Tourism Minister: return of tourists

In the first interview of Mr. Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, Minister of Tourism, who assumed his new duties with the tourism sector was the biggest crisis witnessed over the past years … So buck big and heavy load, but in spite of the distance from the tourism sector, however, that throughout his career has been worried the affairs of the nation
Following up on what’s happening on the political scene, economic, especially in light of his party as secretary general of the Wafd Party.

Mr. Minister, what is your strategy to get out of the current tourism crisis and return them to what before 25 January?
* First, we must work with all our energy to lift the ban on travel to Egypt from some European countries and the United States of America, is what is happening now has already been the response from most countries in Europe, the ban was lifted, but Russia refused, the largest state issued us tourism, they represent 20% of incoming tourism to Egypt every year and I do all my best to lift this ban, communication and ongoing interviews with Moscow’s ambassador to Egypt with tour operators in Moscow, who are demanding their government to quickly and need to lift the ban.
Second: We are already in the implementation of programs, revitalization of tourism include the presence and communication in all exhibitions of international tourism to the definition of the fact situation in the Egyptian street in the cities of Egypt’s tourism, and that what has happened in Egypt on January 25 was not an act of terrorism to countries fear it to nationals, but is a peaceful revolution white for the democratic transformation Tourism and reform took two weeks and is over and now things are on their way to stability and therefore there is no need to fear or anxiety on the tourists.
Programs include activation as well as stimulate and secure the charter flights, a program was implemented on 5 airports in the North Coast and Marsa Alam, Taba, Luxor and Aswan, and add this to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh was changed and simplified some of the conditions such as rates of insurance, which fell from 50% to 94% for some airports.
Third, we start a campaign advertising the new Egypt, internally and externally, but we are just waiting for the right time to start because the timing is something very important in advertising campaigns is not valid, for example to start airing ads in TVs of the world cities of Egypt’s tourism and the call to visit, then we find that the CNN news broadcast footage and scenes from the presence of Egyptian army in the streets, here I will lose credibility and therefore I have lost large amounts of propaganda will not bear fruit.
Fourth: We are already inviting reporters specializing in the press tourism in addition to the tour operators who deal with the Egyptian market and was attended by delegations from Italy, Germany, from tour operators to make sure close of the reality of the situation in the streets and Egyptian cities, and these calls would change public opinion in Western countries about the situation in Egypt and thus the decision to travel to Egypt. These calls to be borne by the Ministry with EgyptAir and the Egyptian hotels that receive these guests.
And cared so much about what is published in the international press about Egypt was annoyed to an article published in the journal ParisMatch French about the security situation in Egypt and immediately contacted a group of French journalists and a number of companies operating in the field of tourism and we invite them to visit Egypt to get acquainted with the truth and reality.
Egypt also made an offer to fly under the stimulus program offered through the conduct of the start of direct flights between Moscow and Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, as well as some Eastern European countries very attractive prices.
Fifth: We are now preparing for a season of Arab tourism and call on our Arab brothers to visit Egypt and spend our annual vacation through refresher campaigns in Arab countries.
And we hope that we receive the largest possible number of our Arab brothers because they are closest to us and know we have a stable situation.
Mr. Minister, is there faith in the house in order .. I mean the ministry?
* Definitely there will be many changes in all sectors of the Ministry and will be listening to the complaints of all and I will work to solve their problems, but I just want some little time to arrange my priorities because the solution to all problems do not occur in the day and night We need a little time began to take a number of resolutions for the federations of chambers tourism and the appointment of Elhamy Zayat, chairman of the Federation and Chambers of Tourism pending the completion of the elections that we want clean, transparent, non-contested and no later than 6 months has taken the decision to disband the union and tourist rooms in implementation of the judgment of the Court issued and in force, but did not take so I saw that the solution of these associations and chambers of the beginning He was right.
What about the expected changes in tourist offices and consultants in the countries of the world?
* There will be changes in a timely manner and after studying each country separately and must bear in mind the accumulated experience and the need for language proficiency of the States, but at the same time not true that the Director of the Office will continue for many years in his place without giving opportunities for young people.
Therefore, after study and consideration of all the offices will be making the right decision whether or inevitability of change and to stay for the end of the term and here I stress the need to train the ranks again to fill the shortfall in trained personnel Almtzlhh science, language and tools of the computer age and more.
Umrah season started after a stop during the events of the Egyptian revolution, so is the season strong for the Egyptian tourism companies?
* We believe that the minor pilgrimage season this year has special circumstances, after a stopover during the events of the revolution and the resumption of flights last February it was necessary to catch up with programs tourism committed by the companies towards the pilgrims and they started immediately and without delay and took things more than good until this moment there is no problems either in the placement of pilgrims in Mecca and Medina or congestion in the usual Egyptian ports ground or air.
We heard that there is a tendency to pull supervise the diving sector of the room Algod .. Is this true?
* Yes I have taken this decision for reasons of technical and will be implemented starting next April should not have to have supervision and control of the jurisdiction of the room, diving, and Larry need to return the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Tourism as it was in the past and will return to the offices of the Ministry of Tourism in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. more info here:    Egypt shore excursions



The beginning

After studying a number of important files that are under pressure to work in the ministry and caused many problems began .. Mr. Mounir Fakhry Abdel-Nour, Minister of Tourism to take bold decisions for the organization of the house from the inside .. I mean the organization of work in the Ministry of tourism and the tourism sector bodies Special auxiliary.

