Very optimistic about the future of tourism in Egypt

Sign and the Egyptian Minister of Tourism, Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour, to see Egypt in the coming tourist movement not seen in history before.

The minister said in a statement for “Arab. Net”, he was “very optimistic” as he put it, provided there will not be any events that might disturb the tourism in Egypt.

“There is great demand for Egypt Tours product, you will touch in the coming months of the summer season – winter for the current year.”
Increase from Japan and Spain

Asked about expectations for the coming period, Mr. Abdel Nour said he expected the return of the Spanish Tourism “summer cultural tourism, tourists usually go to the Spanish Luxor, Aswan and level areas in general.”

The minister expected a significant increase in the number of tourists from Japan, especially after the return flight line which connects Tokyo, Cairo, which is expected to double in the coming period.

A new air route will connect the city of Osaka Japanese Cairo, will be opened during the next few weeks, there is great demand by Japanese tourists on the Egyptian tourism product, especially after the success of the airline’s Tutankhamun Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Tourism in Osaka.

The minister expected to see Egypt

Egyptian tourist demand from Eastern Europe in general and in particular from Russia, Poland, due to the large increase in charter flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh and Marsa Alam.

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“It is also expected to increase the capacity of ad hoc charter flights to serve the Egyptian tourist destinations in the second half of 2012, coming from Germany and England, where he is expected to exceed what it was in 2010.”

He continued, “All these indicators make us optimistic that the next six months will see a return to greater rates of tourism will exceed what it was in 2010 much, provided they are not showing any events disturb these positive indicators.”
Beach and cultural

Asked whether the tourism in the coming period will focus on cultural tourism more than beach tourism, the minister ruled out completely this, asserting that coastal tourism represents 80% of Egyptian tourism.

He stressed that of course will increase cultural tourism due to the return of long Nile cruises that go from Cairo to Luxor and Aswan, “as the Ministry of Tourism is now working on upgrading of marinas along the Nile River Nile.”

“Also, there have been actions taken by the Ministry of Tourism to attract more tourists through the conduct of charter flights to the level, and especially to Aswan International Airport, The ministry will bear the costs of charter flights landing in this airport to attract more tourists.”

The World Tourism Organization report in 2011 stated that Egypt holidays has left its position within the top 20 tourist destination in the world, which had reached in 2010.

The report added that “the years of political crisis in Egypt may pay from rank 18 to the rank of 16.

Egypt has received about 14 million tourists in 2010, while this number decreased significantly after the outbreak of the revolution of January 25, 2011 which was followed by year and a half years of political crisis and the subsequent related cases of insecurity.

Tourism is one of the most important sources of income for the Egyptian economy and the tourism sector works about 20% of the workforce in the country.

31% increase in the number of tourists to Egypt during the month of April

The number of tourists coming from all over the world to Egypt during the month of April by 30.8% to up to 1.05 million tourists compared to 800 thousand tourists during the corresponding month of 2011.

He attributed the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics – In his monthly about tourism for the month of April 2012 – Increasing numbers of tourists during the month of April due to the events of the revolution on January 25, pointing out that he has not yet reached the level at which it was during April 2010, which stood at 1.2 million tourists. more info click here:  Egypt holidays

He pointed out that the number of tourist nights he spent by tourists departing 12.1 per million nights during April 2012, with 6.7 million nights during the comparative period an increase of 80.7%, indicating that Western Europe was ranked first in the number of nights, followed by Eastern Europe and the Middle East during the same period .
He explained that the average number of nights tourists during the month of April 12.2  10.3 night to night during the same period of last year, while he had recorded during April 2010 about 9.8 for the night.

On the other hand, he pointed out that the device number of tourists from Arab countries during April amounted to about 175 thousand tourists compared to 147 A tourist in April 2011 an increase of 19.6% while the 154 thousand tourists during April 2010.

The number of Egypt tours  nights spent by tourists departing from the Arab countries during April 2012 increased by 82.9% to reach 2.5 million nights compared with 1.4 million nights during the month of April of last year, while 1.7 million nights during April 2010


Safari tourism in Egypt, a unique treasure

Of events experienced by the country and influence the tourist experience right after the revolution of January 25, 2011.. However, the tourist flow to Egypt, they show up and down.. Also appeared in the movement of domestic tourism.. Varied movement and reached a peak at some times and the right to decline significantly in other times, he emphasized that “Amr Ezabi” the President of the Tourism Promotion Authority.

