World Tourism Organization: Egypt into the club (20) adults for the first time

This harvest of international tourism in 2010, proclaimed by the World Tourism Organization a few days ago, this unique report published pages of Travel & Tourism..

Usual annual harvest in the dissemination of international tourism numbers so we know where we are from the tourist traffic in the world! And the beginning say that at a time when the tourism industry in Egypt, a severe crisis after the events of January 25 revolution … And witnessed by the lack of tourists visit Egypt, the most recent report issued by the World Tourism Organization gives Egypt hope once again that it will exceed the speed of this crisis and back again to achieve high rates of growth in this vital sector and will flow with tourists from around the world again.
Al-Ahram report, obtained a copy of it and publish pages unique to tourism and travel.. The most important thing contained therein confirms that the tourism industry in the world and in the Middle East and Egypt in particular was able last year to regain momentum in 2010 and returned to growth more strongly than everyone was expecting, following the financial crisis that hit the world in 2008 and 2009, but the growth rate exceeded peak times and make the number of tourists who visited the world in 2010 up to 935 million tourists, up 6.7 from 2009.
The peak year in the tourism industry is the 2008, as the number of tourists to 923 million before the global financial crisis broke out at the end of affect in 2009.
As experts say, the index of growth in the tourism industry will remain bullish despite all the obstacles.
For Egypt’s position report said that Egypt was in the center of the (18) in the list of major countries reception for tourists in the world in 2010, and thus interference Club of 20 countries, adult tourists in the world for the first time, and was in recent years between the two centers 20 and 25 in the revenue Egypt was at the center the 22, but in spending on tourism Egyptians came in the center of the 48 globally.
And return to the report, which is called the barometer report.. A report prepared by a group of key experts and professionals in the tourism world and composed of 340 members working for the benefit of the World Tourism Organization, which issued in this report on the status of tourism and travel in the world.  more info click here:  last minute Egypt
The report at hand deals with the situation of tourism in 2010 and offers a full forecast for the current year for tourism.
According to the report, more than 100 countries in the world sent the results of the tourist traffic in 2010, and among this list of countries, the only 16 countries, indicated that they had negative results.. The 84 countries: The tourism sector has achieved high growth rates, and of course there are countries did not send information about tourism in full, so some of the statistics contained in the attached tables is incomplete for this reason.
Based on the information received by the World Tourism Organization, the growth in tourism increased by 6.7%, bringing the number to 935 million tourists, up to 59 million in 2009, an increase of 23 million on 2008.
Experts here is that the World Tourism Organization, the Middle East gave the largest proportion of confidence in the growth of the fastest and highest in the world, where the number of points obtained by the confidence region in 2010 is about 170 points, which is the highest among the regions of the world.
It is certain that after the events and revolutions in the Middle East will bring experts now consider the question of the highest growth of tourism in the region during 2011
As for the year 2010 was the Middle East is the highest growth, where the rate was 14% and came this extraordinary growth after a sharp decline in growth rate in 2009, where growth was negative, and the growth rate was 6% for the continent of Africa, and if the report of the barometer for the year 2010 has focused on the areas The continents of the world, but he did not lose sight of talk about a number of countries that represent fundamental importance in its region or continent.
For example.. The report when discussing the development of tourism in the Middle East, stopping at Egypt, pointing out that it has achieved growth of tourism amounted to 18% in 2010.
He pointed out that Egypt is continuing to focus attention on European tourists, has achieved great success in this area.
The report pointed out that the results achieved by Egypt during the last four months of 2010 are very encouraging since they build on what has been achieved in 2009, but the tour operators have noticed some decline in demand due to the increase of fees to fly in Britain and Germany.
The report pointed out that the growth in tourism has also increased in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and Qatar as a result of increased international flights from many of the events and activities organized.
For revenues from tourism, the report of the barometer pointed out that it certainly has increased the revenues in 2009, which amounted to 852 billion dollars with the increasing number of tourists.
The report showed that revenues increased in many countries, including, for example, Singapore 41% Hong Kong 40%, Argentina 28%, Taiwan 27% and India 18%, Egypt 16%, Thailand 16%, China 15%, Indonesia 13% Brazil 12%.
The spending on tourism in 2010, the report pointed out that Russia has increased spending by 26% after the decline of 13% in 2009, as China has increased spending by 17% as well as increased spending Japanese, and there are other countries has increased is the other spending such as Saudi Arabia 28%, South Korea 17%, Hong Kong 12 % and Taiwan 20% and Malaysia 11% Indonesia 15% and Turkey 16%, Argentina 14% and 15% of South Africa, Ukraine and the Philippines 12% 35%
Tourism prospects for 2011
After a year of high growth of tourism, the experts the World Tourism Organization expected continuation of this growth, albeit less frequently during the current year, and if growth in 2010 amounted to about 7%, experts believe that the growth rate in 2011 the whole would be between 4 and 5%, ie slightly higher than the Average long-term growth of tourism in the world.
As for revenues, they are undoubtedly affected by the financial crisis, which is lower in the growth rate of the growth rate of tourists.. This means that the number of tourists has increased by more than increase revenue.
In the Middle East, the experts predicted that the estimated growth rate in 2011 between 7 and 10%, and because these expectations were based on information that has been analyzed over the past year, the experts noted in the report that these expectations were before the outbreak of revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East since the beginning of the year current, which was so far the results step down, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and before him escape Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
The report said: What was accompanied these revolutions, whether in Egypt or Tunisia or what is going on now in Libya and other countries in the Middle East .. Such as Yemen and Syria will have a profound impact on the demand for tourism for many countries in the region and not only those countries directly affected by the events, so these expectations for growth in tourism in the Middle East and North Africa will be adjusted with the latest developments. more info click here:  Egypt Tours


