Some information about the most important tourist attractions in Egypt

Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in the world because of its tourist treasures of the multi-faceted, and the most important cultural tourism, where lie the ancient civilizations of the eye, and pronounced as it used to be the nations that built these civilizations since the dawn of history.
Next to the ancient cultural tourism product, the accumulation of such tender civilizations shelve in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of Egyptians rich and varied patterns of distinct natures, behaviors and habits of the man made the same point of the Egyptian tourist attraction individually.
Did not skimp on the nature of Egypt Bataúha has God-given Almighty exclusive in nature, enticing eyes and hearts, not only the beauty and magic as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settles it, but spread the beauty of Egypt to decorate Ssahelaha on Bahrain white, red and dive deep into the Assaidha and spread in the desert and made it all the title months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is well known .. In history are the months .. Fronaa, Greek, Romanian, Arab, Islamic, and philanthropy.
And we will review with you some general information about our dear Egypt
Egypt is located between latitudes Width 22 and 31.5 north of the equator and between longitudes 25, 37 east of Greenwich which occupies the northeast corner of the continent of Africa in the heart of the Arab world between the wings of Asia and Africa and is bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south, and Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea from the north and the Red Sea from the east . And topography of Egypt is composed of four
The first agricultural land and the River Nile is the most important natural features of Egypt, mentions here the words of Herodotus «Egypt is the gift of the Nile», the longest river in the world The «6690» kilometers and Delta takes the form of a triangle head in the south, where the branches of the Nile into two branches: Damietta and Rosetta, east and west which have a Delta fertility soil.
The second part is the Western Sahara, stretching from the Nile Valley and Delta to the Libyan border in the west to the borders of Sudan from the south and an area of ​​68 percent of Egypt’s area.
Section III and the Eastern Desert «east of the Nile» to the Red Sea and an area of ​​22% of Egypt’s area.
Section IV the Sinai Peninsula, an area of ​​6% of Egypt’s area.
Egypt enjoys a mild climate prevails in total almost half of the northern climate that prevails in The Mediterranean basin variable depending on the four seasons in the Western Sahara dry weather prevails not exceed ten percent humidity. And be hot and dry summers and cool rainy winters.
The most important sea lanes in the world, linking Bahrain and white Alahmrltakhtsr the ancient trade route around the Cape of Good Hope, 184 kilometers in length began Hverhaam 1858 and opened 1869 and for Egypt fought three wars, 1956, 1967.1973
As for Egypt historically history is moving it to him or incubator

Corresponded in Egypt’s history and archaeological landmarks, which is still a list of chapters and tells its history since the first Alahadalfrona In many Egyptian museum collections that record precise details about the life of nations and peoples that lived in the valley of the Nile for nearly seven thousand years and even Asrnahma.
Perhaps it can be said that the history of Egypt is different about the history of many of the countries that recorded history, according to the succession of political regimes that ruled in Egypt’s history that recorded successive civilizations and left after the demise of the legacy received by the back adds to it. for more info here:    Alexandria airport

Egypt and the date of overlap archaeological and historical novel with novel religious. Between the story of families pharaohs and what came in the holy books of the stories of our prophets who crossed Egypt and lived there and the relationships of these with its people Copts down to the beginning of history the Arab-Muslim who is the launch of the actual modern Egypt when he took the conqueror Amr ibn al-Aas from the Cairo-Fustat as the capital of his mandate.

We have recorded the story of religious history of Egypt but in the direction inspired by the lessons and sermons and instilled the values ​​of uniformity and of right and justice and the call to worship one God and with the beginning of Arab rule the Muslim began to identify the history of Egypt takes the attributes of documentation and the arrangement and detail frequently for narrators and recording in the books first.

Egypt has received documented evidence on sensory than any Bldakhr Vnicoh Pharaohs and their language to decipher the hieroglyphic Hambilion wrote narrators combine with the Arabs and Muslims with religious novel that came in the heavenly books and access to recordings of the narrators, travelers, explorers and orientalists Westerners.

And Musrtv not bounded by space and time, the evidence and benchmarks Troy civilizations and stories of the Copts and the Pharaohs and of the Holy Family and the Greeks and Romans, Arabs and Muslims who have settled since about 15 century where and approved the Arab identity of the Islamic roots of civilization multiple, and the effects of the hallmarks of the invaders who have dared to hope and crossed and left of the French and Angelazogerhm.
Can recognize that a civilized nation of modern Egypt was established with the beginning of the great family of Muhammad Ali, who came from Albania and the Ottoman ruler walks to his mandate and laid the foundations of Nhawwalastqlal renaissance looking forward to a modern European civilization and boys by quoting systems and methods and manifestations. The continued provision of this family that the Egyptians took the reins of their country in the July 23, 1952 to begin the era of the Republic to take over the Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser rudderless leadership directed towards asserting its bond and the Arab-Islamic identity and its leading role in the Arab region until the present time.

And family during the reign of Mohammed Ali, Egypt witnessed two waves coming from colonial powers of Europe: The first is the French campaign led by Napoleon in 1798, which left traces of civilization on the Egyptian society, and the second is the British occupation in 1882 and continued until Gelaúh ​​after the July Revolution in 1952.

We will begin now and I hope that you will be tuned what we have written
Review of the most important tourist cities in repeated his.
Is the capital of Arab Republic of Egypt and the largest city in Egypt and Africa and is divided into three regions
A major tourist: Islamic Cairo
Which hosts many of the Alatharalasalamah such as mosques, markets, palaces and walls, and where the mosque Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, which was built during the Fatimid caliphate, and also a minaret as well as museums such as the Museum of Islamic Art, which is located in the area of ​​the door of the creatures, which includes 80 thousand masterpiece represents the Islamic civilization, most famously the largest Quran in the world written hand and a group of Fatimid ceramics and drawing of the Holy Ka’aba on tile of porcelain to a range of incense burners, candlesticks, and there Jawhara Palace Museum, built by Mohammed Ali, also a museum Manial Palace which was built by Alomirmohmd Ali Tawfiq and collects model between architecture Turkish, Arabic, Persian, and includes a rare collection of manuscripts and artifacts art of the Ottoman era.

The Cairo the other a Christian stockpiles region of ancient Egypt, where the Church of the outstanding built on the south tower of the Fortress of Babylon the headquarters of the Roman army in ancient Egypt, was built on the Altarazalbazhelka also the Church of Abe Srjh that settled in the Holy Family after fleeing to Egypt and has three structures and the lobby of a 12-column decorated with pictures of the disciples of Christ and the Church of the Virgin peace be upon them, known as the «short basil» and the Church of St. George, built in the thirteenth century and the Church of St. Barbara, which was built in the early era
The third section of Cairo tourist is Pharaonic and includes the City Online, north of Cairo, the city of Memphis, capital of ancient Egypt and the most important features pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the Sphinx, and the boats the sun and the effects of Saqqara and Oherm Unas and Mkabralnblane, and the effects of a dead hostage, the Statue of Ramses II and the Temple of Ptah, the Temple of embalmed calf Memphis White and the Trinity of granite and the Temple of Ramses II and the first compartment and the T Atharabu Seer and the effects of Dahshur.
In Cairo, there is the Egyptian Museum, which includes more than 150 thousand artifacts are displayed and hundreds of thousands of pieces in stock.

