Future made by dreams

Actually The future is not made up only of ideas and dreams.

Made by future projects and visions.
No society can rise only to work and serious dedication.
The infirm and the enemies of success must refrain.
No place for lazy and Khamly thought and vision and dreams.
I want to say that the progress and development and development begins with an idea. Begins with the dream turns to the ideas grow and thrive and create a brighter future.
Why do I say that?!
Because I traveled last week to Luxor those wonderful Eternal City «good old» capital of the glory of Egypt and the great Pharaonic empire to attend the start of the idea can grow and thrive and are well stated in the return of a tourist city of Luxor is referred to as stigmatized on the world tourism map.
The idea that turned into a festival, is Luxor International Festival of African Cinema, who participated in a wide range of African countries and the stars of the film industry in Egypt and Africa.
If the festival, his goal as the ambassador said Dr. Ezzat Saad, Governor of Luxor is to take care of Egypt to establish relations and political ties, cultural and economic ties with African countries that are often forgotten in previous years, it is at the same time also seemed intended to tourism, and begin to Luxor in the organization’s agenda or cultural events and artistic and athletic Egyptian and international through which you can find a distinct place for itself on the tourist map or increase tourism to or for the time being to help in the return of tourism to Luxor.
Who does not doubt that tourism in Luxor affected negatively and strongly after the revolution of January 25, but that most of this revolution that followed the events, demonstrations and protests, factional and the accompanying stop major projects has been a dream for a better future for the shorter. May impact more on the city of Luxor and the lives of people in it.Egypt.travel
Here we say that the work should be back and strongly in all the projects that have stopped, no one can deny that the previous years before the revolution of January 25 was the Luxor is witnessing great ideas and projects were a dream, such as through the rams and the New Corniche and others.
But every such projects, which accounted for a surge in people’s lives, Luxor, led by Dr. Samir Farag, the former governor has seen her excellence and everyone on it is the way to be a tourist city of Luxor global or universal museum is open.
Despite the difficult situation now, what I saw and heard from the Governor Dr. Ezzat Saad! Confirms that he is convinced the need to continue working even though the difficult financial circumstances to be spent on these projects and is convinced that the Luxor and Egypt all have to stop the lawlessness, protests and freelance people to work, construction and project implementation.
Agreed with the governor also there is no way for the return of tourism to Egypt, Luxor, but the return of stability and security and attempts in this direction must not ever stop.
In any case, keep the ideas and dreams are the fuel of the future of progress and development and that if the attempts to impose stability and work had started the idea of ​​the African Film Festival, there are other ideas that should show up for life in various fields.
A large part of marketing Luxor tourist attraction in the next phase will depend on the industry «Event» It is one of the ideas important in the science of modern marketing, we have to strive in making sporting events, cultural and artistic contribute to your position on the map of tourism, travel, and global interest, including its progress.
There is no objection to organize festivals or sporting events, and must be changed tourism marketing thought for a shorter or cultural tourism in Egypt in general. To be an international advertising campaigns for Luxor and Aswan and Nile cruises, it is necessary to meet the experts and think and decide.
We must not give in to that cultural tourism in the whole world has fallen to 15% or even 20% if it had happened should not back down in Egypt so much. That we should make a greater effort in the marketing of this unique tourism product in Luxor and Aswan.
I went to Luxor and back of them and I am more convinced that he is not for us but the stability and security, this is the first address for the return of tourism, and then come other titles of the work and creative ideas, projects and big dreams that will make the future brighter is not the shortest only. But for all of Egypt.
As I said stability and ideas and dreams are the fuel of the future.
It has this fuel?
It is the people of Egypt who made the greatest revolution in history, popular and has to be completed this revolution does not Balanflat security and demonstrations, but to work, stability, and dreams that make the future which we all aspire to Egypt. Achieve the future goals of the revolution «live and dignity, freedom and social justice, economic development and political» goal of the Egyptian citizen. No one else.
Are we capable of making a new future?
I say it with confidence. Yes, we are able. Nile cruises