Celebration of World Tourism Day in Egypt for the first time.. Aswan look beautiful.. And receives the leaders of the World Tourism

Next Tuesday, a day that celebrates the world in which all the so-called World Tourism Day, the day it was founded World Tourism Organization, a United Nations organization.
And annually choose the organization one of the world’s cities to organize the celebration of the official World Tourism Day, attended by Secretary-General of the Organization and leaders of the tourism and aviation in the world at the invitation of the organization as a reminder of the importance of tourism in the lives of men and nations and their role in supporting States as an industry major and as an activity and continue humanitarian them.
The competing countries in the world to embrace this celebration every year.. This year, specifically on the day next Tuesday, the organization decided to celebrate this day in Egypt, in recognition of the Revolution of January 25 and caused a major impact in the world and reflects the aspirations of the peoples to freedom and democracy, peace and prosperity are the objectives of international tourism in general. more info click here:  Egypt holidays

The organization is also important to choose a slogan celebrating a year in which all the countries of the world organization of seminars and competitions for the definition of the importance of tourism and celebrates each country in its own way under the logo .. , Other than the official ceremony of the organization and who chose the organization under the leadership of Dr. Taleb Rifai, Jordanian Secretary-General of the Organization in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, led by the minister Munir Fakhri Abdel-Nour to be this year in Egypt, specifically in the city of Aswan, because the theme of this year’s tourism .. Connecting Cultures is the theme fit well with Egypt, says the organization that provides a great model to examine and discuss this theme, as the land of civilizations, Egypt has seen a variety of cultures in the territory over thousands of years .. There is no doubt that the choice of the city of Aswan is another example of this cultural heritage, humanitarian and cultural history and civilization of Egypt, so it was selected right especially as the date of the celebration commensurate with a significant event witnessed by the city of Aswan, a re-opening of the Hotel Cataract Aswan, which is operated by Accor French under the name Sofitel, after the project development and renovation of the historic experienced hotel which was closed because of him for about two years to return to the latest world-class development and services and the latest technologies and levels of global technology while maintaining the character of the historic, says Ali Abdul Aziz, President of the Holding Company for Tourism and Hotels, cinema, Nabil Salim Chairman EGOTH owner of this hotel, which is a hotel in Egypt’s ancient historical and wonderful, which was built on the architectural style Victorian in 1899 on the Nile above the rocks of red granite wonderful in Aswan for the aged are now more than a century, specifically (112 years) almost hosted during which a lot of celebrities, kings, presidents and stars of the world.

I go back to the celebration of World Tourism Day in Aswan and say that the ancient city, led by Major General Mustafa esteemed governor, Mr. beautify herself now to receive this global event and is looking forward because the event gives them the impetus to restore its glory and its location on the tourist map of Egyptian and international tourism.
And will include a ceremony, which will be attended by some 100 international personality and Egyptian leaders of the tourism and aviation, including 30 international figure at the invitation of the World Tourism Organization. Also attended by Egypt’s Minister of Culture Emad Abu Ghazi and Civil Aviation Lofty Mustafa, a number of foreign ambassadors in Cairo, as well as heads of international companies and experts from the UN Development and experts from UNESCO will participate in the workshop to be held on Tuesday, in cooperation with the channel C.NN U.S. television world and run by TV presenter known as Abita Mendriana The workshop will discuss the issues of tourism and cultural exchanges, tourism, media, tourism and sustainable tourism, environment, tourism, diplomatic and maximize the role of tourism in the interaction between tourists and the communities they visit so that the tourism strength for peace between peoples.
Is scheduled to begin celebrating World Tourism Day opening session held in Aswan Movenpick Hotels nine in the morning and talk, Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization and Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, Minister of Tourism.
The organization of the Ministry of Tourism gala dinner on Monday evening, the day before the ceremony on the island of Philae preceded by sound, light, and the World Tourism Organization has announced a competition in the photography on the theme of the celebration and will be distributed awards competition in Aswan will be a prize for the winner of any country in the world journey to Egypt to be borne by the Ministry of Tourism Egyptian.  published by:   Egypt deals


Great hope for tourism depends on the stability and security

This is a new dawn of freedom and democracy.. And great hope for tourism .. Today .. I can only express my pleasure at what happened in Egypt this week.. The Egyptians wrote a new line in the history of their struggle for freedom and democracy, but the motivation has surpassed all expectations, the parliamentary elections, and more owner of this demand, which was a surprise for all observers.. He was accompanied by a state of discipline and security.