The assets of the Museum group the effects of the tomb of Tutankhamun also includes a statue of King Khafre and King Menkaure and the treasures of princesses of the Twelfth Dynasty, while in the area of ​​the pyramids, the project sound and light tells the history of Egypt in several languages ​​within one hour of time, interspersed with music and other influences, and there are a number of other museums in Cairo.
Bey and the Sultan Ghori and mosques of Amr ibn al-Aas and Ibn Tulun and Sultan Hassan and Muhammad Ali.

Ramadan in Cairo .. Tourism Akhrely type of tourism by the Spirit in Rehab faith that opens horizons in the month of Ramadan, the holy month of days in a special taste of Old Cairo there is rarely seen in the capitals of all the Middle ..
Times and concentrated to enjoy Ramadan tourism between breakfast and watch the field of suhoor Fimntgueta Hussein and Khan El-Khalili, there can be in the center of Cairo for the fasting person to address a massive dose of history and grandeur of the surrounding historic buildings. If you want more so he headed to the neighborhood, Ms. Zainab to witness and feel the celebration of the real for the month of Ramadan, where Zain population streets narrow Bzenat paper, but exhilarating, and above the lanterns, the majority of balconies and not without the corner of street or alley from vendors pickles, bread and drink licorice, all of the axioms of tables of Ramadan.
The areas that turn this month to what might be called the Ramadan tourism area of ​​the citadel which is the focus of any visit by a tourist to Islamic Cairo. published by:

Tourism in Egypt

Tourism is the most important sources of national income in Egypt and the Egyptian people, accustomed to the presence of tourists in their midst since antiquity. Featuring Egypt abundance of tourist attractions of different types, because of the abundance of temples and Pharaonic monuments that have been take care of it and invested tourist attraction, is also available tourism infrastructure, which includes five-star hotels, tourist villages and tourist agencies and offices, aviation, and is considered overcrowded tourism in general in Cairo and Alexandria and the Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada and Sinai, especially South Sinai in Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Nuweiba, where sports sport diving, which attracts tourists from around the world and especially from Germany and Italy a fan of this type of sports, as Egypt is characterized by its proximity Ali Alalhaab rare reefs in the Red Sea and fish species for which they held festivals and competitions fishing yacht, which comes to fishing enthusiasts of Egyptians and foreigners.
1 tourist attractions in the Greater Cairo area

Pyramids of Giza
Pyramids of Egypt Pyramids Djizho Giza Plateau is located in Giza, Egypt on the west bank of the River Nile, built by some 25 centuries BC, about 2480 to 2550 BC. M, which is about three pyramids are Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure.
And the pyramids is a cemetery ownership of each of them bears the name of the king who built and buried it after his death, building a pyramid here is the stage of the evolutionof building tombs in ancient Egypt and that started a hole small turned into a chamber under the ground and then to several rooms topped by a terrace and then evolved to take the form of pyramid by architect Aamahotb Minister pharaoh Zoser in the Third Dynasty pyramidis located in the necropolis of Saqqara, was followed by two attempts of the king Snefru the founder of the Fourth Dynasty to build a pyramid full, but the back of pyramids is Salimi shape and are located in Dahshur, one oblate-Qaeda and the other took the form smaller after half the size, and was able to engineer engineer Hmeono King Cheops to reach the ideal shape of the pyramid and the construction of the pyramid of Cheops in Giza, on an area of ​​13 acres and was followed by a pyramid of Khafre and Menkaure. morre info here:    Safaga port


– Egyptian Museum
Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Contains the largest collection of ancient Egyptian monuments, and competed the British Museum and the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum (New York). Lies and the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square heart of Cairo since 1906

Pyramid of Saqqara in Badrasheen
Pyramid of Saqqara tomb first royal in history built between 2737 BC. M –2 717 BC. M.
Cairo Tower

Cairo Tower was built between 1956 – 1961 of reinforced concrete on the design of the Egyptian lotus flower, and is located in the heart of Cairo on the Nile island of Zamalek.
Height of up to 187 meters and is higher than the Great Pyramid in Giza, about 43 meters.
There is at the top of the Cairo Tower tourist restaurant on a rotating platform manned spin parameters of the restaurant to see Cairo from all sides.

Khan el-Khalili, Cairo Fatimid

Khan al-Khalili is one of the oldest markets of the east, over the age of just 600 years, and still remains on the original architecture unchanged since the time of the Mamluks and until now.
Old Cairo

Al-Azhar Park
Was created Azhar Park on an area of ​​30 hectares, by the imam of the Muslim community Ismailia Karim Shah Husseini (Aga Khan IV), after deciding BB garden to the city of Cairo in 1984, based on the belief of the Islamic that we are all responsible for the creation the Creator, therefore we must leave the earth a place better, made the decision at a conference 1984 “developing capital: keeping pace with the growth of civil Cairo.”
Located on the western side of the garden city Fatimid old and extended trail the Red Butrutema of mosques, shrines, and decorated with a line long minarets, to the south is a mosque of Sultan Hassan and inform him, in addition to the Citadel of Saladin, this area was already in need of green space is open. The mound on which the garden provides a high view of the city, and give the scene a wonderful panoramic 360 degree views of the charismatic of historical Cairo. Before starting work, the study was a great site for rubbish. He was working on the removal of accumulations of garbage and stones accumulated over 500 years, with materials estimated tonnage of 80.000 Comte Cart on the site over the centuries, and during the initialization of the site has many of the huge discoveries. These discoveries included the discovery of the Ayyubid city wall, which dates back to the twelfth century during the reign of Saladin, in addition to many of the precious stones with inscriptions Hiroglovih. These older stones, which reach lengths of some of them to one meter, were used in the building wall Saladin. In order to detect the wall that was buried over time, it was necessary to drill to a depth of 15 meters, 1.5 kilometers of the wall towers and balconies is Almove, appeared in all splendor. Has Ptsmiyeta engineer Maher Steno (Egyptian) The implementation of Egyptian companies and managed by qualified Egyptian

Beaches in Alexandria, Ajami and Palm Beach (6 October)
Ajami is a city in Alexandria, located 20 km west of Alexandria, the city’s famous tourist destination, local, for the Alexandrians, and for tourists in Cairo and Giza, the city began as the pool of the elite in Egypt in 1950, then evolved into the city known today, the city is still a tourist destination local people, and the middle class in Egypt, famouse famous Caribbean waters. In the city are also a number of effects, including the Castle French castle, built during the French occupation, under Napoleon, as well as many watchtowers that were built in the era of the Ottoman Empire, in order to prevent Egypt’s north coast.