In a strong signal for the respect of the provisions of the judiciary and the implementation and response to the wishes of the people of the sector and what could be called the Kick-off to start the process of reform that we expect to be followed by actions or strikes another upon the completion of reading all the files and identify accurately on all the faces and names, aiding him in the ministry issued the Minister of Tourism resolutions very important as they have impact on the sector, employees and dealers with the Ministry of Tourism.
First decision to interrupt accepting applications for the establishment of Tourism Companies new to all categories and for one year due to lack of need for the country to it during this period and in light of current circumstances and the crisis experienced by the Egyptian tourism sector now, and taking into account the large number of existing companies, including more than a need for the tourist market (1600 company approximately), which cause increase in prices Egyptian tourism especially that most of these companies focus on the Hajj and Umrah and not to bring tourism to Egypt.
The second decision issued by the Minister of Tourism, requiring the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism, which was formed as a result of the elections that took place in 30.12.2008 and also resolve the boards of all Chambers of Tourism, after an opinion poll of legal advisers, who said that the ruling of the administrative court and enforceable and that the confusion Ayuagaf for implementation.
The Article first of the resolution have to be resolved the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism problem as a result of elections held on 12.30.2008, Article II to form a committee of Mr. Inspirational Zayat (Chairman) and Mr. Magdy nostalgia (Vice Chairman) and Mr. Ismail Ismail (a member and treasurer) and the membership of each of the following Raouf Ghali, Hussain Ghalib and just Zaki and Mahmoud El-Kaissouni and Norris engage the Hisham Gabr, and included a third article that the committee referred to all acts of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism for six months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a board of directors, whichever is earlier.
Under article IV to solve the boards of directors of all Chambers of Tourism and included Article V to form a committee of Mr. Adel Zaki (Chairman) and Mr. Ashraf Mr. Shiha (Vice Chairman), Mrs. Fatima Naseer member and treasurer, and the membership of Messrs.: Karim Mohsen, Mohamed Yamani, I have to The Committee shall direct the work of the Board of Directors Chamber of companies, travel agencies, tourism temporarily for a period of two months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a new Board of Directors of the room, whichever is earlier.
Also included Article VI to form a committee of Mr. Hussein Ghalib (Chairman) and Mr. Haitham Nassar (Vice Chairman) and Mr. Ahmed Anis (member and treasurer) and the membership of Ms. Hiba Bakri and Mr. Mohammed Abdullah, the committee will direct the work of the Board of Directors room hotel establishments temporarily for a period of two months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a new Board of Directors of the room, whichever is earlier.
Was embodied in Article VII to form a committee of Mr. Mahmoud El-Kaissouni (Chairman) and Mr. Khaled Osman (Vice Chairman), Mr. Mohammed Amin Splh (member and treasurer) and the membership of Messrs. Walid Sakr and Tarek Abou El-Enein, the committee will direct the work of the Board of Directors Chamber of tourist facilities temporarily for a period of two months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a new board of directors of the chamber, whichever is earlier.
In the eighth article is established a committee of Mr. Norris engage the (President) and Mr. Issa Ali Mohammad-Reza (as Vice-Chairman) and Mr. Amr Ibrahim Ali Mohammed (a member and treasurer) and the membership of Messrs. Mahmoud Mustafa Izz al-Din and Mr. Mohammed Hussein Saleh Radwan, the committee will directly work of the Board of Directors of Chamber of Antiquities and tourism goods temporarily for a period of two months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a new board of directors of the chamber, whichever is earlier.
And Article IX to form a committee of Mr. Hisham Jaber Ali (Chairman) and Ziad Mamdouh brave (Vice) President and Mr. Omar Adli Abdul Aziz (member and treasurer) and the membership of Messrs Hamid Abdullah Zuhair good religion, the committee will direct the work of the Board of Directors Chamber of diving tourism and activities Navy temporarily for a period of two months from the effective date of this resolution and until the new elections to form a new Board of Directors of the room, whichever is earlier.
The article included the tenth to be meeting any of the committees referred to previous articles is true if the number of attendees 75% of the total votes, at least, the Committee shall issue its decisions by an absolute majority in the case of a tie, the Chairman.
Included Article XI to take over all the committees provided for previous articles take all actions necessary to conduct new elections for the chambers and the European Union during the period of the work of those committees.
The Administrative Court had issued a ruling invalidating the decision of the Minister of Tourism, the former that determines the rules for nominations for membership of the boards of directors of the rooms and the number of representatives in these councils, and was one of these rules to achieve User Average size of his company 10 million pounds over the 3 years prior to nomination, which represents a major obstacle to those who wish to stand. more info here:   Egypt shore excursions
This was the rule, which led to the invalidity of the elections and thus resolve the boards of directors of the Federation and the rooms had been issued based on the lawsuit filed by the owner of Amr Sidqi Tourism Creative and Iman al-Kilani, owner of Flying Carpet.
A number of tourism experts that the most important rules that will demand the interim committees and the Minister of Tourism in the new regulations to be applied to those who will file the nomination should not exceed a period of a member of the Board of Directors two consecutive terms in implementation of Article (9) of the Rules of the basic Law of Chambers of Tourism, which provides The duration of the membership of the Council of the Chamber of 3 years and may not be the election or appointment for more than two consecutive terms .. This was the rule had been abolished years ago, but they are demanding a new application of
And according to experts, and travel agents that this text is in line with what is happening now in Egypt after the revolution of January 25 of the need to give the opportunity for young people and new faces and the fight against corruption, which may result in the long stay of a member of the Board of Directors, which is suffering from some rooms of tourism in recent years, where he was be circumvented by the regulations not to implement such article or the continuation of this limitation is to run for the Board of Directors.
He said tourist expert Elhamy Zayat, Chairman of the Interim Administration of the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism that will start immediately in meetings with the Minister of Tourism and the heads and members of the six committees that will manage the Union and rooms to take practical measures to accelerate the election of the new rooms and the European Union according to the regulations will be agreed upon, whether made by the election the last that has been challenged by, or return to the old regulations or start any new proposals could be held by the election after consultation with the sector and the Minister of Tourism.