Therefore I say very clearly that if continued to the case of parliamentary elections to end this way, this is the strongest what we can offer for the return of the Egyptian tourism or the sense of stronger what we can offer support to the Egyptian economy and the little reader to the pages of Travel & Tourism I wrote on this page in one of my from the London Stock Exchange on Thursday before last, an article titled tourism policy before sometimes, and in the explanation of this address I said in another address that all foreign tourism companies in the face of increased tourism in Egypt men say after the election slogan reach an understanding.
And I said that this logo was given to foreigners when the Egyptians are trying to contract with them to the delegations of Egypt’s new tourism in the coming months, due to fear of foreigners from the security situation in Egypt, which was accompanied expect for the elections of loose security.
But thanks to God, the Egyptians had a strong response on Monday and Tuesday of this week when he insisted on the success of their experience in democratic transition and the emphasis on the success of the parliamentary elections, which means desire in the stability of Egypt and the imposition of safety and security on the boundaries.
What is quoted by the media and satellite channels this week is greater support and stronger marketing of Egyptian tourism, but is the biggest motivation for the return of tourism to Egypt as tourists will feel definitely that we want stability and because tourism, which not only grow with stability on its way to Egypt.
The picture is completed necessarily in the interest of the Egyptian tourism through the success of the elections and sounds reasonable that respect the tourism and respect the rights and interfaith is estimated that tourism in the end is a supplier of important economic state pumps in the arteries of billions of dollars (12.5 billion dollars last year), as well as billions of dollars the other in the form of expenses, directly and indirectly, in the manufacture of other complementary to tourism, and most of all is to provide employment opportunities for millions of Egyptian youth seeking a better life.
The emphasis on the success of the Egyptian elections in the following stages is the stress the people’s desire for democracy, stability and economic growth and the return of tourism.
If the happiness and pride fill the all Egyptians in this new history that they write for democracy, freedom, and we are certainly, we are on the other side as specialists or interested in tourism should not be happy and stop at joy, but that we have an important role must start from the day and led by the Ministry of Tourism The Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism in the various markets and international tourism fairs, but it is now in various international media.
We have entered  Egypt holidays  since the revolution of January 25 crisis or a big drop in numbers and it was because of what appeared in the media and satellite channels about what is happening in the field of editing, what happens from sectarian protests in various parts of Egypt, and that was a cause of fear the former .. Not surprisingly, and we must start now in a campaign to improve the image, the image of Egypt’s youth which caused this revolution. It ought tapped as the first popular revolution in the modern era with such positive momentum, and on the ministry of tourism, specifically dealing with the international media concepts are correct, the concepts agreed upon by all experts, media and advertising, taking into account also that the private sector have to start the implementation of the methods in marketing and promotion, In addition to the efforts of the State.
I remember that I wrote on this page in recent weeks about marketing in light of the crisis and how to manage the crisis more than once, the day the last Thursday was the title of our article on new methods of marketing in light of the crisis, and we have many examples in Europe and America put how to think in marketing in the light of the economic crises and political unrest in the world, did not reduce prices only is the only method, but new ideas and unique services that will attract tourists, and I pointed out that one of the reports in the London Stock Exchange was talking about Egypt and Tunisia in particular, or the so-called revolutions Arab spring, and said that the marketing process Tourism to Egypt must be the exploitation of the revolution that occurred in Egypt and the heroes of young people in the expression of this wonderful democratic experiment.
Was also there’s another article for us on October 13 last address of the directory in the management of the crisis and which we explained the rules developed by the experts the World Tourism Organization to get out of this crisis through the development of media strategies to exit from the crisis depends on the establishment of official bodies such as the Ministry of Tourism here in our case, choosing speakers, good deal with the international media and information is presented to them and to be honest information about the state of tourism in Egypt, for providing excellent services, with emphasis on the state of stability and security, and the emphasis on image-building of the new through the promotion of all that would restore the tourist activity in the next phase, such as new projects and services, call the great writers of the press in the world tourism, as well as tourist and business owners to communicate with them.
I do not want to pre-empt the events, but the pleasure of what happened this week from the success of the first stage of the parliamentary elections Egyptian makes me have feel of pride and that we are moving in the right way to restore the tourism and economic growth and the slogan raised by companies, foreign tourism in the face of the Egyptians was after the elections reach an understanding can respond to it strongly now and tell them we are ready to really understanding.
We are involved and are bent on the stability and security.. We welcome tourists and tourism.. We are a nation and the people of an ancient civilization have a long rooted in the depths of history. We respect all people and all religions and tourism only continues to bridge humanitarian, cultural and friendship and peace.  published by:  Egypt tours

Egypt holidays

Save Dahab

This critical report broadcast on TV  Reuters World and We publish a call from which wake-up call to save the area and the sea water and the city of Dahab in South Sinai tourism from collapse
And pollution after it was cleaner and the finest tourist resorts on the shores of Egypt, the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea ..