Tourist attractions in southern Egypt

In Luxor and Aswan, where Pharaonic temples on the banks of the River Nile, this is done through river trips in the five-star floating structures.
Aloqsrasma ancient Egypt and away from the city of Qena, the provincial capital, 60 kilometers to the south and Cairo 670 km and a historic city located in the center of the province of Qena, the maximum level Masralaliaalsaid Goan bordered to the south center of Esna and from the north center Qus the east by the province of the Red Sea to the west by Armant and the limits of the New Valley Governorate . Luxor has a unique character sets it apart from all parts of the world .. It combines the past and present at one time .. Not without its place in the city of Luxor, the impact of speaking greatness of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years BC.

Is the capital city of Aswan governorates of Egypt, the southern gate of Egypt is located on the east bank of the Nile at the First Cataract of the Nile, and its coordinates: 24.05 u 32.56 s, with a population of 200,000 inhabitants.


  Published by:  Egipt travel

World waiting for the magic number!

This year, it is expected that the number of tourists to the new number will remain a milestone in the history of the industry namely, one billion tourists.
According to the report of the World Tourism Organization, the tourism industry will continue to grow during 2012, albeit by less than in 2011, it will be the magic number is one billion tourists by the time of the year.
But before talking about tourism in 2012, the World Tourism Organization, through its report, which is known Balbaaromitr which measures if the tourism industry, said that the number of tourists increased by 4.4% in 1102 to up to 980 million tourists, after the figure was 939 million in 2010
The report pointed out that the distinction in 2011 specific features, the most important decline in global economic growth and the enormous political events in the Middle East and North Africa, earthquakes, natural, as in Japan.
And at the level of regions of the world, Europe was the best achievement growth rate of 6% with the observation that this old continent of no more than the growth rates in general to 5%.
The region of South America, part of the Americas region has achieved a leap as an exceptional growth rate increased to 10%. for more info here:   Alexandria airport

Unlike previous years, tourism in developed countries achieved growth rates higher than the most promising countries, or those on the path of growth, due, to the good results achieved by the European continent in general and to the setbacks suffered by the Middle East and North Africa.
Commenting on this, said Taleb Rifai, secretary-general of the World Tourism Organization that tourism has achieved exceptional levels of 2011 despite the difficult conditions encountered. And went on: For the industry directly responsible for 5% of GDP and 6% of world exports and employ one out of every 21 people in developed and developing countries alike, these results are encouraging and comes at a time when the world needs desperately to increase economic growth and create new jobs.
But what the barometer says report specifically?
The report indicates that despite the lack of economic recruitment, the number of tourists who have visited Europe in 2011 amounted to 503 million tourists, more than half the number of tourists in the world during that year (980 million tourists, the total number of tourists in 2011). The report pointed out that Europe accounted for 82 million tourists from the 14 million tourists who have increased globally in 2011 compared to a year earlier.
The Central Europe and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean are located on the best in growth rates as it amounted to 8%. Has benefited European countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea from the decline in tourism in the Middle East and North Africa because of revolutions known spring Arab countries also benefited from the influx of tourists from Scandinavia, Germany and the Russian Federation.
As for the Asia-Pacific, the rate of 6% growth in tourism which is equivalent to 11 million tourists in 2011 increased for 2011, bringing the total tourists who visited this region to 216 million. The rate of growth in Southeast Asia while it reached 9% in North East Asia 4%, but fell to 3% in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), due to the number of Japanese tourists in particular.
The report noted that for the Americas has a growth rate of 4% which is equivalent to 6 million tourists in 2011 increased to a total number of tourists who have visited this region 651 million.
The area of ​​South America are growing up as the rate reached to 10% for the second year in a row while Central America and the Caribbean, where the growth has reached 4%, the same rate in 2010
And increased growth in tourism in North America, 3% for the number of tourists who have visited this region 100 million tourists in 2011
And maintained the African continent to the rate of growth achieved by bringing the number of tourists who visited it to 50 million people .. The Sub-Saharan Africa is the highest growth since the rate was 7%, which offset the loss incurred by the North African region, as was the decline in growth (-12%).
On the Middle East, the report noted the barometer of the World Tourism Organization to the region achieved a negative growth is (-8%), making it lose 5 million tourists in 2011, bringing the total number of tourists who visited it to 55 million people, has continued to several countries such as Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman and the UAE growth.
A statement issued by the organization to that there are countries that have achieved high growth rates, including the United States (12%) and Spain (9%) and Hong Kong Chinese (25%) and Britain (7%) The States spent the most on tourism was China’s growth rate (38 %) and Russia (21%) and Brazil 32%) and India (32%) and for the mature countries, the rates were spending less, for example, total spending on tourism Germany (4%) and American (5%).
After the report highlighted the results of 2011, go to the expectations of the experts who prepare the report of the barometer of what will happen in .2012
Experts have predicted that continued growth but at a slower pace, where the number of tourists will increase by between 3 and 4% to a historic number has not been achieved by a billion tourists by the end of this year.
They also forecast to recover emerging or promising economic submitted by States mature economically, and will be the growth rate the highest in the Asia-Pacific and Africa (4%) followed by the Americas and Europe (from 2 to 4%) The Middle East, experts predicted that the proportion of growth from zero percent to 5 percent, said the region will begin to restore part of the loss incurred in 2011.
These same expectations, confirmed by the confidence index, released by the World Tourism Organization, which indicated a committee made up of 400 experts from around the world to the tourism sector that will achieve positive results in 2012, but they believed that this growth will be lower than last year.
The World Tourism Organization has urged world governments to consider improving their capacity to facilitate the travel of tourists through the use of technology in the granting of visas of tourists quickly, as well as facilitate the writing of data and also the timing of the issuance of visas. The Organization confirmed that this improvement would increase the turnout of tourists to travel, which will lead to increased economic growth. published by:  Safaga port

