Egypt visit the States, such as activation of domestic tourism campaigns, incentives and offers new and unconventional…

But when we stopped thinking of ideas to stimulate the old traditional charter and joint campaigns, despite the reservations of some of them… Most of this is that the sector does not know about marketing only burn down prices or prices and does not know anything about fair competition and quality in services.

Did not provide one of those responsible for marketing and activation of the Egyptian tourism a new idea or a new program…

Read the report with me, published by The New York Times, United States 10 days ago about the new ideas in marketing should learn from it .. The report says:

Last year, tourism companies struggled to cope with things that were affecting the tourists concerned, such as increased gasoline prices, which led to increase the price of airline tickets.

But those days ago, so beautiful The report of the New York Times a few days ago, deterioration in the global economy since the end of last year made it difficult to travel on tourism from the ground up and not complaining of high prices.

As a result of this take-off on the part of tourists to travel, the airlines, hotels, resorts and other tourism facilities intensify its attempts to lure tourists to travel again.

Says Tony Kortezas vice president of marketing for a well-known hotels in the city of Miami, it is very difficult now to convince tourists change their behavior of refusing to travel in light of the current economic situation.

The hotel started this group a huge propaganda campaign to win over the tourists not only in Miami but to travel to branches in the city of Cancun, Mexico known as the most important tourist city there.

In the campaign group presented a very significant reductions to stay in its hotels, but the group find it difficult given the economic crisis and also because of the emergence of swine influenza virus in Mexico, which led to an unprecedented decline in travel to Mexico.

And other means devised by the Department of Tourism in Islands Kimat a group of islands located in the western Caribbean and keep track of the British crown, to activate its tourism and the means is a movie duration of 90 minutes was filmed there and offers to Egyptthe tourist information illustrated on the islands and is shown the film in the cities of Miami and New York and Tampa, Florida of the United States.

Has been selected these cities because Kimat Airways flies directly from there.

Has other countries such as Panama, for example by using YouTube to make propaganda for the places of tourist and persuade tourists to travel to it after the significant decline as a result of the economic crisis and of course there are financial temptations and opportunities to win prizes and other means of propaganda.

Most of the campaigns, tourism aimed mainly American tourists are therefore directed to U.S. cities and specific message that you say these campaigns that the tourist trip at this stage that have a low number of tourists would be tempting, where will the services and attention and substantial reductions of up to half the price in 2008 almost.

And tourism companies and resorts as well as governments in the use of modern technology of the Internet to YouTube and other to convey their message to potential tourists, urging them to take advantage of this temptation, reductions and Tourism to make a trip now.

Actually the modern tourism marketing in the world right now… The thought and science, art and innovation and new ideas… But we here in Egypt has stopped us at the time many years ago..!