The report pointed out that the garbage domestic and trade are the scourge of the coast of Dahab, while the clean-up operations the ordinary Do not do much to stop the increasing piles of garbage that throw from the cottages, restaurants and hotels adjacent to the beach and those that rake the sea from ships and boats and coastal cities around the Gulf of Aqaba. He added that most of the garbage Ataathll completely, especially plastic ones, which makes them toxic to marine life.
The report noted in this connection to currently reside environmental projects to draw a map to save marine life. And follow through the impact of tourism and fishing on the various issues, such as the abundance and size of fish in the Gulf, which is located by the resort of Dahab.
The project aims to develop a database of scientific trustworthy private marine life so that he could assault marine scientists to develop strategies in the long term to maintain the local marine environment.
Lena says Milton station manager of the center of Dahab Red Sea environmental decline in the status of coral reefs in the Gulf, located by the city of Dahab and clearly visible, and that tourism is responsible and one of the basic problems. She said Nina Milton Reuters Television that there is a change in coral cover .. Hard coral cover in the sea, especially in shallow areas where there are many divers and swimmers who trample the surface of coral reefs .. There is no mention about coral cover in some of the surfaces of the coral reefs here .. So this big reason for the destruction of
The center is the Red Sea environmental cleanup operations under the water and on the coast and educational projects in collaboration with schools and local businesses and tourists to increase environmental awareness.
Said Nina Milton: The main problem is that many tourists do not know how to behave on coral reefs, and I imagine it would be useful if the shares Marshals diving and guides the use of CDs, breathing in the education of divers and swimmers and divers more on the environmental awareness and includes a list of volunteers involved in the project ecologists, researchers, in addition to divers interested in preserving the world of the deep sea.

Will send data collected by divers in the Red Sea Environmental Centre in a survey of the marine environment to the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency. Said Nina Milton for TV Reuters too: we will send to the Environmental Affairs Agency, so they will use this data, but what we want to do also is to develop a management for everyone to know exactly how to act and what is happening in the Gulf and what the quality of marine organisms that we have a settlement here and what is important and not important, and that in order to have a sustainable tourism.
Reuters described the center as the environmental sea is a joint project with the Mary Mundie any U registered in Austria and other organization registered in Germany. Participated in the recent group of students from the Universities of Bonn and Zurich Center project in the Red Sea on the Gulf of environmental reality it resort of Dahab.
Finished the report and we say: Do you move the Ministry of Environment? Do you move the Ministry of Tourism? .. Will move South Sinai? .. Is it moving all the hardware and all the officials in Egypt?

published by:   Egypt holidays

In the celebration of World Tourism Day in Aswan: Message to the world!

This global event on the land .. the land of Egypt Aswan good. Has seen the city of Aswan on Tuesday, the official ceremony of the World Tourism Organization World Tourism Day 27 September each year .. The theme of this year tourism .. Connecting Cultures.

The celebration was attended by Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization and the elite group of leaders of tourism in the world, led by Minister of Tourism and Culture in Greece and Minister of Tourism in Indonesia, Tunisia and the CEO of Tommy German, the largest tourism company in the world, as well as there was, of course, Munir Fakhri Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism in Egypt, Abu Imad al-Din Ghazi, the minister of culture and a large number of leaders and those involved in the responsibility of the Egyptian tourism and media professionals from Egypt and the world as well as foreign ambassadors in Cairo.
Although the establishment of these delegations Hotel Cataract Aswan to celebrate restart it after developing the figures Conference held Hotel Movenpick Aswan middle of the Nile, were also set up a seminar in the same hotel for tourism and Connecting Cultures At the end of the day holding a press conference in which he talked secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization and minister of tourism in Egypt and Greece.
The celebration of World Tourism Day began with a speech by Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization to various countries around the world in which he stressed that the celebration of World Tourism Day under the slogan (tourism .. Connecting Cultures) is an expression of the role of tourism in overcoming the barriers between cultures and to advocate respect for cultures and promote dialogue and tolerance, understanding and mutual respect in our world who suffer division and that these values advocated by the tourism is the basis for the future of a world of greater peace.

The Aswan, Egypt offers a model for this cultural communication, cultural and tourism between the countries of the world and to celebrate the official organization in Egypt comes in recognition of the Egyptian revolution of Jan. 25.
He added Rifai that the peoples of the world now has the desire to visit Egypt after the revolution that changed a lot in the concept of visiting Egypt and tourists now looks forward to visiting Egypt and attention to the people of Egypt and to identify the youth of Egypt, who made this revolution to the world and wants to know on everything in Egypt. for more info click here:   Egypt deals