Reports On The Tourism Industry

The latest study has revealed for the Travel and Tourism Council WTTC World revealed that the travel and tourism industry in Britain are nearly five times the size of the auto industry in this country, as the travel and tourism industry provides jobs about the same number of jobs provided by the financial sector. for more info here: Alexandria airport
And the transfer of the Council in a report published the results of research conducted by Oxford Economics, the direct contribution of the tourism sector to the GDP of the United Kingdom has five times the total output achieved by automotive industries in the country, and the largest of the proceeds of industries, chemical manufacturing and mining sector.
The total contribution of tourism and travel in the gross domestic product GDP in the United Kingdom 101 billion pounds in 2011, equivalent to 6.7% of GDP as a whole, and this represents 2.3% of the volume of the automotive industry, and the proportion of 1.9% of the size of the mining industry, and 4 0.1% of the chemical industry.
With the availability of 2.3 million jobs directly and indirectly in the United Kingdom, the travel and tourism industry in the United Kingdom provides a number of jobs about the same as provided by the financial services industry .. The results of the new research also posts the travel and tourism to the GDP the advantage of being much faster than other sectors, where there has been the industry growth rate of 4.1% over the past ten years, a growth rate higher than the speed of growth of the economy in general and other industries included in this study.
And highlighted the results also show that travel and tourism industry is an important source of exports that achieve revenues in the UK, In 2011, exports amounted to visitors total $ 25 billion, a Maimthel 13.2% of the total volume of services exports, and 5.1% of total exports, including goods and services .
And The study compared the effect of spending the travel and tourism to the GDP compared to the economy overall, it is clear that all the 640 thousand pounds (about one million dollars) from the spending of tourism and travel: generate 830 thousand pounds about $ 13 million in GDP, generates 76 thousand pounds of any about U.S. $ 119 A of the total value added in the real estate sector, and generate 18 posts at least compared with 13 function contributes to the financial sector, and 12 function contributes to the telecommunications sector, and 11 function contributes to the auto industry.
Said David Sukosel President and CEO of the World Council for Tourism and Travel WTTC in commenting on these results: These numbers assume great importance, during the past 20 years, conducted the World Council for Tourism and travel several analyzes of global and regional economic impact posed by travel and tourism in general, and now parts of the World Council this research the last to step forward and succeeded in assessing the role of tourism and travel industry in the UK economy compared to other economic sectors, and how it looks also at regional level.
The World Council for Tourism and Travel WTTC is a global body responsible for the study of economic contributions and social development of tourism and travel industry, which supports the overall growth in the industry, as well as work with government institutions and international in order to provide employment opportunities and increase the volume of exports in this sector, and thus achieve economic prosperity.
It is noted that in 2011 managed to travel and tourism sector in the provision of 255 million jobs on the international level. published by Safaga port

policy before Tourism sometimes!

Anyone who imagines that it is easy separation of politics and the economy .. The truth is that they are two sides of one coin .. and the separation between them is almost impossible.
Thus, politics and tourism as the tourism economy in the end is before they are entertaining and instructive continue a human .. Tourism policy is not without .. In the sense that politics sometimes precede tourism .. There can be no tourism without peace and political stability and security.
There are no tourism and Atnmo Atzdahr and, unless there is peace and security .. Tourists can not get out of his house and goes to the State for Tourism before ensuring his safe return to his home in the date specified by .. In the end is going to have fun and entertainment and does not want to expose himself to any risks or surprises.
Why say this? .. Or What is the reason this made? more info
We hasten to answer and say that the occasion last week we went to London with a delegation of men of Egypt tourism and hotels to participate in the work of the London Stock Exchange and known as the World Travel Market, which is the second largest market in the world after the ITB Berlin, Germany .. The debate among all the actors in the tourism sector in Egypt prior to the start of the stock market is trying to research and answer a number of questions including: Are we seeing an improvement in tourist traffic to Egypt in the coming months? Is it still Maspero events have an impact on tourism to Egypt? And what exactly is transmitted by the satellite channels and affect the tourism market in Egypt in general?
The answer to all these questions is very clear since the first day of the London Stock Exchange and strongly confirms what we have said in the first lines .. Politics was her last word in the stock market and talk was all confirms that the revolutions Arab spring, particularly the revolution of January 25, Egyptian cast a shadow on the international tourism to Egypt, and that tourism will not return to normal before the revolution only after stabilization policy Here politics and stability by tourism and the economy!!
Most of this is that all the big companies, foreign tourism slogan was flying after the elections reach an understanding in the face of travel agents and hotels in Egypt .. In the sense that attempts to Egyptian to contract the programs or the movement of tourism in the coming months was met coolly severe foreigners because Matnqlh satellite TV and the media about what is expected to occur in Egypt during the election period to Aatmin tourist but more than that to the attention of the media published what can be done by current Islamic statements against tourism as some of them if he won the Egyptian parliamentary elections next latest kind of anxiety or fear and therefore they want to wait until a clearer picture in Egypt.
Sadly, also in the case that the events of Maspero cast bad or bleak on the tourist traffic to Egypt and discussed by the Western media of some kind of lack of understanding, but sometimes been portrayed by some that the Muslims against the Copts in Egypt and that it is better not to go to Egypt .. So you could say that the events of Maspero wasted a lot of positive momentum created by the January Uprising in favor of tourism.
To such a degree the impact of the events Maspero on tourism and perhaps what happened at the top of the Ministers of Tourism in the world and held by the World Tourism Organization in collaboration with the London Stock Exchange and was attended by 86 and Minister of Tourism in the world and the leaders of the tourism and aviation in the world and among them were Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism in Egypt, the biggest evidence of Manicol Although the summit was the subject of tourism in a time of instability and the talk was the among the ministers about the challenges facing the global tourism but that the ministers were surprised by the Minister of Industry and Tourism in Norway talking about what is happening in the Arab spring and in referring to Egypt and the events of Maspero said that the countries of this region them to help themselves if they want tourism and so that is committed to tolerance and non-discrimination and that their people know that.
This comment was enough to place tension in the session, especially after some sympathy with him .. What was the minister Munir Fakhri Abdel Nour, however, asked to speak and comment heavily on word of Norwegian Minister directed to speak to him, saying that this lack of understanding of what is happening in Egypt and reliance on Matbuth some of the media for sensationalism and exaggeration and that what happened in Egypt can not be translated as understanding the Norwegian Minister and Egypt million square kilometers and is not Tahrir Square only and that Egypt has the civilization of more than 5 thousand years a culture with deep roots in history and fused the many civilizations and that of the most important Maffersth that the Egyptian people is open to the cultures and civilized and non-fanatic and the proof that during the revolution of January 25 did not hurt tourists one, but demonstrators in Tahrir signs welcoming tourists to invite them to not to leave Egypt and called Abdel Nour owners of this opinion to read Egyptian history, which calls for the values ​​of excellence, and democracy and human rights are the values ​​that made for which the revolution in Egypt, and therefore can not be the people of Egypt is tolerant or fanatic !!
Has received words of the Minister of Tourism powerful highly acclaimed from the rest of tourism ministers who in the world across a large number of them after the meeting, refusing to talk about the Norwegian Minister.
He came this dialogue at the top of Tourism Ministers to emphasize strongly that the tourism policy before sometimes .. And that the future of Egyptian tourism in the coming months will depend on the reservations last minute after the outcome of parliamentary elections and that the companies of the World Tourism big Awaiting Machristdt in Egypt politically he which made flying the banner after the elections reach an understanding in the face of all the tourism companies and hotels in Egypt, that we are not ready to send tourists to Egypt only after the political stability that is the way to security and to economic growth and to the tourism boom!! more info here: Borg el arab airport