He noted that the provinces of Ezabi Red Sea and South Sinai are most obvious in the tourism flows, and the movement comes to Luxor and Aswan in ranked next to them.
He stressed, “Magdy Selim,” head of the domestic tourism on the need to return to the thought that there was some times to open new horizons for the elements of Egyptian tourism, where there are elements and varied shapes in different governorates of Egypt in the north and south, east and west .. Which adds dimension to tourism and added value to Egypt on a new product to achieve the idea of diversity and gives the place a sense of security?  more info click here: Egypt desert Safari

He added that the most prominent of these ingredients safaris long and characterized by Palmosmeh to the elements, which begins in September and ends in April, has resulted in the results during this period to achieve 144 flight nationalities different numbered 1144 tourists, while made trips White Desert during the same period, realized in 1208 flight number of 8132 tourists from different nationalities.. Commenting that this unique style captures  the attention of senior tourism and adventure tourism, scientific tourism and meditation, and many of the sports of tourism such as walking in rugged areas, and skiing on the sand and watch the animals, reptiles and rare birds.

It should be noted that the value-added taking place in this area is to add a meteor full mountain to the list of nature reserves that are supervised by the UNESCO as well as boiled stunning discovery of the English military plane found in the region.

Egypt desert safari

Egypt launches refresher convoy to Jordan next month

The Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Authority tourist caravan and workshop to the Jordanian capital of Amman during the period from 5 to 8 June in the framework of the promotion, marketing and activation tourism to Egypt in the Arab region.
The convoy is headed by Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism with the participation of Chairman Amr Ezabi Tourism Board, and includes a program to meet the convoy trip combines the Minister of Tourism, the Egyptian and Jordanian Minister of Tourism on the two-day 6, and 7 June and
Expected to sign a tourism cooperation protocol between the two countries aimed at promoting tourism between the two countries and provide facilities that pay tourism companies of Egypt and Jordan for the organization of joint programs.

The program includes the convoy held a workshop on Wednesday, June 6 next combine responsible tourism in the two countries at the level of bodies tourist promotional, and corporate Egyptian tourist participating in the convoy to put their views and suggestions to promote joint tourism, as well as being the Egyptian companies of programs to attract tourism Jordan to Egypt . more info click here:   Egypt holidays

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And held Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Minister of Tourism and Amr Ezabi on Thursday, June 7 press conference were invited in which to all the Jordanian media and international that are out there, during which put Egypt’s plan marketing and promotions in the Arab market to stimulate tourism from the Arab market, followed by a reception attended by Minister Jordanians and senior public figures, investors and heads of tourism companies and members of the diplomatic corps and foreign Arabs in Jordan.
The statistics of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics has indicated that the number of Arab expatriates in the first quarter amounted to 480 thousand Arab tourists the growth of tourism of 62% over the same period last year, and the number of tourist nights for expatriates Arabs during the first quarter of this year, 7.4 million nights compared to 4 million nights in the corresponding period of 2011 and published last March, the number of Arab expatriates and 173 thousand the number of arrivals, compared to 115 thousand arrivals in March 2011.

States that the convoy was canceled tourist was scheduled to visit Lebanon as a result of conditions experienced by Lebanon and the Egyptian embassy there confirmed the lack of usefulness at the moment.  published by:  Egypt tours

Egypt seeks to develop tourism in the city of Port Said

in an effort to increase incoming tourism to Egypt is considering the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion several proposals for the development of tourism in the coastal city of Port Said, which fell to the inbound tourism significantly from both inside and outside the country.

It is worth mentioning that Port Said Port is considered the base station for ships and yachts cross the Mediterranean Sea, where ships dock by most for a day or two days during which the tourists get off to the city and the roaming, which contributes significantly to the movement of trade boom shops and restaurants there.
The head of the sector of domestic tourism Authority, Magdy Selim that official statistics indicate a significant reduction in the number of ships calling at Port Said Port since the events of the revolution on January 25, where the number of ships coming to port in 2011 (76 ships) compared to 161 ships in 2010, and continued decline in the number of ships in the first half of this year, where a ship of 28 to 31 ships at the same time period of 2011. more info click here: Egypt holidays
According to official statistics to the decline in the number of visitors coming to the province in 2011, reaching about 95 thousand visitors compared to about 231 thousand visitors in 2010, in addition to the number of visitors during the first half of this year, which amounted to about 38 thousand visitors for about 40 thousand visitors During the first half of 2011.