He said that the World Tourism Organization stands beside the Egyptian tourism stands beside the spring of Arab revolutions in general for the benefit of tourism and peoples.
The secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization to be crossing the 940 million people of the international border last year, is the largest indication that tourism has become a global phenomenon that contributes to support the economies of the countries and it has achieved more than a trillion dollars last year and that tourism in Egypt exceeded their income entered the Suez Canal, which represents an addition large for the Egyptian economy.
He also stressed Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism in his speech at the ceremony that this global celebration of the Aswan carries more than one meaning and a message .. Tourism has become one of the most important components of economic nationalism and contribute to job creation and community development and tourism as well as of the most important ways of rapprochement of cultures, peoples and strengthen tolerance and respect and world peace.
The Minister of Tourism of Greece in a press conference in Aswan who participated speak it with the secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization and the Minister of Tourism in Egypt, that Greece is looking forward to cooperation with Egypt in the field of tourism, not only that, but there are programs for joint cooperation and called for the Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Greece and Egypt and others to cooperate in the organization of joint programs to attract more tourists from far-flung countries such as America, China, Australia, and said that it was unreasonable to come tourists from China to visit the one after that cut all of these spaces, so it is useful cooperation between these countries in joint programs in order to be tourist-term visit a range of countries achieved yield and benefit of all.  published by:   Egypt shore excursions


Cultural tourism in Egypt

the cultural  Tourism and archaeological sites  are  the most important and oldest types of tourism in Egypt.

Egypt has many of the effects of the Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, museums, has created cultural tourism since the discovery of ancient Egyptian monuments decoding hieroglyphs, and even now does not break missions effects, travelers, tourists and authors of books, tourism to Egypt has published hundreds of books in different languages ​​and was a means to attract tourists from all over the world to see Egypt and its effects and the ancient civilizations through the national museums and archaeological and artistic
The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Cairo and Giza:
The Pyramids: The three pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world as it is considered a unique architectural achievement
Sakkara: set up the first stone structure in the world is on the Saqqara pyramid built by King Zoser in 2816 BC.


Area of ​​Dahshur: of the most important archeological sites in Egypt, which includes the most important archaeological treasures, and most important of these pyramids, Bent Pyramid, known as the Pyramid yellow pyramid curve of King Sneferu, the Black Pyramid of King Amenemhat III, and pyramid King Senusret III has begun this region in the global tourism after the reception prepared for that. more info click here: Egypt holidays
The most important archeological tourism in Alexandria:
Catacomb of kom el shokafa : graves is the largest Romanian general found in Alexandria is located on the border of West Alexandria cowardly old and due to the second century AD.

The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Luxor:

Luxor: the most important cities in the southern third level, which includes the effects of the world and was known in the old state in 270-280 BC. M and was famous in the Middle Kingdom when the foundations laid and the temple of Karnak was the capital of the modern state and is known by several names (and AST) good and Luxor and Luxor is a civilian serves as a museum open to the effects of ancient Egyptian and most important features:

Karnak Temple: It is a wonderful complex of beautiful temples, which is unparalleled and includes Karnak temples of goddess gods Amon and his wife’s death and her son, the god Khonsu, the moon god.
Luxor Temple: was opened after the restoration project complete it, and is the lobby of Amenhotep III the most beautiful courtyard exists between the Egyptian temples, where surrounded lobby 64 columns and hall of columns by 32 columns and has been called the yard the sun because it was open to the sky and the courtyard was surrounded by corridors roofed afford these columns .

Temple of Habu: The inauguration of a substantial addition on the tourist map because of its importance massive in terms of technical, aesthetic, and is the largest building to the King of Egyptian stayed intact so far and called Karnak, the western view of the magnitude which is a large temples remaining mainland western Luxor, which includes temples of great importance historical and archaeological sites, one of the largest funerary temples devoted to the commemoration of the pharaohs in the modern state, has been set up by King Ramses III on the left of the beach south of Thebes.

Valley of the Kings: It includes a huge number of tombs, including Tutankhamun’s tomb and its contents, which transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the most important archaeological cemetery tombs of Ramses I, Ramses III and Horemheb and Tuthmosis III.

Valley of the Queens: it comprises a significant number of tombs of the Queens of the most important tomb of Nefertari, Queen Tiye.

Deir el-Medina: and include the city workers who had built the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and is packed with graves.

Mummification Museum in Luxor: is the first of its kind in the world, comprising 150 pieces between the mummies and coffins and embalming tools.

The most important archeological sites in Aswan tourist:

Aswan City: The city of Aswan, the most beautiful winter resorts of the world and includes several historic monuments, namely: the temples of Abu Simbel temples which are built by Ramses II months Pharaohs Egypt between 1223 BC 1290 AD. The two most important temples of Nubia The two temples of architectural wonders have been completely carved inside the mountain, namely:

Temple of Abu Simbel: It was dedicated to the worship of the god Ra Poplar Acht the God of the Rising Sun. published by:  Egypt shore excursions

Abu simbel


The most luxurious and most expensive 10 hotels in the world

In a referendum on the Internet chose a selection of those interested in tourism, hotels, ten hotels from around the world to be on the list of the most luxurious and most expensive hotels in the world. Came on top of the list Hotels in Las Vegas, U.S. (Palace MGM) .. and starred Hotels in this list of the islands of Seychelles, located east of the African continent,