Turkish model in the Egyptian tourism sector

The Egyptians have chosen moderation method and a way of life .. Instead, they chose this average since the dawn of history, and confirmed that after Islam, most of them to choose the view of Imam Abu Hanifa is the average hard-line guided him to walk on .. Even though some have tried to impose this militancy or extremism or fanaticism in religion on them, they reject that absolutely.
So the Egyptians keep the values ​​of moderation, non-discrimination and tolerance as the lamps light up the Egyptian life in every age and time.
From here I can not imagine ever that the rise of Islamism in Egyptian political life after the results of the first stage of the parliamentary elections could lead to a fundamental change in the social life of Egypt or have a negative impact on Egypt’s relations with countries with which the world, especially in the field of tourism to be exact.
Perhaps there will be positive changes in the political or economic trends and social justice as an inevitable result of the demands of the revolution on January 25, but keeps affect the lives of the Egyptians in moderation is not easily accept the change.
In fact, what happened in this election is only a reflection of the political trends that already exist on the ground since the twenties of the last century, and that the Egyptians living with these currents in harmony and peace. for more info:
So here’s a campaign of intimidation of the rise of the Islamic movement will not bear fruit .. Egyptians would accept this political transformation in the context of their search for truth and justice, freedom and democracy, but they certainly would reject if they tried to impose militancy and extremism and fanaticism in religion and impose their word to the Egyptians than drag them away from moderation and acceptance of others.
Will not turn Egypt and the Egyptians in the day and night to Afghanistan, will not be governed by the likes of the Taliban, but there could be other models Islamic country like Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia have accepted most of the Egyptians.
In fact, as I see also that the Islamic movement must change our concepts about it, is subject to many of the moderates who put things in perspective and in which many experts and economists who are educated and know exactly how to deal with the reality of contemporary life .. They are, for example in the case such as tourism are fully aware that they are in front of an important economic resource of the state (12.5 billion dollars last year) and the fertile field for the provision of employment opportunities for young people suffering unemployment and do not want to add to the queue of unemployed new figures.
Therefore we must not stop or never afraid of some statements that were strewn here and there on how to deal with the issue of tourism, beaches, wearing swimsuits and drinking alcohol.
In fact, that although these statements may be added, but hit some companies, foreign tourism to panic as we have explained in an article last Thursday, but it came out of this current statements of the other emphasizes rationality in dealing with tourism and in respect of the other Out of respect for religions to implement the words of God to you your religion Crown debt.
Tourism is not prohibited in Islam but that Islam exhorts on tourism, travel and reflection in the ground and in the creation of God as the verse says Say: Travel in the land, and see how He originated creation, the great truth of God.
And our experience in Turkey a good example .. We who see the need to take advantage of the experiences of others .. Turkey is an Islamic state where the governing Justice and Development Party, which came to power since 2002 and is led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister .. A political party with an Islamic orientation, but embrace market capitalism and is keen to not use religious slogans in his speech and describes himself as conservative, moderate, and protect secularism.
And like the Turkish party as some like to compare party won freedom, justice, the political arm of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the majority in the parliamentary elections in Egypt, the first phase, followed by light Salafi party.
What concerns me today to put the experience of Turkey Justice and Development Party in front of everyone with regard to dealing with the issue of tourism, so we offer a model for the Islamic party, Islamic state in how to deal with tourism?
In a busy time for the Egyptian political arena speech some of the candidates and leaders belonging to the Islamic trend to impose restrictions on tourism activity and focus on the sanctity of wear bikini swimsuits and drinking wine .. Turkey achieved the Islamic state, ruled by the ruling Justice and Development Islamic-oriented miracle by all standards in the tourism industry.
Because the numbers and statistics believe news of the sender’s speech, it may be better to start with .. The number of tourists who visited Turkey last year 2010 about 29 million tourists, that is approaching (30 million), a figure that would put Turkey among the ten countries in the world of major tourism.
And the previous point, take us to the role of the Turkish government in the rehabilitation and development of the tourism sector which is being handled by the private sector, they are despite the talk about the tendencies of Islamic and provided climate and encouraged initiatives and developed strategies long term to encourage the tourism industry and promote it, and enter on the website of the Ministry of Tourism of Turkey will find that there is a strategy for tourism in Turkey until the year 2023 a forward-looking and put detailed plans aimed at the development of this important industry, but very important for the Turkish economy. News did not move any interference or attempt by the Turkish government to impose restrictions or conditions on the entry of tourists or their behavior, but left the tourism sector organizes its affairs himself and every role is to provide a climate and provide support through the plans, publicity and sponsorship.
The Government is aware that the Turkish tourism sector could be one of the locomotive that pulls the Turkish economy forward, so he has everything he wants for the continued rapid growth.
They also realize that trying to impose their views or personal opinions of religious tendencies have no place in Turkey, given the secular nature of the state which the army to protect him, despite trying the AK Party since his arrival to power in 2002, trimming nails military and reduce its role in public life and political in the country.
But the government of the Justice and Development, led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not stop there, it is through an ambitious plan and a smart strategy the Turkish private sector and the government implemented the number of tourists during the period from January 2011 until last October to 28 million and 665 thousand tourists, meaning that the country will exceed the number that achieved during last year by a significant period during the summer, from June to October did not say the number of tourists who visit the country’s 3 million a month, but they arrived in July to 4,000,343 thousand tourists.
Through the attention of government is unprecedented, as well as from the private sector, Turkey has become one of the big players in the industry of tourism and hotel services, which attract not only tourists from all over the world, but also major conferences hosted by the cities of Turkey, especially Ankara and Istanbul, where they are to consider Turkey as a focal point from which to be the Central Asian states and the Middle East.
Because the demand for tourism is a great and continuous, the investment in hotel construction is slower than the required grades in each hotel.
Of course, the increase in hotel occupancy rates have increased by 16% last year, making Turkey the second country in the European list up in terms of occupancy rate, and the return on every available room increased by 20%.
It is enough to demonstrate significant growth in tourism in Turkey and the extent of benefit of the economy, the return to the recent summer months, the flow of hundreds of thousands of Arabs to Turkey to spend their holidays there.
And contributed to the Arab spring revolutions, especially in Egypt and Tunisia in to divert the attention of Arab tourists who spend their summer vacations in Egypt in particular to Turkey.
The Guardian newspaper published at the end of July this year a detailed report stating that Arab tourists especially from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries who prefer to visit Egypt, Syria, went to Turkey.
To encourage this flow of Arab tourism, the Turkish government during the past few years, canceled the visas to their lands for the citizens of Qatar, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordan and Syria.
It remains an important aspect of the elements of miracle tourist Turkish namely the significant publicity for the tourism of Turkey in the world, offices are tourist Turkish exist in various parts of the world, and the campaigns, tourism does not stop and advertising, airline and Turkish tourism enterprises and other stations in the main space, and even non-core in many countries in order to increase Turkey’s profile and attract tourists to visit the advertisement very attractive.
A few days ago published a Coca-Cola ad in The Economist British sober entitled Coca-Cola like Turkey, like Coca-Cola, not only the company’s announcement speak for itself, having said that its position in Turkey is among the top 15 centers for the Coca-Cola in the world, touched to invest in Turkey, according to statistics about the task, Turkey is among the fastest economic growth in the world, growth of GDP was 10.2% during the first half of this year after it was 9% last year, and the economy, Turkey is the number (17) in the world, in addition to many other advantages.
In sum, the economic growth as well as tourism in Turkey did not come from vacuum, is a result of great effort from the private sector, and also more importantly, as a result a clear vision of the ruling party has a tendency Muslim, but he understands that what benefits the people is what you should care about, so stop for questioning, intimidation and focused on ways to encourage and support the sectors that could improve the lives of Turkish citizens, particularly the tourism sector. or more info: Alexandria airport