Port said

The sound that the events match Ahly and Almasri , which took place in Port Said last February also affected the movement of domestic tourism to maintain that famous tourism shopping in the holidays, especially weekends and summer resorts, which had a negative impact on occupancy rates in hotels and tourist villages and the movement of the boom tourism in general.

As part of efforts to restore the movement of incoming tourism to Port Said to their normal level, applied toxicity Jabr, General Manager of Greater Cairo and the Suez Canal in the body, and Omaima Wali, Director of the Bureau of the Commission in Port Said, a number of proposals that would highlight the tourist attractions in Port Said, such as the speed of completion of the renovation the museum National conservation and exploitation of de Lesseps statue tourism and tell the story of the Suez Canal in the form of sound, light and convert the old Port Said lighthouse to a tourist attraction after its restoration, in addition to the preparation of the agenda for the tourist province recorded the most important holidays and special occasions with.

With regard to the course of the Suez Canal in Port Said, proposed algebra and Wally complete feasibility studies for the establishment of a yacht marina and the establishment of breakwaters on the shores of Port Said and Port Fouad, in addition to the exploitation of the Suez Canal in the course of work trips freely. Published by:   Port said shore excursions

Tourism operators determine the demands of Dr. Mohamed Morsi, President of the Republic

Experts said that the tourism in the world do not grow as long as there is turmoil and unrest in the countries that wish to visit the tourist .. and there is no hope in the return of tourism without the stability and the availability of the elements of safety in all tourist destinations in Egypt.

Experts did not stop their demands on the stability and security, but called for the need to emphasize the lack of prejudice to the freedom of visiting tourists in the previous cases, which carried by the media and was baptized a number of officials in the political parties with religious reference to threats and intimidation harming freedom of tourist arrivals.

Nagy Erian Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of tourist establishments were demands from President Dr. Mohamed Morsy fall under 3 demands of the first implementation of the promises announced by Dr Marina for tourism, both in closed rooms or open, and the need to work on the return of security in all its forms to send a reassuring picture for Egypt back through which the tourist to visit Kenana land and therefore tourism flourish in all patterns.

Nagy Erian added that the emphasis on the personal freedom of tourists a prerequisite, pointing out that tourists respect our custom and traditions, especially in visiting religious sites, pointing out that these three demands Tourism can regain its activity, which ensures them pay off their debts, especially at banks that did not take into account what happened to the tourist activity of losses during the last period.

Agree Seif Imari treasurer of the Egyptian Tourism in these demands, although blamed on the first appearance of the President, Dr. Mohamed Morsy in his speech to the people who said many of the activities in Egypt, without prejudice to the tourism industry, which is the hope of a bright future for  Egypt deals , and the tourism industry does not dry up and different from its counterpart from other industries that could dry up, as well as it had recognized all the experts economists horse winner is always in the sources of income for Egypt’s foreign exchange and exceeded the Suez Canal revenues and remittances from Egyptians abroad and the volume of Egyptian exports of goods Petroleum and manufacturing, as well as the adoption of 72 industry and commodity tourist activity.

Called Seif Imari to the need for an urgent meeting with the leaders of the tourism sector to send reassuring to the world, and to reshape the Supreme Council for Tourism to be held at least every 3 months under his leadership, or to designate one of his deputies for his presidency to discuss other problems faced by the tourism sector, which embraces more than 3 million workers, representing 12% of the volume of employment in Egypt Tours .

Husam said the poet, Chairman of Chamber of Tourism companies wish to keep the President on tourism and tourism investment in excess of 200 billion pounds, stressing on the need to draw President Mohamed Morsy message of reassurance to investors to support tourism as a key source of national income exceeds the income of the Suez Canal.

He added that the Muslim Brotherhood has assured the tourism sector in more than one occasion not to impose any restrictions on personal freedoms for tourists but the biggest fear of the continuation of the protests that directly affect the decision of foreign visitors to choose Egypt as a preferred destination for them and request a truce to rebuild the country and to send a message to foreign markets that Egypt is a country of peace so that we can work a good tourist season.

While according to Dr. Khalid Manaawi board member of the Egyptian Tourism Chairman of the Committee on Information to Tourism will not return unless the deployment of stability, security and safety in the tourist destinations of Egypt, and stop the demonstrations and strikes categorical that do harm to Egypt and its reputation in the world, demanding that he should be claimed on the list of priorities Dr. Mohamed Morsi, President of the Republic.