The return of security is necessary for the return of tourism

Who thinks that tourism can live or grow and thrive without tranquility, security and stability shall be a sinner
Tourism is not without the stability and the end of violence and unrest and tension …

Peace and stability are the backbone of the tourism .. No one is moving from his home in the world intending to leave and have fun and relax only with the object region, city or beach to enjoy the tranquility, stability and peace .. And never gets close of violence or war or unrest in any way.
This is the beginning and the end .. Interval is the word to any country wishing to attract international tourism to shore up its economy and the provision of hard currency and jobs for its citizens .. Therefore find the first decision for any country that respects its citizens in the event of unrest in a country that is evacuating its citizens from tourists this troubled country immediately .. But issued warnings or prohibition not to visit this country.
And what happened in Egypt after the revolution of January 25 proof .. Egypt is the state found itself suddenly without tourists, but was deported all the tourists who are immediately and Egypt lost in the first month of the revolution about one billion dollars willingly .. We are proud Bthoratna and are willing to pay this price in return for reform and the eradication of corruption, in the hope of a better tomorrow and a better future for Egypt.
But if we act now to restore our site on the world tourism map. (Egypt received 14.7 million tourists and achieved a $ 12.5 billion in 2010), this requires first to realize that calm is required or other words, stability and security are required before it was any movement of a promotional or marketing of the invitation to return of tourism to Egypt.
We can imagine that the vigils and the demands and the continuing factional demonstrations are difficult to advocate the return of tourism .. But more than this can not be imagined that what happened in a Cairo Stadium in a game Zamalek and Tunisian African has a negative effect on the return of tourism .. The world today is a global village and a small satellite carrying every moment what is happening in Egypt from the beginning and the end of Tahrir Square Cairo Stadium … And what happened from the view of the existence of security Aaouha never .. Although recognizing the right of peaceful demonstration which could not confiscate the right of the people organized.
From here we say that the return of security and stability must precede the call for the return of tourism because, as I said at the beginning of this article that any tourist can not be risked and travels to the State do not trust a single moment that security is not so strongly, or that some aspects of turbulence controlled and this Matnqlh satellite TV, despite our sense of We said that Egypt is a safe and enjoy the people is able to embrace and care and respect for its visitors.
Important … This long introduction, but it is very important even to not waste money and promotion and marketing efforts that must be carefully considered in light of what is happening in Egypt .. This is not to stand idly .. As I said in previous articles that the areas and the cities of Egypt’s tourism such as Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, Luxor and Aswan, far from the tensions witnessed in Cairo, with evidence that states the basic exporting tourism to Egypt lifted the ban on her visit, and also does not have a curfew and here may be to focus activation on these cities .
But also important to know what is happening on the ground or in the markets, the basic exporting tourism to Egypt, led by Russia, Germany, England, Italy and France .. Following the first month of the revolution, some imagined that he could return to what it was .. But the reality is now that the summer months, reservations are still in danger as long as the manifestations of instability and the lack of security exists strongly.
The percentage of works currently exceeding 20% or 25% in the tourist cities, it is true that it has moved from 5% or 10% last month, but the bookings indicate that the improvement in the summer will be great .. But the most serious of this is that prices in the descending or very low prices .. Then you can imagine that the prices week from Russia, Germany, England, Italy and France, not to exceed 300 euros and 500 euros Hotel 4-star and 5 star luxury in Egypt, including the price of the aircraft, which ranges between 300 euros and 350 euros, or that the price of the room at night between 10 euros, or even 15 euros in the best case and breakfast and sometimes the other meal Imagine … These are the prices and to reduce this down!!
May anger the Egyptians of these prices at the time of paying the 500 pounds to 1000 pounds in the night, but that is another issue that is not a field.
It may be useful here to ask a proposal reminded me of him brother Aziz and tourist expert Hossam poet, chairman of a group of companies Blue Sky’s second-largest tourism company in Egypt (Travco initial), which occupies second place in bringing tourism to Egypt, and this proposal might be worth the study, to remove the fee Visa (15 euros) for every tourist wants to increase Egypt and that the visa is granted at the airports in tourist cities for a period of temporary and not 6 months, as happened after the Luxor massacre in 1997. It is possible that these actions contribute in attracting tourism to Egypt again with an emphasis on stability as a prerequisite for the return of tourism.
Experts say that a country like Turkey, which is considered a key competitor to Egypt, do so now and had to cancel the visa fees to citizens of many countries, tourism issued forth from Europe and even in front of some Arab countries .. All this make the jump to Turkey about 30 million tourists last year and enter the list of the major tourist attraction.
Are we in Egypt on such a move and cancel the visa fee as we did before? Will be the saving for the summer season of danger? Will help to raise prices again after the return flow to Egypt again?
It accepted the study proposal and discussion!!
Egypt Holidays