instability of tourism

Known experts and interested in the tourism industry in the world .. that with the beginning of the winter tourism season starts exchanges or so-called global markets, tourism and travel great shape and trends of international tourism over the next year.

It is known that this season starts with the London Stock Exchange’s second-largest market for tourism and travel in the world, followed by other stock exchanges as important as Milan, Madrid and concluded ITB Berlin the stock market first in the world and that London was the first competitor her as she held this year its No. 32 with the participation of more than 160 countries by more than 50 Olvmn who work in tourism, whether in government or the private sector.
The London Stock Exchange famous to be opened next Monday (7 November 10) suburb of Excel in the presence of the leaders of tourism and travel the world and leaders of the World Tourism Organization and a large number of ministers of tourism in many countries amid an atmosphere of optimism and expectations of many that to regain the World Tourism recover, especially in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa in the wake of revolutions of the Arab spring. more info here: Nile cruises
Days before the opening of the London Stock Exchange experts stressed that the market or the exhibition or conference is an opportunity for officials in these countries, especially Egypt and Tunisia to re-submit their country to the world, especially companies operating in this area, and to emphasize that the situation returned to normal and that this country welcomes tourists and the eyes countries of the world to the London market for tourism and travel because the market is the ideal place for the promotion of tourist sites in these countries, but more importantly is the signing of deals between companies in the field of tourism and travel.
The statistics revealed that the London market has seen during the last year signed deals in the travel and tourism industry worth £ 1425 .. The poll was conducted among business leaders who participate in the market that 89% of them they will sign deals during the events of 2011 worth more than what happened in 2011.
And 70% of them said they expect an increase in the value of deals, including at least 10% compared to last year. While 48% said that the increase will be between 10 and 25% from .2010
Amid the optimism among key actors in the market, there are expectations that the new session is the largest in the history of the London market in terms of deal value and number of participants as well as in terms of deal value and number of participants, as well as in terms of adult guests.
The current session is particularly important given the large preparations undertaken by the management of the market in order to come out in the best shape events and the best result.
Will be Monday, November 7th is the day of the opening of the market, where the opening will be Minister of Culture, Jeremy Hunt, the British. Will be organizing a big party will participate Chairperson market Fiotta Jeffrey submitted axes British television the famous Stephen Saker then start after so many events, seminars and activities, and will be the most important activity in this first day is to reveal the results of the report prepared by experts in the market on the status of tourism and travel in .2010
But the second day of the tourism market and travel (Tuesday, November 8) will see the summit tourist involving a large number of ministers of tourism in the world and sponsored by the World Tourism Organization and the London market for tourism and travel, and discusses the headlines is: How can check the tourism boom in time to Aatzm stability. This will be the first Summit of Ministers of Tourism in the world after the revolutions of the Arab spring.
It is scheduled to participate in this summit, Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism and his counterparts in Russia and South Africa, Mexico and Jambia, Greece, Jamaica, Norway, in addition to the number of heads of tourism organizations in other countries. more info here:
As a complement to the summit .. On the third day of the London Stock Exchange will be the market leaders on a date with a number of other events and activities, there is a link between them and the Mcidor at the top of Tourism Ministers, there is a symposium on the future of tourism in the Middle East and North Africa, looking Symposium problems facing the region now after the revolutions of Arab spring and declining growth in tourism, will speak at the symposium Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, a Jordanian origin and a large number of experts.
Experts point out that the Middle East and in Egypt was made in the fastest growth in tourism during the years of the first decade of the twenty-century atheist which he visited about 24 million in 2000, bringing the figure to 60 million in 2010 revenues reached $ 50 billion ..
Then see the London Stock Exchange Seminar for the change in the event of travel and tourism, in these difficult times experienced by the world, which affect on tourism, there is pressure to change the travel industry so they can keep pace with these changes .. Experts say that the tourism industry does not have to be changed, but also develops and updates itself.
It is important to the London Stock Exchange will see a number of seminars, conferences, dialogues and transactions .. As the second largest bourse in the world after tourist Berlin .. This means that we have plenty of time to see, hear and communicate with the audience in the London Stock Exchange .. To convey to the reader pages Travel Maémh all about tourism in the world and Maém Egyptian tourism for a better future. more info here:

Development of Egypt’s historic hotels

What surprised me more in the German capital Berlin. And specifically in the ITB Berlin International Tourism at the beginning of March this is what I heard from some travel agents and hotels in Egypt, the crisis or downturn in bookings foreign tourism coming to Egypt to pay some of the hotels to sell the program “week” in some hotels 5 star, 4 stars Germany to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh euros, or $ 400 up to 500 euros, including the price of the plane and stay overall mean (breakfast + lunch + dinner + drinks).
The source of my surprise that if our opponent is the price of the plane in the range of 300 euros, the remaining € 100 for a hotel to stay overall (sleep + 3 meals) for the whole week.
Is this reasonable?
– I know of course that some people will say that these are the prices tourist groups or individuals unrelated to the price or prices of individual rooms or the Egyptians, which on average up to 1000 pounds per night.
And I say this is already true. But some say also that in these rates are “house comprehensive” destructive tourism, it is a “deadly virus” to tourism income and its components.
There is therefore a system of residence of the overall fight and insists on selling the hotel, I mean the hotel accommodation for tourists away from this system. Although this trend is widespread in a number of major countries in the world of tourism, such as Turkey in certain areas or cities, especially on the beaches. Just as in Egypt is concentrated in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh. for more info Safaga port