While the list did not include Arab countries only the famous Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai .. The list was as follows:
1 Hotel or Palace. LG. Or. Grand, is located in the city of Las Vegas, United States, and the price of accommodation in which $ 500 per night, which is based luxury designer European-style old and has many features and means of well-being absolute, and most important of which that hotel guests are Asagbalhm at the airport in the city and connect them to the hotel a Rolls Royce !
2 North Island Resort: is located in the Seychelles Islands, and the price of the house for $ 3500 per night, and interesting in this place that all the construction which has been manually by Island North Island residents themselves!
3 resort Vrigat frigate: There on the island of Vrigat Islands, Seychelles, and the price per night $ 2500, and is characterized by this place that is owned by a private businessman German rich Aotohabil, and the strangest Mava this place that room hotel resort containing two toilets, one at home and other outdoor !!
4 resort Tueni me: is located in the area Bartalmi Indies French, and the price of the house in 2090 dollars, per night, this resort features a chalet that each contains its own pool and a satellite phone and two satellite TV online.  more info click here:   Egypt shore excursions

5 resort and protected Sengjit C: This resort is in South Africa and the price of one-night stay at $ 2200, and over what distinguishes it is located in the heart of the bush.
6 Resort and Akkaya dogs: It is also in the Fiji Islands, and the price of house $ 1900 per night, but the minimum days to stay in this fascinating place five days what distinguishes it is located in the heart of the bush.
7 Tortoise Island Resort Turtle Island: Located in the charming island of the Fiji Islands in the Caribbean, and the price of one-night stay in a 1832 dollars, and more Maemezh that each chalet overlooking the hotel directly on the sea, and contains its own swimming pool.
8 hotels and Resort Huka the Edge: Situated in an area Tobubniozhelanda price of $ 1780 a night, and there are waterfalls and wildlife.
9 Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai: The price of the residence of $ 1233 per night, a hotel built on the island of the Gulf, which is built in the form of a giant sail of a ship.
10 Resort Hotel Palm Island, Little Florida beaches in the United States, and the price of hotel accommodation in 1145 dollars per night, and the highlight of this hotel that it is totally forbidden and the presence of clocks, telephones, televisions, and the goal is to provide customers the full calm!   published by:  Egypt holidays

Egypt Guest of honor at the ITB Berlin 2102 There is no Islamic state placed restrictions on tourism

After efforts continued for about two years succeeded Egyptian Ministry of Tourism in the signing of a contract with the ITB Berlin summit exchanges of tourism in the world to be Egypt’s main partner the guest of honor at the ITB Berlin 2012 in order to achieve Egypt’s significant benefits in the marketing of Egypt tourism in Germany, especially after the drop in demand for tourism to Egypt After the revolution of Jan. 25.
The contract signing ceremony in a large region of the pyramids and witnessed by a group of men and leaders of tourism in Egypt, Germany, represented in the management of ITB Berlin. The celebration was attended by Mahmoud Issa, Minister of Industry, Engineer Hussein Massoud and Civil Aviation Minister, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, Minister of Antiquities and Ali Abdul Rahman Governor of Giza and a large number of leaders of tourism and the media.
Which is no doubt that the contract with the ITB Berlin is the addition of a success of the promotion and marketing of Egyptian tourism in Germany that market very important at the level of international tourism, where the Germans are world champions in tourism is most important more people travel and tourism spending on tourism and has been such a market occupies first place in the export of tourism to Egypt for many years, and currently in third place 1.2 million tourists last year after Russia and England.
Munir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, Minister of Tourism in Ctfaqal that tourism is one of the pillars of the national economy through the provision of jobs and hard currency and in its contribution to the gross domestic product in general (12%).
He said that Egypt’s transition from dictatorship to democracy, we face some problems but everything away from Tahrir Square is not a problem for tourism and that the media is exaggerating events.
The Minister of Tourism that any government of Egypt to come, whether from the Muslim Brotherhood or the Salafi will support the tourism sector particularly important for the national economy and said that there is no Islamic state placed restrictions on tourism there are Turkey (29 million tourists) and Malaysia (23 million tourists) and relies on tourism to tourism beaches in a very large and therefore the return of Egyptian tourism is optimistic power.
The head of the ITB Berlin Christiane Jukka that the German people sympathetic with the Egyptian people after the January Uprising and that Egypt could benefit from their participation in the ITB Berlin as the main sponsor significantly since this exchange involving more than 120 countries and 7 thousands of journalists and more than 600 thousand visitors and more than 100 ministers of tourism in the world All of this is in favor of publicity for Egyptian tourism. more info here:   Egypt shore excursions
He said President Bush Eugn consortium German tourist that Egypt is an important country and a tourist destination is very important for the German people and that tourism will return strongly with the return of security to what it was last year because of the big advantages of Egypt’s tourism.
Said Hossam Nassar, First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture that there is coordination with the Ministry of Tourism to offer models of culture and the arts in the Egyptian Stock Exchange Berlin’s contribution to the revitalization of German tourism to Egypt.