It expresses Manaawi expressed confidence in President Dr. Mohamed Morsy that will respond to the demands of tourism for being a university professor and Baraf importance of the tourism industry in the renaissance of peoples and the transfer of cultures and a tool for dialogue and learn the customs and traditions of the peoples, and that the experience of Islamic Tourism in Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia confirmed a great success.

For his part, tourist expert, Dr. Adel Radi, President of Investors Association of Marsa Alam on the need to send a message to investors, who stopped the proceedings their access to loans from the National Bank after the victory of Mohammed Morsi, especially that there is no clear vision of the investment in the long term, urging Dr. Mercy sent a letter the day before tomorrow reassure those investors wary and want to freeze their projects.

Said that there were optimistic the election of the President and stop the violence in the street until we can build Heliopolis, explaining that hotel occupancy is much better than last season and there are some hotels have reached occupancy them to record up to 98%, the average occupancy Marsa Alam up to 50 % at the moment which is very reasonable.

And confirms that Kerdany protection required for tourism must include freedom of the tourist in his food and drink and clothing, which must be provided by the State while the other problems faced by the sector they can be resolved in coordination with other parties.

The Adel Abdel Razek board member of the Union says that before determining any demands from President Mohamed Morsy must be recalled that the tourist has the freedom to choose the tourist destination and there is now fierce competition between all the purposes of the world, even within a single country.

He says that security and stability is absolutely necessary for the return of tourism, which coincides with the need to solve many common problems including the problem of traffic and Azdhamh, tourism and road repair, secure, and solve the problem of garbage and not initially in the tourist areas and archaeological sites and central cities.

He adds that there are other problems facing the tourism industry, especially in financial transactions, including the creation of liquidity for the tourism industry members in the room through a long-term loans do not start repayment after the return of tourism to their normal level, and help the tourist facilities that want to this to the presence of partners, and postponement of taxes due until the return of tourism and the installments for a long time without any penalty, and delay Social Security until the return due to tourism and the installments for a long time without any penalty.

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Indicates Abdel-Razek, there are many financial problems that must be established by the President, Dr. Mohamed Morsy within his agenda, which must work to avoid them through the next government, including the unification of supervisors at the facilities and tourism companies, and the need to activate the law No. (16) for the year 2004, which governs the supervision of the Ministry of Tourism and room goods stores tourism including limiting acts of a negative impact on tourism, standardization of the donor for licensing the practice of tourist activity, the Ministry of Tourism, while facilitating the extraction of licenses in a one-stop shop, and not to impose any fees or taxes without the law, and the transfer of sales tax to a tax value-added any ask input from the tax paid, to reconsider the property tax, and solve problems Balemrassa Nile, and the short activity organized Haj and Umrah companies, travel agencies, tourism, according to the law, and activate the protocols signed on to make the city of Sharm el-Sheikh city green global tourism, determine the official representative of one of the unions to deal with it, the reduction of unemployment through training and rehabilitation of transformational young graduates to find jobs in the tourism sector.

Leisure tourism in Egypt

Tourism is one of the most important types of recreational tourism activities that are found in Egypt, which attracts a large number of tourists from around the world, because of its stunning beaches of Egypt to Bahrain and the Red White and extends for about 3000 km.
One of the main areas that can be had for the exercise of this tourism are: –
Where there is a sea with its water reef colored his fish rare and mountains varying period in a long line along the sea is not with him but easy fit in most of the environs of the establishment of camps and enjoy the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba facilities many of the practice of sports diving, snorkeling and other marine sports.

North Coast Region
North Coast is characterized by a lot of new tourist villages, which stretches along the coast and most important of these villages: Marina Village, Marina, City of Dreams, Riviera Village, the village of Pearl and others.