In general. What I want to talk loudly in today is that there is a tendency in the world rejects this tourism “cheap” or reject this “decline” in prices, because it necessarily followed by a “low” or breakdown in services offered to tourists.
Finds, therefore, some of the top tour operators in the world, hoteliers and owners of travel agencies and airlines that “the rich tourism ‘or tourism,” precious “is still a demanding and its client or its people have a rich and wealthy of the world who travel for fun and recreation. They are already in place. And even run away from places of tourism, “cheap” and travel to their places of private jets and special services to the extent that one of them tourists spend more than a thousand spent by tourists in tourism or groups of tourists “ordinary” or “ordinary people” do not say “poor.”
Experts say that the tourism income of the wealthy or rich is the one who happens balance and the interest of the state in income or profitable economic returns for the benefit of a large state.
Therefore has to be thinking about the continuing interest in the development and hotels and exceptional service that this tourism attracts rich. And may come from here the argument that quality services are in the lead standard in tourism in the coming years. Ie that the more you are able to provide services as a distinct intonation in these services, you can find you a place on the tourism map of the world’s rich tourism or even the upper middle class, which is ultimately for the benefit of the national economy.
From here, go to the news more importantly, who led me this week to write this speech, which I read that the group “Ootkir” global management shortcomings and artifacts hotel in the world will be opened on 6 April next hotel or a masterpiece Palace “Namascar” city of Marrakech, Morocco, the palace, who will live services and quality in the world of hotels in Morocco to a higher level of luxury stunning and superior quality in services, which will provide a private jet for the guests use them immediately after landing at the airport in Casablanca to move out in 30 minutes to Marrakech or any hotel other hotels of the “Ootkir” in New York or Moscow or Dubai.
On this new service “private plane,” said chief executive of the group “Ootkir” Frank Marenbaj: The unique service of the core values ​​of our brand, as well as provide more attention to detail, even the plane as well as luxury hotel is the Falcon 900 of design and Aso and design procedure is inspired Palace of the atmosphere “Namascar” in Marrakesh, where the atmosphere of luxury and stunning property, which includes 14 seats (4 corners of the Gloss + 4 on the dining table +2 sofa can accommodate one for 3 people and all sofas can be converted into a bed).
Is a Palace “Namascar,” which consists of 41 suites and villas on an area of ​​50 thousand square meters of gardens, waterfalls, lakes, and allows guests the experience is not repeated. Hoteliere activity is the first of the “Ootkir” in Africa and the second hotel outside Europe, where it had previously announced the opening of a hotel in Abu Dhabi in 2013.
It is noted that this group “Ootkir” to be linked to luxury and tradition and hotels run by a cultural treasures are preserved for future generations, is a company rooted in European traditions in terms of maintaining the hotel ancient, and committed at the same time look ahead to the future the services of more than a luxury known.
Why write all this talk today?
Why are we talking about all these luxury hotels in the world?
Some might say simply and we our money and money is speech.!
I say this quickly fatal error. This speech in the interest of national economy and luxury this is not me nor you. It is for the rich and wealthy millionaires and present in all the world. And exactly what they will pay will be for the benefit of ordinary people or the poor or the economy.
So why deprive myself, I mean the state of this amazing income?
The whole world is a cheap and dear. We must be present. This is a demanding and tourism its client.
Here, I turn to the most important issue, namely, that in Egypt, hotels, palaces and treasures from the hotel to be preserved such a thought, and must be developed Fendkie to be sold with such amazing prices.
So I am surprised by some when he says no need to spend or development accommodation Egypt Historically, this is a fatal error and this is lost on Egypt millions of dollars from tourism, the development is necessary to keep these hotels for future generations as well as for their ability to provide an income great for the national economy.
There can be the world by such magnificence in services in hotels, luxury, and we try to eliminate them in Egypt.
I read the news Astvzny for Hotel Marrakech to write this speech. And to lament the situation of some of our hotels, which sell at “Teixv.”
I can say that we should not neglect the right of Egypt and its future and seek to Ziad tourism income from rich tourism. These tourism exist in a number of countries in the world and we are not the least of them. Need not wonder or ask for a sum of what we spent for the development as well as a historic hotel in Egypt, such as Cataract Aswan, Luxor or Nterpalas or Cairo Marriott or Roy Menahaws or pyramid. Or even the development of wings in these hotels so that they can sell these suites or rooms in these hotels as we hear about the prices similar in some countries?.
I do not want that provoked some description of what I mean of luxury amazing that we’re talking about, which reaches every cm in the international hotel ancient and or wings in the upholstery, furniture, antiques, etc., and those who want more I will have a price list for the most important and the most expensive and most luxurious suites in the world, so we know their prices and we know where we are of the world?.
1 Royal Penthouse Suite Royal Hotel President Wilson in Geneva, which overlooks Lake Geneva (65 thousand dollars per night).
Suite 2 Sultan Hotel Kempinski in Istanbul on the Bosphorus, Turkey (50 thousand dollars) per night.
3 Presidential Suite Hotel “Raj Palace” in Jaipur, India (45 thousand dollars).
4 Wing Tai Warner Penthouse Four Seasons Hotel New York (41 thousand dollars).
5 Almaritniz penthouse suite hotels in Cannes, France (37 thousand dollars).
6 Palms Palace Suite Resort in Las Vegas (35 thousand dollars).
7 suite in the resort of Grand Ajohnas Athens (34 thousand dollars).
8 Suite Hotel Callaway Volpe Srdina Island (32 thousand dollars).
9 Suite for Akubola Hotel and Westin Excelsior in Rome (30 thousand dollars).
10 Wing Ritz Ritz Carlton in Tokyo (25 thousand dollars).
11 suites Tauz Bridge Hotel Royal Atlantis in the Bahamas (25 thousand dollars).
12 Royal Suite Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai (25 thousand dollars).
13 suite in the Ritz-Carlton Moscow (25 thousand dollars).
14 Suite Hotel Park Hyatt Vendome in Paris (25 thousand dollars).
15 Royal Suite Hotel Four Seasons George V in Paris (16 thousand dollars).
– To stop here. I just want to say that if there were in the world tourism “cheap” there is tourism for the rich and wealthy. These are highly sought. But its merits and its hotels and its services is very large. Must be the historical development of our hotels to be very luxurious to be sold at prices too high for the benefit of the national economy and to preserve it for future generations, they are treasures for the future. And those important national issue or does not accept the argument! for more info

43.1% increase in the number of German tourists to Egypt during the first third of this year

Counsel emphasized the tourist at the Egyptian Embassy in Berlin Tamer Marzouk that although the presidential elections in Egypt, the political changes, but that the total number of German tourists in Egypt since January 2012 and until the end of April of the same year amounted to about 372 thousand and 765 people, an increase of 43.1% for the year 2011 and by decline of -11% for the year 2010, thus achieving the second place after Russia.