Revolutions not against the Arab tourism to Egypt and Tunisia

It is clear that revolutions spring Arab Islamic produced a stream in the process of winning a majority in Arab parliaments, and in this framework emerged from the statements of some leaders of some of these currents, the people of the tourism hit a lot of fear, because it threatened to impose restrictions on tourism activity .. And other statements that came out of the same currents dissipate these fears in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco are talking about today.
Has confirmed a senior member of the ruling Justice and Development Party, the first Islamic government in Morocco is leading .. That the party would not impose a system morally militants in the country, but he will support the arts that reflect the cultural heritage of Morocco.
Said Mohamed orphan member of the Secretariat of the Party: We are in the Justice and Development do not care about people’s private life, and it is not our job does not interfere in the beliefs of the people, nor in their actions.
He added, our priority is to improve the social and economic conditions for Moroccans .. However, it must be for the new government policy in this area .. But will not be the morality police, for example, refuted concerns that the victory of the party that can lead to tension on the lines of what happened between Islamists and secularists in Tunisia.
He said with regard to public morals and public morals and public places, there are laws regulating them, but will not force the women to wear hijab, because our religion, a religion of tolerance, so that God Almighty says no compulsion in religion .. There is also a verse that says: I’m not Bmsatr them.
He also said there will be no Police never ethics, will not prevent people from drinking alcohol, because these issues of faith and personal convictions.
The senior officials in the party have criticized the earlier music festivals held in Morocco as pornographic, even though the King Mohammed VI of Morocco to support such activities repeatedly.
The politicians of the ruling Justice and Development told the British singer Elton John gay famous that he is not welcome in Morocco, because his presence on the extent of saying that would tarnish the image of the Kingdom, however, revived John concert attended by thousands of fans Moroccans.
Not focused street protests which have criticized the festivals on the moral side, but on the wages earned by the massive stars such as Shakira and Kanye West in a country that lies quarter of its population below the poverty line.
The orphans have never been against art and culture, but we were always against the waste of public money at festivals, considering that the artists get the huge amounts of money would create a kind of hatred by the poor citizen.
He added that in spite of their argument that these festivals are not funded from the general budget, but owners of private companies, but no matter what these funds Morocco in the initial benefits of the other .. There are priorities.
But he said we are not against festivals, so keep All the festivals and probably will flourish more .. We are with the festivals that contribute to the advancement of our culture do not squander public money .. Our program is to create a national culture contribute to the consolidation of national identity and historical identity, while respecting the values of beauty and taste, citizenship and public sacrifice.
The statements reassuring similar had emerged from the Islamic Renaissance Movement of winning the parliamentary elections of Tunisia, and the party of freedom and justice, the winner of the first stage of the Egyptian parliamentary elections, after fears in Western circles of the impact of the arrival of Islamist parties to power in the countries of Arab spring on the tourism industry them.
The Moroccan victory party in parliamentary elections last month came after a similar victory achieved by the Islamic party in Tunisia last movement of the Renaissance in the wake of the Arab Spring revolutions in the region .. Which confirmed the movement it does not seek to overthrow the laws guaranteeing the equality of women and men in matters of divorce, marriage and inheritance, was also keen to confirm that it will not cause any pitfalls of economic life in the country’s economy of Western tourists who come to enjoy the sun and sand and drinking alcohol.
The Islamic Renaissance Movement won a majority of seats in the Tunisian parliament has struggled since its victory to calm the fears of the European powers and the secular elite previously had a hand in running the state.
The Secretary-General of the Renaissance Movement Hamadi Jebali, told him that the movement is no intention to interfere in the issue of drinking alcohol and wear open sea, and added that the movement had no intention of also introduce amendments to the banking sector which do not represent Islamic services in which only a very low rate.
The pages of Travel and Tourism spoke last Thursday about the experience of Justice and Development Party in Turkey, which is nowhere near from tourism, and did not restrict, but succeeded in the implementation of campaigns and investments made Turkey into the list of the ten major tourist attraction in the world, it has made about 30 million tourists a year In the past a large concentration of interest in tourism and beach tourism entertainment that is the backbone of tourism in the countries of the world now, which is the basis to support the economy and provide employment opportunities for young people.

Egyptian tourism never die

Munir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, Minister of Tourism  said at the annual meeting of the Assembly of the Chamber of Hotels headed by Kamal Tawfik .. that in spite of the situation experienced by the country, the Egyptian tourism will not die and that he We have to be more optimistic.

Despite all these events will bring tourism this year’s figures was not bad, and that we must continue to exist forums international tourism, stressing the importance of participation this year at ITB Berlin the month of March as Egypt is a country of honor inches this year, said Abdel-Nour, we must work on house in order and improve service levels and not slip into lower prices at the expense of quality, stressing this matter with respect to floating hotels, in particular, especially with the return of the long Nile cruises next year. for more info here:
He said Minister of Tourism, he had already agreed to postpone the contributions of hotels in the activation fee until the end of next June and decided to postpone the application of new hotel specifications for one year from the end of this year.
And approved by the Minister of Tourism on the cancellation of the first article of the Ministerial Decree No. 626 private companies, hotel management at the request of members of the Assembly, which was bound to all hotels contracted with companies turned him, which I think members is unconstitutional because it robs the hotel owners the right to manage their hotels especially small ones, He also promised Abdel nour that discuss with stakeholders the problems facing hotels with civil protection duties exploitation of water, security, etc., as approved Abdel Nour to fund emergency room use outcome in compensation Hotels in cases of crisis, and promised to study the reduction of license fees and renewal of the hotel category stars and two stars and three stars. published by:  Alexandria airport


World waiting for the magic number!