Characterized Sinai landscapes charming of hills, mountains and shores of a long and extended on the Gulf of Suez and Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Dahab, Nuweiba, Ras Sdr, where purity and clarity of the water, in addition to the fullness of their coral reefs with many colors and color fish rare, allowing the tourists recreation on the beaches and the practice of different sports including scuba diving and fishing throughout the year because of its Gulf of Aqaba of warmth throughout the year in addition to providing a network of roads and Pounders suitable for cycling, camel races in addition to mountain climbing, and are available in South Sinai, the necessary infrastructure for such This kind of tourism, as there are many villages and tourist hotels and camps to suit all incomes.
Beach is famous for El Arish as the “Palm Beach” because of the forest of palm trees along the beach where up along the shore of El Arish to about 10 km, which is available where all tourism services and shared with chalets and a number of hotel and tourism projects.
As well as leisure tourism resorts are spread on the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba and the Mediterranean coast.  for more info click here:   Egypt holidays

Nile cruises entertainment
Tourism begins from small quick trips by boat, passing through the Nile cruise trips, and the end of the floating hotels.
– Nile cruises and is gaining increasing popularity with tourists, packed with the River Nile is not less than 230 cruise ship. The traditional route to the Nile cruise ship, is from Luxor to Aswan to Luxor and then again. At the marina on the banks of the river, where ships dock sometimes at great distances from the places allocated to the descent of the passengers. Egypt Tours

Sharm elsheikh

Austrian expert called wake-up call… For those responsible for tourism in Egypt Wake up..! Pyramids in Egypt… Until now traditional advertising campaigns are still going on!!


In fact, I was surprised by the subject of this letter, especially those related to marketing and activation campaigns and the promotion of Egypt as long as I spoke on this issue, stressing that the ideas are changing and the world is changing and advancing science .. And we must change and not remain prisoners of the traditional ideas.
And always say I have changed ideas of promotion and marketing over time and the evolution of societies.. In the past there was a farming community which people rely in which the exchange of goods, and industrial society, and when people are willing to pay for services or products and the information society, which depends on the technology and the Internet, and finally we live in what is called the era or society dreams which began operations change in the ideas of promotion and marketing to be paying for the unique experience, it requires a passionate community in the world of travel create fun and unique experiences, and must be reflected in the international campaigns until they remain captive to traditional ideas.
On the whole I will move to this message and the ideas and vision for the public benefit.. But I’ll start with these lines that I received from friend Dr. Hazem gift of God.. And which he says:
Brother Professor / ……… Greetings… And after
I have received from an Austrian citizen of Egypt and the fans, who visited Egypt more than thirty times during the past ten years, an e-mail (attached) .. Pays tribute to the terms of Egypt including the love of God patterns unique tourist .. On the other hand it suffers from the manifestations of the negative, which ran rampant during the last three years in the Egyptian tourism sector, where touching the recipe, especially during his recent visit to Egypt, especially as it works in the field of public relations through the Austrian company, which is chaired and working as a consultant in the field of tourism to many countries.
Is attached to you a picture of this letter, where I was asked to view the media outlet is interested in offering specialized topics and such officials and public opinion.
I did not find you the best experience and personal excellence through the pages of Al-Ahram Travel also interested in special interest tourism industry and is keen to promote tourism industry in Egypt, where you offer advice to the authorities to resolve such problems… Sir, the words of a multitude of respect and appreciation
A. D / Hazem gift of God
Vice President of Helwan University and Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels previous