Egypt travel



Turkish tourism official: We hope the situation improves in Egypt as part of the journey to reach us

Routers agency reported in a report from Istanbul, Turkey became an important destination for tourists and Arab investors in the past few years emerged as a regional power in the Middle East under the leadership of the ruling Justice and Development Party, is Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Means a lot of Arabs Istanbul, the capital, the old empire for a wedding wedding, as can the Arabs who are fleeing from the heat of the scorching summer take advantage of the growing sector in Turkey serves the religious Muslims rich accommodation with swimming pools and areas of beach reserved for men and other women do not provide alcohol.
After the troubled Arab spring uprisings sweeping large parts of the Middle East and North African visitors, Turkey relies on the great coast overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and its heritage to attract more tourists.
He said Besran Ulusoy, chairman of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies Turkish media: Arab spring affect our revenues from tourism
Show data from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, the number of tourists visiting Turkey increased by 41.5% in the first five months of this year, compared to the period from January to May 2010.
Recently, Turkey has made great efforts to improve political and trade relations with its neighbors in the Middle East, but Arab spring disorders cost the Turkish business people billions of dollars in Libya and delayed infrastructure projects in neighboring Syria.
And exceeded the revenues from tourism Turkey $ 25 billion in 2010, and officials expect to achieve larger amounts in 2011, is expected to have income of more than 30 million tourists by the end of the year up from 82.6 million last year.
There are 28 airports in Turkey, 16 international airports, and is home to one of the fastest growing airlines in the continent of Europe in general, a Turkish Airlines, so it became a starting point for other destinations.
Ulusoy said: We want to improve the situation in Egypt and the Arab revolutions spring Jhbad
Escape to Turkey
Turkish tourism official: We hope the situation improves in Egypt as part of the journey Americans to our country
Regard soon, and settle down, because they represent a Turkey holiday with a two-step for American tourists.
Istanbul receives most tourists coming to Turkey, the largest city in Turkey, where the palaces and mosques that belong to the era of the Ottoman Empire, as well as markets, which has a centuries-old, followed by Antalya resort overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
Will we learn the lesson ..?
Moroccan immigrants are contributing to the recovery of tourism in their country
While still a large segment of Egyptian expatriates abroad fear go down to Egypt to spend their summer vacations citing the situation of insecurity, and arguing that what they see scenes of horror that Folha private satellite channels Egyptian they see outside, and the perception of them that Egypt has become an arena of civil war, Immigrants made MREs example for a lesson in how to revitalize tourism and national economy in times of crisis, in spite of the Moroccan tourism to the same Atusband Matusbandh Egyptian tourism crises.
The report, told Reuters news agency from the city of Tangier, Morocco’s famous attractions that repatriation has become very easy for the thousands of immigrants coming to the Moroccan port of Tangier average of passengers this summer thanks to the initiative of the Moroccan government.
The report pointed out that the expected return of nearly two million Moroccan immigrant living mostly in Europe to their country of origin in this summer for their holidays and spend the holy month of Ramadan next with relatives and friends, and contribute to the recovery of the Moroccan economy, which depends in a large picture of it on tourism, just as it is the case in Egypt and Tunisia.
And contributes to Moroccans living abroad a vital contribution to the economy of the Kingdom of Morocco, remittances represent between 25 and 45% of the balances of the major banks, foreign currency, thus contributing a large share in the financing of the national economy.
The agency said that in an attempt to reduce the waiting time in ports of Morocco, the government launched a process called hello 2011, on the fifth of June, a process which includes increasing the number of security officers, passports, customs, and to facilitate the procedures for passengers arriving from abroad in large numbers to carry out this national task. more info please click here:    Egypt shore excursions

And get ready port of Tangier Mediterranean to receive 38 words a day on average less than 75 000 passengers and 500 cars.
I commend the Moroccans returning to spend the summer vacation on those responsible for port operations, said Moroccan return from Italy claims Ahmed MAM: I go back to Morocco in order to visit my family and I spend my vacation .. Thank God there are great facilities due to the experience of immigrants who defend the assistance to reach their homes.

Holidays in Egypt

The tourism Support the economy

It seems useful to recall from time to time the importance of tourism in supporting the national economy .. After a lot of talk about the negative impact of recent events such as demonstrations and sit-ins on the low tourist bookings to Egypt in the next phase.