Today we review the recent report by the World Tourism Organization, but before we say: N the global tourism industry look like a champion athlete record-breaking achievements in the past is the same, year after year and announce this new industry for the preparation of the tourists were not expect before.
This year, it is expected that the number of tourists to the new number will remain a milestone in the history of the industry namely, one billion tourists.
According to the report of the World Tourism Organization, the tourism industry will continue to grow during 2012, albeit by less than in 2011, it will be the magic number is one billion tourists by the time of the year.
But before talking about tourism in 2012, the World Tourism Organization, through its report, which is known Balbaaromitr which measures if the tourism industry, said that the number of tourists increased by 4.4% in 1102 to up to 980 million tourists, after the figure was 939 million in 2010
The report pointed out that the distinction in 2011 specific features, the most important decline in global economic growth and the enormous political events in the Middle East and North Africa, earthquakes, natural, as in Japan.
And at the level of regions of the world, Europe was the best achievement growth rate of 6% with the observation that this old continent of no more than the growth rates in general to 5%.
The region of South America, part of the Americas region has achieved a leap as an exceptional growth rate increased to 10%.
Unlike previous years, tourism in developed countries achieved growth rates higher than the most promising countries, or those on the path of growth, due, to the good results achieved by the European continent in general and to the setbacks suffered by the Middle East and North Africa. for more info here:  Safaga port
But what the barometer says report specifically?
The report indicates that despite the lack of economic recruitment, the number of tourists who have visited Europe in 2011 amounted to 503 million tourists, more than half the number of tourists in the world during that year (980 million tourists, the total number of tourists in 2011). The report pointed out that Europe accounted for 82 million tourists from the 14 million tourists who have increased globally in 2011 compared to a year earlier.
> As for the Asia-Pacific, the rate of 6% growth in tourism which is equivalent to 11 million tourists in 2011 increased for 2011, bringing the total tourists who visited this region to 216 million. The rate of growth in Southeast Asia while it reached 9% in North East Asia 4%, but fell to 3% in Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), due to the number of Japanese tourists in particular.
The report noted that for the Americas has a growth rate of 4% which is equivalent to 6 million tourists in 2011 increased to a total number of tourists who have visited this region 651 million.
The area of South America are growing up as the rate reached to 10% for the second year in a row while Central America and the Caribbean, where the growth has reached 4%, the same rate in 2010
And increased growth in tourism in North America, 3% for the number of tourists who have visited this region 100 million tourists in 2011
And maintained the African continent to the rate of growth achieved by bringing the number of tourists who visited it to 50 million people .. The Sub-Saharan Africa is the highest growth since the rate was 7%, which offset the loss incurred by the North African region, as was the decline in growth (-12%).
On the Middle East, the report noted the barometer of the World Tourism Organization to the region achieved a negative growth is (-8%), making it lose 5 million tourists in 2011, bringing the total number of tourists who visited it to 55 million people, has continued to several countries such as Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman and the UAE growth.
A statement issued by the organization to that there are countries that have achieved high growth rates, including the United States (12%) and Spain (9%) and Hong Kong Chinese (25%) and Britain (7%) The States spent the most on tourism was China’s growth rate (38 %) and Russia (21%) and Brazil 32%) and India (32%) and for the mature countries, the rates were spending less, for example, total spending on tourism Germany (4%) and American (5%).
After the report highlighted the results of 2011, go to the expectations of the experts who prepare the report of the barometer of what will happen in .2012
Experts have predicted that continued growth but at a slower pace, where the number of tourists will increase by between 3 and 4% to a historic number has not been achieved by a billion tourists by the end of this year.
They also forecast to recover emerging or promising economic submitted by States mature economically, and will be the growth rate the highest in the Asia-Pacific and Africa (4%) followed by the Americas and Europe (from 2 to 4%) The Middle East, experts predicted that the proportion of growth from zero percent to 5 percent, said the region will begin to restore part of the loss incurred in 2011.
These same expectations, confirmed by the confidence index, released by the World Tourism Organization, which indicated a committee made up of 400 experts from around the world to the tourism sector that will achieve positive results in 2012, but they believed that this growth will be lower than last year.
The World Tourism Organization has urged world governments to consider improving their capacity to facilitate the travel of tourists through the use of technology in the granting of visas of tourists quickly, as well as facilitate the writing of data and also the timing of the issuance of visas. The Organization confirmed that this improvement would increase the turnout of tourists to travel, which will lead to increased economic growth.  published by:


New methods of marketing!

I do not want to dive today in pain influence what is happening now in Egypt on tourism, as I said last week from London that the policy is inseparable from the economy, and what is happening in Egypt now for that model,
Again, going wherever the economy followed by tourism, so if the economy grew and prospered out of the people within the tourism
Home and abroad, but if growth falls, were overshadowed by the crisis on the economic situation, the wishing to travel and tourism they think a lot before deciding to travel and often are forced to stay in their country.
This is what happens in the world today because of the economic crisis that hit many of the regions of the world, especially Europe.
Has published the London Stock Exchange report on trends in travel and tourism in the world in 2011, pointing out that the global economy about to get depressed with the worsening debt crisis in Europe and the U.S. attempts to solve the crisis of rising debt, which has been facing for a long time, the report pointed out that the IMF International growth is expected to decline in the GDP of the world from 5.1% last year to 4% this year.
Of course, the report says will affect the number of tourists who travel around the world, where will decrease the number this year by 4.3% compared to last year, due to high fuel prices, commodities and tax increases and austerity measures taken by States, political turmoil and social unrest taking place in many countries the world.
The report points out that by next year is expected to reach the number of tourists to spend a billion people, nearly a trillion dollars (a trillion is equal to one thousand billion), thanks to increase the number of members of the middle class in emerging economic nations, especially in Asia.
Having thrown report provides an overview to the world, dealing with some of the world in some detail, and began the Americas, as pointed out that the economic recovery, there is accompanied by an increase in demand for tourism was among the factors that contributed to the increased growth in tourism is strong in 2010, but with an expected decline real GDP this year due to the high rate of unemployment, the number of tourists who visit the region of the world will fall, but visitors to the area of the countries emerging economies would support spending in that region. for more info here:   Safaga port