Now to the details of the message without the intervention of the Austrian expert me .. Where he says in the beginning this is an open letter to those who are or who consider themselves responsible for the Egyptian tourism
Holiday in Egypt.. You never know what will get it?!
I am a fan of diving and I love Egypt… Have traveled since 3002 more than thirty times to Egypt to practice my sport beloved  by three or four times each year.
My family has loved the same sports.. My children also became a fan of the sport and that brings us all in our visit to Egypt. more info click here:  Egypt Holidays
Has  led to my love for Egypt to start learning Arabic in order to facilitate the understanding during my stay in Egypt.
In the case of a crisis, especially now in Egypt . It is fortunate for the presence of the Red Sea so that the tourists to visit without being influenced by what goes on in or outside Cairo note that the divers are ready for adventure.
For this reason the tourists visiting Egypt in the past in spite of attacks, bombings and attacks shark, which has increased recently and the contamination of beaches, some oils and problems of airports outside of Cairo, police harassment, and some of the staff and others .. Not to mention the ill-treatment by the tour operators next to corruption and so on.
My family and I visited Egypt in 1102 during the revolution, as well as during the year 2102 we visited Egypt at a time of fear in which our friends from coming to Egypt because of the media and writes in the newspapers.
As for us we have our friends in Egypt and they will tell us the truth about it at the time.
We did not feel in any danger during our presence in Egypt, especially in the areas of the Red Sea during the revolution, even though we hear about some criminal incidents .. But tourists, including us, we did not happen anything.
But do we understand the love of Egypt and others, why the criticism of the many by the presence of tourists in Egypt.. Yes, we know this and why?
The most important and the biggest problem facing tourists in Egypt, you never know what will get it, and as mentioned in one of the Hollywood films of actor Tom Hanks when he said: Life is like a box chocolates you never know what will get them .. (ie, from the outside thing .. In find surprises inside).
Thus the visit to Egypt is like a box chocolates.. You do not actually know what you will get from the service for what they pay large sums of money for your trip.
When you come to Egypt you will discover that.. There are also negative surprises unfortunately; it has increased over the years.
In general. There is a rule content:
If you pay a small amount of services you can expect little .. If paid large sums of your right to wait for services of high.. This is a fair agreement, but now in Egypt, you do not know what will get it.
The sad thing that prices have risen in Egypt during the last three years.. Some hotels even dare to raise their prices after the revolution, believing that it will maintain it on their income in spite of the small number of tourists!
Egypt is no longer a cheap tourist destination next to the high prices of aviation.. Of course there are some cheap deals.
Big problem in Egypt, especially in the Red Sea Hotels.. The great disparity in prices and  service.
For example, you can organize a trip for a family of father, mother and two children for two weeks at $ 0023 euros We have had good experience in the hotel providing excellent service in return for this amount (Mar Soleil hotel in Dar city Coraya me) .. Room nice and clean service trained and gentle clean tables and glasses clean a variety of great food and frolics all the wonderful things that bring happiness and encouraged to visit again.
The same amount in another hotel on the Red Sea (Safaga Plus) in the vicinity of Safaga .. This hotel does not provide more than 01%, which must be made by the services.
The building is not encouraging slow service is trained and is a nice food bad drinks bad plastic cups of food and drink in times of limited despite the announcement of the all-inclusive.. There is no entertainment at all concerts.
Unfortunately, tourists who come for the first time to Egypt believe that all the hotels in Egypt so on.
Will wonder.. Despite all these negatives I still live in this hotel when my visit to Egypt.. Because it  contains the best beach in the diving, including the most beautiful coral reefs… Because I spend most of the time on the diving boards a ship.
Wake up!
I have to the Egyptian Tourism Authority and the competent minister to wake up .. There is much that must be immediately and so that Egypt can regain the confidence of tourists.
I am not talking about propaganda routine.. Everyone knows that there are pyramids in Egypt can be visited.. I am talking here about the ways of science communication and some call it public relations.
Place the standards arrived information to individuals spoke to the media talk about your history and what I use facebook to the old relations.
All with the aim to enter into Dialog .. Helped the tourist who is visiting Egypt for the first time to visit and is happy to  become a permanent visitor scoffed at the market to serve you.
This is not difficult.. Look at Tunisia, Morocco and even Turkey.. All these countries have their problems, but they are keen to explain their problems and confront in order to solve them.
At the same time, we find the Egyptian Tourism Authority in an ongoing campaigns activation routine stereotypes.. They show the pyramids as if no radical change occurs in the Egyptian tourist destinations in recent years without there being some kind of dialogue based on the science of modern tourism.
There are many Egyptian and foreign experts who can provide assistance.. Talked to them look into other tourists Permanent is the best way to publicize Egypt used them abroad as ambassadors to you in their country.
Tourists like to know in advance.. What will get in exchange for what he paid for the trip?
Should get tourists to what is worth what he paid.
Juergen Junejola
This writer, consultant in public relations in Austria, he always visits to Egypt ten years ago plunges plunge into the shores of the Red Sea to Egypt, he traveled more than thirty times won awards in international underwater photography .. (all pictures of Egypt and its beaches). published by:   Egypt deals

Development of tourism in Egypt

Egypt has the ingredients that make it superior to all countries of the world in the attractions and tops the list of top earners, because we have in our beloved country ecstasy (Mediterranean and Red), and next to the River Nile in Luxor that only one third are the effects of the world. All of this is sufficient to make our beloved country a major destination for tourists of all their requirements in terms that some of them traveling to sail and enjoy the sun and others to see the effects, I believe that we could to raise the number and quality of tourists coming to our country Egypt and this can be done to the availability of the following:

– Evaluation of all hotels by European standards, not Egyptian (it is not reasonable to be sold a hotel in Egypt five-star as a 3 or 4 stars in Europe)
– The Ministry of Tourism Training courses for hotel personnel to be trained at the global level of service (International Standard of Service) so that the hotel guest finds the level of service equal to the evaluation of the hotel (number of stars) for more info click here: Egypt deals