He said Marzook – said in a statement on Friday – “The total number of tourist nights amounted to about 4,000,809 thousand and 564 for the night, an increase of 946.9% for the year 2011, an increase of 1.2% for the year 2010, investigators also ranked second after Russia.”

He pointed out that a German tourist, which amounted to 13.4% is the highest rate, followed by the establishment of a Russian tourist by 9.6% then English tourist by 12.2%.

He announced that the representatives of the exhibition “AMEX” will in November next visit to Egypt to conduct a training course for Egyptian companies specialized in incentive travel, exhibitions and conferences (M. Any. CNN. E.) with the most important specialized magazines, as well as a visit of orientation, some tour companies conferences and incentives in each of the (Cairo – Marsa Alam and – and Luxor – Aswan).
It is noteworthy that the Tourism (M. Any. CNN. E.) contribute about 2% of the volume of tourist movement to Egypt, which has achieved a return of more than about 8%.

It should be noted that Egypt had participated in the exhibition “AMEX” which was held in Frankfurt from 22 to May 24, 2012, in the presence of a number of Egyptian companies specialized in tourism and tourism exhibitions, conferences and events. for more info here:Safaga port

Back Of «Titanic». The charm of the past and the madness of Tourism

Countries of the world that want to be labeled as a tourist countries in the case of a continuous increase in the number of degrees that the ITB Berlin International Tourism recent (2012), which was held in March this year the number of States participating in 178 countries. All of these countries suffered the tourism base and means of attractions enjoyed by hoping to capture some of the numbers of tourists in the world.
Of course, not a secret that in recent years and may we say the last twenty years have seen fierce competition between all countries of the world to attract tourism in the hope to support their economies and the provision of hard currency and jobs for their sons, as the tourism of the most labor-intensive industries and the most ability to provide employment opportunities.
We can imagine that the number of tourists in the world today, according to the World Tourism Organization figures, about one billion tourists are investigating nearly a trillion dollars other than the expenses of air transport, of course (in 2010 the number of tourists in the world 935 million and income of 850 billion dollars)
In this context, we can say that the world or the world tourist arrived in the «passion» Tourism, a state of strong desire to attract more numbers to what could we call a case of «mad» the importance of tourism to support the economy and create jobs, and here is the competition between these countries « sharp »Pat and everyone strives to create new ideas to market his country is no longer a reliable to traditional ideas such as publications or participate in exhibitions and only.
But that everyone is heading to the non-traditional ideas or trying to excellence in providing tourist services in response to attempts by some to resort to lower prices to attract international tourist traffic. And reached countries with advanced marketing thought to a basic rule says that it is not only lower prices live or thrive tourism and seeking to raise prices through excellence in service is the most powerful way to attract more international tourist traffic.
Consequently, the world tourism in light of competition or passion tourism to new ideas and we hear from many years ago for conference tourism and tourism and golf tourism and medical tourism safari.
The last thing we are in front of new ideas is the interest Bahq some people or intellectuals or tourists of history and charm of the past and the day time, beautiful as they say, before it enters the world in wars and conflicts of modern and we want today to talk about a new paradigm in the marketing of tourism called Tourism «historical events» or re- representation of events and history in its impressive new idea in the end provide excellent services and breathtaking.
Form which we mean is what we read in the days on the return trip the good «Titanic» by building a new ship in the same old specifications and all that has been associated with catastrophic Cried from the world at that time.
It contemplates the marketing of this idea is impressive arrived to the point of the announcement of the trip for months and the announcement that it will take part in are the descendants of the victims and they would wear the same old clothes and eat the same food they eat their victims before drowned that they announced it will offer the same meal recent address victims «Last Supper» of 20 items with the same quality of food and the number of dishes and a cost of about two thousand dollars per capita, as well as providing the same meal in restaurants in London and Hong Kong and held auctions for some of the pieces in New York and ideas of marketing are enormous and new invented tourism company, which announced the organization of this journey to live a tourist conditions the same historical film and the end of the famous film, which impressed all the world and the images of this trip or this ship dramatically stunning.
Thus, the company raised the charm of the past that the associated rights and the madness or passion rights to tourism and fun and made from behind the huge gains through innovative ideas and services very distinguished talked about all over the world in recent weeks and given to those who would like to tourist attractions a model for innovation and thinking hard and not to rely on lower prices and only in attracting tourism, but that new ideas are the strongest way of excellence for more tourism
I go back and tell new terms have entered the world of tourism and travel during the past few years, such as the search for new and innovative means to attract tourists.
It is tourism «revolutions», which depends on attracting tourists to the fields and main squares, which has seen revolutions spring Arab such as Tahrir Square in Cairo, through tourism «disaster», which depend on the increased publicity campaigns to attract tourists to areas which had witnessed global catastrophes such as areas «tsunami» in Indonesia , comes to us Tourism «historical events», which depends on the re-enactment grave events occurred throughout history in order to attract many tourists and the like that has happened this week of celebrations of the centenary of the disaster, the sinking giant «Titanic» on April 14, 1912, which killing more than 1,500 people sank immediately.
In return for the representation of this disaster exactly, sailed English «Balmoral» in the package tour memorabilia from Britain to go the same route taken by Titanic hundred years ago, and was most of the passengers on board were relatives of the victims who died in the disaster, was held a memorial ceremony also on board the ship «Balmoral» in the same location as the sinking of the ship «Titanic».
She met a British ship with another American vessel is «Journey» in the same location as the sinking of the ship at a distance of 400 miles of the «Newfoundland» in the United States, a place which lies the wreckage of the ship.
According to news agencies that it is interesting in the matter is that the organizers of these trips restored to recall the same events journey “Titanic,” where they asked the passengers to wear the same old clothes which were worn in the early last century, was organized in the same concerts and paragraphs art and entertainment, which was held on board the ship Titanic before it sank, so that new passengers live the same atmosphere that preceded the sinking of the ship date.
– It remains to say that the goal of talking about the return trip the ship or the representation of «Titanic» not ruminate, such as grief and memories. It is also made it clear that talk about new ideas in marketing and tourism services and excellence in all that would be supported by tourism, which add to the economy. Tourism is not that cheap of the species «residence comprehensive», which do not support as far as destroying the elements of tourism over the years.
Investments .. And return .. Arab tourism and jobs .. Look at the fact
Egypt won the case of “Shepherd” in front of international arbitration.
Calm in Egypt. Traffic in Dubai. Flow to Turkey