In the face of this economic problem, which lead to a reduction in the number of tourists from the Americas, either internally or externally took refuge in a number of tourism companies to devise new methods of marketing to attract tourists, including the so-called flight mysterious, which depend on the establishment of auctions given for visits to places is not advertised for their names, and enters wishing to travel to these auctions, and prices are very low, which is aimed at people the next two to marry, or celebrate their birthdays, where they are tempted to travel without mentioning the place of travel, hotel or otherwise, have started this phenomenon in 2006 and then multiplied. after that.
The prices start domestic flights than a thousand U.S. dollars, while prices of foreign trips start from $ 2500.
The report goes on to Britain, which have been allocated a separate part because the London market is being held in the British capital, is interested in the revitalization of tourism in Britain generally, the report pointed out that the IMF cut last September forecast for the growth of UK GDP from 1.8% of what was announced by to 1.1%, due to the financial crisis and rising unemployment, and the withdrawal of the British government fiscal stimulus measures provided by the institutions that are exposed to financial problems.
However, the report says London to host next year’s Olympics would increase the number of tourists to Britain, bringing the total to 30 million tourists, which will lead to support the British economy.
There are currently promotional campaigns to benefit most from the Olympics to London, especially in the British capital and the surrounding areas, and also in Britain as a whole .. Among the methods to convince people renting their homes, as well as their gardens for the establishment of tents spend the tourists who wish to follow the Olympics closely, the report pointed out that 80% of the parks have been leased for a period exceeding 28 days, is expected to increase demand for rental parks during the Olympics is the highest in Britain as a whole.
The hotel expects to increase prices 5 times the normal conditions during the Olympics, which will preferably wishing to follow-up 40% of the hotel room.
And the report considers the situation a tourist on the European continent, where indicates that with the slowdown in economic growth in the continent, especially the euro zone because of the sovereign debt crisis, and with the increasing rates of recession for more than 10% and the uncertainty about the future of the euro area, tourism will face a problem, especially in Spain, Ireland and Greece and Portugal, the countries most vulnerable to the economic crisis.
In an attempt to get out of this crisis, tourism, companies in Europe created a new kind of tourism is tourism luxury that make tourists choose the type of service provided to him, and also the need that the service is environmentally friendly and responsive per his wishes, and Germany is the State’s primary European in this area, followed by France .
In partnership with European companies, the tourism organizations in countries such as Kenya and South Africa, has developed special services and unique for this kind of tourism, luxury, which is usually in groups or Gerobac in terms of selection of places, and the need to confirm the conservation of natural resources and the environment.
Up and the report prepared by the London market for the travel and tourism to the Middle East, indicates that in 2011, exploded revolutions and unrest in the region amid calls for reform, and change regimes and violent conflicts broke out in some countries.
But it was so furans in the region, the report says its consequences on the tourism industry, where the expected sharp decline in the number of tourists visiting up to 6.6% growth.
As a result of this decline, began to Egypt and Tunisia in the re-marketing themselves as a tourist two democratic states have succeeded to some extent in the transition phase, while still the situation in Libya and Syria, far from being stable.
The report shows that the process of re-marketing of tourism through a new brand is a complex process because of the privacy of the political, economic and social development of each country, and because of the big challenges faced by each country.

The report says that the marketing of Egypt and Tunisia would be attractive especially for lovers of the Arab world but nevertheless, the rate of growth in tourism to Egypt and Tunisia during the period from 2010 to 2015 is expected to fall 3%.
However, the report indicates that despite the unrest, the region still represents a key market for tourism development due to its wealth of petroleum, and higher incomes for some of its population and population growth, it is also a Middle East have proven their ability to overcome the problems tourism.
For Asia, the report says, she lived a period of economic growth led by India and China in 2010, but this growth will slow this year, and the world the next because of the global economic downturn, the report points out that travel between the Asian countries  will deal with the growth of the number of members of the middle class in Asian countries, the Chinese will agree $ 57 billion on domestic and foreign tourism, which makes China the third country in terms of spending in the world after the United States and Germany.
Because of the increasing number of Chinese tourists, the international hotels have become interested in them, and trying to meet their demands, and the complexity of partnership agreements with Chinese companies and benefit from the cake of Chinese tourists, which increases continuously with the continued growth in tourism.
Is expected to increase spending on tourism for China to reach $ 67 billion in 2015 China became the second country after the United States. published by:


Tourism industry before Cars .. but after the banks!