– The hotel room facilities establish minimum prices for hotels by evaluation to distinguish between the five-star hotels and four stars and the three and so on, and any hotel for the price set down lost star
– The Ministry of Tourism courses to improve the level of English is compulsory nominal wage for all workers, including tourism workers and taxi drivers, all dealing with tourists (where it is the official language of international tourism and hotels)
– The purpose of the previous point to avoid comments that come from the tourists on the language of some tourism operators can also be a session or exam mandatory language to permit co-exist and work in the tourist places and dealing with tourists
– The Ministry of Tourism courses compulsory for all tourism operators to explain the art of dealing with tourists to return again to Egypt, and be declared the best for our beloved country and not to deal with tourists on the basis of (I take them and make) as is the case for some
– The search for new markets and not rely only on existing now, that our only focus is on markets, Russian and Italian and German and English, while there are other markets yet to be exploited, such as the Chinese market (I’ve been in the tourism fair in China in April 2008 told me that those interested in statistics on the tourism market Chinese “that in 2006, came out 36 million Chinese tourists around the world and in 2007 came out 41 million” who are on the other hand, when I researched on the Internet on the number of Chinese tourists in Egypt in the years and found that the maximum number is 500 thousand tourists, and the benefits they are visiting China Tourism Archaeological and Navy together, we find that the program includes the same group in several cities of residence and not one city next to their prices higher than other markets already exist
– There are other markets must seek it out and attention to ensure the flow of tourists and not rely on one market only or two

Published by:  Egypt Tours


Egypt has the elements that qualify to be an economic power

the head of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, on the available state that Egypt has many of the ingredients for success where it enjoys natural and human resources that qualify it in order to become an economic power in the region.

He noted that the prospects of cooperation with Egypt are many and various, particularly in the area of investment in infrastructure development for the sector of drinking water, “I know a lot of investors who are willing to manage the dialogue with Egypt on the water sector management and investment in this sector, especially since the city of Cairo, which are packed with 22 million citizens need to develop the infrastructure of this vital sector. ”
He added, in the wake of the presidential election we will have a partner to talk to him, pointing out that he is not useful to be / as revolutions / reduction of aid allocated to the countries of the South at the tips of the Minister of Foreign Affairs or Minister of Finance of this European country or another.
He said Schulz, the agriculture sector is one of the important areas that could be a good base for mutual cooperation between the north and south of the Mediterranean so that you can the peoples of North Africa and the Middle East to achieve self-sufficiency and meet the Sahel entire needs of food, stressing that the development of the south will also contribute to the stop the flow of migrants to European countries on the one hand and within the Arab states themselves on the other hand saluting the residents have been driven from disadvantaged areas to major cities.  more info click here:  Egypt Tours
The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, the new policy is now contained in the agenda of the European Community is that the decisions of the countries of the South will not be taken in the light of what he will say heads of state or senior officials, but according to the submitted expert reports on the ground either by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Economic Development (Doaa) or the International Monetary Fund or the European Union delegations in these countries in order to determine priorities, projects and investments to correct the critical areas that can meet the basic needs of the people and responsive to the aspirations in the life of human dignity.
He added that the EU and that his situation was not encouraging to the economy that in times of crisis have put a package of options and one of the highlights of these options to cooperate with the other side of the Mediterranean.
He stressed that the support of mutual cooperation and closer trade ties in the Mediterranean region is essential for both sides, and added that in the countries of North Africa and Middle East countries are rich countries, but it is unfortunate that the rich people of these countries they deposit their wealth, both in European banks, or in other banks, is why Europe to play a key role in order to contribute to the transfer of these funds that were stolen from the people to invest in these countries, as well as Algeria can invest part of their surpluses from oil revenues to develop infrastructure in cooperation with Europe.
He pointed out that the presidency of the next meeting of the Union of the Mediterranean and the scheduled end of June will be chaired by the High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and Security in the European Union, Catherine Ashton represented the north, while a South Jordan, with the participation of the European Bank for Investments.
He pointed out that during the meeting will be put to many of the ideas in order to identify areas in which investments can be directed to them and to identify those groups and parties that can be part of the EU to cooperate with them in order to meet the aspirations of the people and the provision of their needs.  published by:  last minute Egypt