the decline after the revolution of January 25 .. And that all these events led to the decline in international tourist traffic coming to Egypt and the impact on the national economy.
The reason for this of course is that tourism, not only grow in the presence of stability and security, and therefore their absence with the absence of tourism and thus also lose the national economy, an important tributary of the tributaries of the support of hard currency, and provide jobs for citizens.
From here say that it is useful to recall from time to time the economic importance of tourism and perhaps offer made by Dr. Ragab fair economic adviser in the Writers Association seminar tour a few days ago about the importance of tourism in the economy and to confirm that .. That is why we publish today on the pages of Travel summary of the numbers has to offer until the reader finds Mavidh Miakd and the importance of tourism to the economy and the importance that we all seek for the return flow of tourists to Egypt again ..
The figures indicate that tourism in Egypt is following in support of the national economy.
Indices College:
49.2% of services exports (exports of services in the first / second of exports)
20.0% of foreign exchange
11.3% directly and indirectly, of the gross domestic product
2% of the total implemented investments
7.8% of the investment in the services sector
25% of the total proceeds of taxes on services.
3.4% of the total proceeds of the sales tax (2.9%).
2.1% of the total proceeds of taxes on income (1.7%)
2.3% of the total proceeds of tax revenue (1.9%).
Egypt’s share of global tourism market, 2010:
The center 18 of the top 50 global tourist destination
Ranked first among the countries of the Middle East.
Ranked first among the countries of North Africa.
First place in the continent of Africa
22.7% of tourism revenues in the region of the Middle East
1.5% of global market share.
Employment in tourism:
The number of tourism directly employed about 1.4 million people in 6.8,2009% of total employment (1.5% wttc in 2011)
Paid workers is about 70% and the remainder are engaged on their own
97% of male employment.
Number of employees the services of accommodation and food and drink make up more than 40%
Remaining in the activities of different types of transport / goods and services Special / Tourism companies and travel agencies.
Total employment directly and indirectly more than 3 million people 12.6% of total employment.

Tourism is an activity, then:
Of the most important sources of foreign exchange generated by the tourism expenditure of income.
Provides new job opportunities.
Tool to raise the standard of living of the individual and the reduction of poverty.
Has a clear role in the development community.
A means of integration and the integration of population border provinces.
Contributes to the net taxes on products.
Indirect effects and updated through related industries.
Tourism expenditure is:
Statistical tool measures the size of the payments of foreign exchange generated from the visitors, according to the classification prepared by the World Tourism Organization.
Required to identify the accurate data associated with the level of tourist expenditure.
Help in the preparation of the balance of tourism, where it is based on calculating the difference between Maidkhal state of the foreign exchange and the amount of leakage of foreign exchange in the form of foreign tourism outbound.
Is calculated for the total tourism spending in accordance with the following equation:
Aggregate expenditure = Total number of nights
Average public spending for the visitor (dollars / night).
For individuals: includes spending on tourist trip in Egypt after excluding the value of the tickets on the Egyptian and foreign carriers.
For regiments: includes tourism spending overall cost of a trip payments regiment + additional expenses in Egypt. Have been excluded 30% of the overall cost of the trip as a share carriers of Egyptian and foreign, as well as 25% profit margin organizers of the mass flights.
The concept of local tourism:
it domesticTourism Tourism persons resident state, whether they are citizens or foreign residents.

Egypt Holidays

InternalTorism include tourism (citizens and resident aliens) and inbound tourism.
Different concept internationally by the day:
Finland and Chile: 30 50 km away from the residence, Canada, 80 km away from the residence of horsemen 100 km away from the residence, America 75 100 km far from the residence.
By duration of the trip:
Belgium, Britain, five days away from the place of residence, Germany four days away from his residence, Israel’s five hours away from the place of residence.
Distance and frequency of visit:
Saudi Arabia: 80 km / repeat visit 4 times a month or more.
Any activity undertaken by a person outside the places to go away from his residence on a regular basis or weekly.
Less distance traveled by the person away from his residence.
One less Igbha person has his habitual residence.
Official boundaries of sites and administrative divisions.
In the experiences of local tourism
Data confirmed unwto the World Tourism Organization in 2008:
That the contribution of domestic tourism in the national economy much larger than the inbound tourism especially in developed countries because it is an essential part of the terms of the distribution of income, and come in the hierarchy of priorities.
Are approximately 5 times the international tourism globally.
Representing approximately 61.5% of the total world population.
Can be divided countries in terms of the size of the local tourist spending, according to the latest report of the Organization Unwto in 2009 to countries with:
Domestic tourism the largest inflows from tourism, such as:
Weaken the United States 7, Canada and France more than doubled, and Saudi Arabia twice and a half.
Equated with the local tourism inbound tourism or near them such as: Spain, Denmark, South Africa, and Austria and Ireland (40 45%)
Domestic tourism is less than the inbound tourism represents:
Morocco 29%, Turkey 18%, Cyprus 16%, where the proportion of the total tourism revenue inflows.
Results of the local tourist flights Egyptian

Place of the usual resort trip each year
Alexandria Governorate is the first provincial attractive for holidaymakers, followed by Gamasa and Baltim and Ras El Bar in second place.
Provinces showed a decline in importance in spite of being the provinces tourist summer Kporsaid and rational, due to lack of accommodation facilities appropriate in terms of price and level of service and the available high prices for citizens play these, and thus turn the citizens of the rental, furnished apartments, and chalets, and stay with relatives.
Local tourism spending
Total 16.9 billion pounds
As the Egyptian local tourism does not represent only 22% of inbound tourism, we find that:
That domestic tourism is important.
We can not make up for the inbound tourism income.
Associated with a rise in standard of living.
Therefore requires activation inbound tourism so that we can achieve the desired objectives. more info here :   Egypt shore excursions