Today we continue to talk about the importance of the contribution of the tourism industry in the global economy.. so we explain this importance to those who do not know .. How should we think of the Egyptians in the reality and the future of this industry?
We had our last Thursday on this page an article entitled Tourism by car, sometimes we explained the results of a recent study conducted by the World Council of Travel and Tourism wttc in cooperation with the Oxford Centre for Economic Studies, England, about the extent of the contribution of the tourism industry in the gross domestic product in Britain and said it was 5 times the contributions to the automotive industry the year the past (101 billion pounds), equivalent to 6.7% of GDP as a whole.
It is important that this article raised the attention of a number of tourism experts who have communicated with us and asked for more details about this study, the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product in the whole world, not only in Britain.
Here we do today .. Therefore we say that the latest study of the Oxford Center indicate that the size of the contribution of the tourism industry in the world’s GDP last year reached 2011 about 9.1% ahead of the auto industry, which amounted to contribute about 8.5% while came Tourism after the banks that came in the first place and contribute to in world GDP by 11% of any car that tourism before, but after the banks.
And explain the beginning of the study is presented of the Council of the World Travel & Tourism and the Centre of Oxford that there is a difference between contributing to the direct sector, tourism (hotels and tourism facilities) in the global GDP, which is called in English DirectGDP and contribute to the total direct and indirect ie everything related to the tourism industry and complementary industries have such as aviation and other which is called TotalGDP This is intended as a contribution to 9.1% of global GDP because the direct contribution of only 2.8% and we get to the details of the study:
The annual report issued by the World Council of Travel and Tourism under the title of the economic impact of the World Council for Tourism and travel that contribute to overall travel and tourism sector in the global GDP GDP reached in 2011 about 9.1%, equivalent to about $ 6.3 trillion dollars.
It was announced David Skozhel President of the Council that the travel and tourism industry has maintained over the past year I have to be one of the major industries in the world, and it’s in the next ten years will grow by 4% per annum until the year 2022, which represents 10% of world gross domestic product will provide 328 million jobs, which means according to Skozhel say that the function of one out of every ten posts on the face of the earth will be provided by travel and tourism industry.
He added, for the past twenty years has invested the World Council of Travel and Tourism in the process of economic research that sets the assessment of the contribution to the tourism sector in both GDP and employment, this research include the expectations and prophecies for the next ten years is considered unique in terms of information they provide, They also help both governments and private companies in the development of future plans. for more info here:   Egipt travel
The council said in its annual report on the status of tourism and travel industry that is expected to increase the proportion of the contribution of tourism and travel directly to the gross domestic product in the world to 3% in .2012
According to the report: that the direct contribution of tourism and travel industry in the GDP amounted to $ 1.9 trillion, equivalent to 2.8% of world GDP in 2011
It is expected to rise by 2.8% in 2012 and by 4.3% annually to reach $ 9.9 billion in .2022
The report also said in 2011 amounted to contribute to the overall travel and tourism in employment, including jobs related to indirect exports of visitors, the amount of one trillion dollars which is 5.3% of total exports in 2011 is expected to rise by 1.7% in 2012 and by 3. 6% per annum in the period between 2012 and .2022
The report went on to say: investments amounted to travel and tourism industry in 2011 about 734 billion dollars, or 4.9% of the total investment will rise with a rate of 3.5% in 2012 and by 5.6% annually over the next ten years to reach a value of $ 1.3 trillion in 2022 any accounted for 5.1% of the total. The report said that leisure tourism is the largest part of the total global tourism industry as it was formed in 2011, 76% of the value of global GDP, compared with only 24% formed by business tourism.
Domestic tourism also formed 70.5% of GDP, direct travel and tourism industry in 2011 compared with 29.5% for tourism or foreign State.
The report predicted that the proportion of domestic tourism by 3.5% in 2012 and by 4.6% before the .2022
He described the report of the Board World Travel and Tourism in 2011 that he was one of the more years that saw the challenges in the world in the tourism industry, travel, and move the report says that the big challenges facing the travel and tourism industry in the current period is not unprecedented over the past two decades.
The President of the World Council of Travel and Tourism: The recent research conducted by the Council confirms the results of the importance of tourism and travel as a momentum and stability of the economies of the world in general because of their role in providing jobs and economic prosperity as well as facilitating trade and investment between the countries. published by:   Safaga port


Arab Tourism experts and the difficult task

Tourism has become a modern industry major with a special character based upon some of the countries in the national income and the examples are many and varied, perhaps most important, “Spain” In my opinion, that in our Arab region is still the tourism industry lacks a comprehensive vision of the important ingredient, which allow us to become in the ranks of the major in the industry, I wonder where lies the defect to be addressed for the advancement of Arab tourism?!

It’s very dangerous and Arab tourism in the turn of the most dangerous in light of political events experienced by the Arab region, which negatively affect the future of Arab tourism industry, the decline in preparing figures for both the incoming traffic or revenue and stay away from international competition …

This is the position Arab tourism deteriorating current, and to save the tourism industry in the Arab region have sought Dr. “Khaled Rasheed” expert Tourism Saudi citizenship and a group of researchers and interested members of various Arab nationalities mind tourist joint Arab and converged and unified vision for the advancement of tourism as an industry is promising and one of the main pillars of the economy of our region Arabic in the future, if concluded and ratified intentions and reasons rejected and the band rupture.

The bulk of the major goals of the International Society for it to tourism experts Arabs, and also announced through the first conference of the society, which was held in Cairo in mid-July with the blessing of the past and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and the participation of the Arab League and continued for a period of two days. for more info here: Nile cruises
In my opinion, created an international association of tourism experts Arabs at this time the center of this upheaval Arab, who some like to name it Daisy Arab is critical to more than one reason most notably “to draw attention Arab of the importance of the tourism industry, and seek with all our strength to protect them from this upheaval political ripple by region to preserve the gains of years long work tourism and mobility, “International News”, “The Arab-Arab” to consolidate the thought tourism development and economic in our Arab countries, from the perspective of a comprehensive Performance to the interaction of foreign capital by the Arab, “a European and the U.S.” in the last twenty years and he came to our region to invest and work Abrkiyanat large to take advantage of our natural resources unique tourist, and won many times as pumped from the investment ..

Today, re-calculations again to escape the security to another area of ​​the world, and fed the forces of world capitalism, which sees the tourism industry, the Arab was during the coming few years will pose a real threat to the global tourism industry and compete with the hardest countries hubs of international tourism, which rejects form and substance even to Atzhb revenues of not less than $ 260 billion to the Arab people getting drunk about 25% of global revenues of the global tourism industry, which is estimated at one trillion dollars a year …!
published by:

Travel to Egypt

History of tourism in Egypt

Egypt was known throughout history as a destination for tourists and travelers since it has had “Herodotus” in ancient history, recording surprised for various vast for Greece and Egypt remained so throughout its history, the mediator and talk, and then added the discovery of the effects of the Pharaohs since the beginning of the last century a special charm to Egypt beside that of the the effects of unique religious and cultural challenges of time in the loftiness and grandeur, this side of the fullness of their geographical location of the world and the moderate climate in summer and winter, and coasts of easy stretching, and the beaches of the treasures of coral reefs, unique, all this is one of the comparative advantages that provide for competition to be and excellence is hoped the elements and guarantees.

At the forefront of the comparative advantages enjoyed by Egypt as a tourist destination diversity of the fields of tourism, the most important archeological or cultural tourism as one of the oldest types of tourism in Egypt, where ancient civilizations and remains of cultural tourism is the ingredient tourism is repeated or similar, or payable to compete because of Egypt possesses, as there are third known effects in the whole world next to the presence of many important museums, and also there is leisure tourism beaches and pyramids tour

tourism, religious tourism, therapeutic tourism, eco-tourism, sports tourism festivals and competitions, and finally safari tourism conferences and exhibitions.

With solutions to the nineties began a new development policy with the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 425 of 1992 establishing the General Authority for Development

Over the past fifteen years and until now, has seen the field of tourism in Egypt in addition to more communities Alsaahihaljdidh in several areas remote added a lot to the area of ​​the globe Egyptian tourist, and reshaped the production and development centers in Egypt, where he was during the period from 1992 until 2007 establishment of about 557 tourist projects with a total capacity of 40 thousand hotel rooms and investment costs are estimated at LE 9.7 billion .. These projects are distributed on the regions of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Ain Sokhna, Ras Sidr and the North Coast and El-Arish, was also planned to establish 51 tourist center integrated in the respective elements of the city itself and all you need of basic facilities and potential in tourism. for more info here:  Alexandria airport

Launched by 2006, the propaganda campaign of the new Egyptian tourism in all parts of the world under the slogan “the gift of the Sun” and Egypt, which can not be compared to something  and being implemented through all media such as newspapers, TV and shops as well as advertising methods and means of transportation, Egypt began implementing a program to promote tourism Egypt extends from 2006 until 2011 .. This program aims to attract the private sector to inject new investments in the field of tourism investment estimated at around 8 billion pounds, which would create more job opportunities for young people in the projects of national tourism, where tourism has provided in 2005 / 2006 about 120 thousand jobs for the youth of Egypt.

Witnessed a number of tourists coming to in the recent marked increase came to 9.1 million visitors in 2007, where the percentage increase of 5.5% from the previous year, which saw 8.7 million visitors, with the result that increased tourism revenue achieved to reach the same year to about 6429 million dollars .. Tourism jumped from here to become a primary source of income for Egypt’s foreign currency.

At the level of the Middle East and North Africa, Egypt has been able to achieve a percentage increase in the tourism sector reached 12.9%, almost 1.9 million in 2007 compared to 1.7 million in 2005. The World Tourism Organization statistics of the United Nations to increase the proportion of international tourism amounted to 4.5% in the head while one out of every 5 tourists to Egypt.

And for the Arab countries, the percentage increase in the number of tourists from Qatar to Egypt, 26.4% from the year 2005. The rates of increase in the rest of the region are: 7.5% of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 21.8% of the United Arab Emirates, 17.8% of Libya, 16.9% from Jordan, 16.7% from Kuwait, 14.7% from Tunisia and 13.4% of Bahrain.

The Tourism Festivals of the most important and the latest means of tourist attractions, and Egypt organized numerous festivals that are popular rally such as Cairo International Festival for the song, and the International Film Festival, and Tourism and Shopping Festival and includes inside Festival gold, and the annual festival atheist ten fishing for amateurs and Alexandria International Festival of Song Mediterranean June 2005, and Sharm el-Sheikh International Championship for Bowling.

The year 2006 witnessed the implementation of more than one project in the northern coast, such as the development of the region of Sidi Abdel Rahman and the creation of a giant tourism project for the development and reconstruction of the region and turn it into an international tourist resort  The project aims and investments estimated at about 7 billion pounds, to add about three thousand hotel rooms, golf courses, marinas world-class, alongside housing a tourist and sports activities, recreational and commercial centers. Was also opened international hotel in the northern coast in 2006 to put Egypt on the international tourist map, and at the same time increases the chances of international tourist flows to Egypt .The hotel consists of 400 rooms as a first stage of the project, which includes six hotels on an area of ​​three million square meters and an investment of one billion pounds, providing about 50 thousand jobs. published by:   Safaga port