Egypt, Alexandria City


Alexandria shore excursions, Alexandria known as Bride of the Mediterranean, is the second largest city in Egypt after Cairo, and is the second capital of Egypt and the ancient capital of it, lies along the Mediterranean coast length of about 70 km north-west of the Nile Delta, bordered on the north Mediterranean , and Lake Mareotis as far south as 71 km along the Cairo Alexandria Desert Road, bounded to the east of Abu Qir Bay and the city of EDCO, and the region of Sidi Krier km west until 36.30 on the road to Alexandria – Matrouh highway.

Alexandria has fraught with a lot of distinctive features, as there is the largest sea port in Egypt holidays  is the port of Alexandria, which serves about 80% of the total imports and exports and also includes the new Library of Alexandria, which can accommodate more than 8 million books, also includes many museums and archaeological sites such as Bey Citadel Alexandriaand column masts, etc., Alexandria has a population of about 4,123,869 inhabitants (Census 2006) work activities, commercial, industrial and agricultural. Divided into Alexandria to six administrative districts is the neighborhood park, East District, neighborhood center, west district, district customs, Amariya, contain these neighborhoods in 16 sections of 129 Xiahe, In addition to the major cities subordinate to it such as the city of Burj Al Arab and Burj Arab new.

Began work on the establishment of Alexandria by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. M from the road bridge is part of the water separating the island extended to the coast, the principal called the “Pharos” the port outdated, and a small village called “Raktos” or “Racodh” surrounded by small villages other spread as well as between the sea and Lake Mareotis, and taken by Alexander the Great and his successors as the capital of Egypt for nearly a thousand years, until the Islamic conquest of Egypt by Amr Ibn El-Aas year 641, known Alexandria in history through a variety of parameters such as the ancient Library of Alexandria, which included more than 700.000 folder, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which were considered of the seven wonders of the world, ,to the enormous height of up to about 35 meters, and the lighthouse remained in existence until destroyed by a powerful earthquake Year
Recreational areas
Sayed Darwish Theatre or the Opera House in Alexandria.
The role of cinema and theater

Alexandria has a lot of cinemas are available in various neighborhoods, such as cinema Rialto, Rio, Prince, Metro, Renaissance, Ferial, radio, Strand, and the Cinema of San Stefano, In addition, there are many theaters, such as Sayed Darwish Theatre or Opera Alexandria House Alexandria that Theater is the main official celebrations in the city, scene of peace, Lycee Theater, Theater Luna Park, Perm Tunisian theater,

Includes Alexandria as well as many sports clubs and entertainment venues such as Club Olympic Club, Sporting Club, Heliopolis, Al Ittihad of Alexandria, Hunting Club, Club tram, Club Lagoon Club, Acacia, in addition to many social clubs confined sectors of particular functional and which are fulfilled mostly on the Corniche Alexandria next to each club such as doctors, engineers, club, club teachers, the Judges Club, Club Bar, Club and Association business,
Shopping centers and casinos
San Stefano Grand Plaza on the coast of Alexandria.

Of Alexandria as well as many entertainment venues and commercial centers such as San Stefano Grand Plaza, Green Plaza, the National Mall, Zahran Mall, Carrefour, City Centre, and Deep Mall. The city also clubs such as Vantezia Land, amusement Sinbad, Crazy Water, village Assad, DreamWorks Alex, and amusement Kramente.
Fields and parks


City of Alexandria is full of a lot of public squares, notably the field of Mansheya, the field of Ahmed Orabi area Mansheya, Saad Zaghloul area station sand, Martyrs’ Square in the station Egypt the city center, the field of Ahmed Zewail next to Apure water area of Bab Sharqi, the field of Al Anfoushi, the field of the Abrahamic, In addition to a lot of fields scattered throughout the city.


Side of the Montazah Palace Gardens.

Includes the city of Alexandria several public parks, such as gardens park property, a group gardens surrounding the Palace of Montazah a royal palaces of past and an area of 370 acres and contains trees as diverse as palm and others, and a group of flowerbeds also includes a museum and beaches for bathing, Khaljana natural and tourist center integrated and includes hotel and restaurants and chalets, and a children’s park on an Alexandria area of 4.5-acre and there is a garden park Palestine Hotel, and a center for marine sports, in addition to the gardens park there are also gardens, waterfalls, gardens and palace Antoniadis and containing trees, flowers and statues of marble designer-style Greek and the Palace Antoniadis garden, picnic, and the International Garden .
Montazah Palace.

Palace Park: This is one of the royal palaces in the city, was built by Khedive Abbas Helmi II in 1892, with an area and the gardens about 370 acres and consists of several buildings, one of the royal palaces of past and houses a museum of Titles of ownership, and includes in its courtyard palaces are the Palace Alslaof Palace sumptuous.
Palace of Ras El Teen: the oldest palaces in the city, one of the historical monuments and archaeological sites in Alexandria, and saw this palace the end of Dynasty top in Egypt when the saw off of King Farouk, and he left him to his exile in Italy on board the royal yacht unguarded, and the Palace is now one part of the presidential palaces in Egypt.

And other deficiencies in the city: Antoniadis Palace, Palace of Safa.

Monuments and tourist attractions in Alexandria column mast

The column masts of the most famous monuments in Alexandria, built on a hill between the door of Sidra area and the current Muslim cemetery known as the “cemetery” column and the plateau com Alhqavp archaeological sites, and a length of about 27 meters. Held the column in honor of the Emperor Diocletian in the third century AD, the last vestiges from the Temple of the Serapeum set up by Emperor Bustumus and is considered the highest monument in the world, [57] and was told that this column dedicate to Christianity after its victory in Alexandria. [58] body of the column is a one-piece, with a overall heightAlexandria port shore excursions has, including the rule about 26.85 meters, On the west side of the column bases are accessible to them peace under the ground and there are two statues are similar to the Sphinx made of granite pink dating back to the era of Ptolemy VI.
Column mast, and a statue of the Sphinx-like granite.
Bey Citadel

Located Bey Citadel in the sea most of West Alexandria, and was built in the old site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was destroyed in 702 AH, the impact of the devastating earthquake that happened in the reign of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, has begun to Sultan al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Bey building this castle in the year 882 AH and ended 884 years of building E, and the reason for his interest in Alexandria, the large number of direct threats to Egypt by the Ottoman Empire, which threatened the entire Arab region.
Bey Citadel.
Roman Theatre

Roman theater is located in the Kom El-city center, is one of the effects of the Roman period has been his residence at the beginning of the fourth century AD, . A Roman theater only in Egypt discovered this site accidentally while removing the dirt to search for the tomb of Alexander the Great by the Polish mission in 1960, called archaeologists name of the Roman theater at the discovery of scores marble, but erupted great controversy about the function of this building, archaeological, The exploration took him about 30 years.
Roman theater.
New Library of Alexandria

Is the Library of Alexandria of the latest and most prominent monuments of cultural in Egypt and the world, was established in order to return the glories of ancient Library of Alexandria, which was a beacon to the world for nearly two thousand years, The library is Alexandria located on the Mediterranean coast in the Shatby, and has more than 8 million books, and the library is the current revival of the old library, which was the largest libraries of its time, and believes that Ptolemy II is of an order founded in the early third century BC, and the number of books which are contained in a folder has reached 700.000.
New Library of Alexandria
Eastern Harbour

The Eastern Harbour in Alexandria, in general, one of the oldest ports on the Mediterranean, includes the eastern port areas Shatby station and sand and Mansheya and sea, was Alexander the Great target from behind the foundation of the city create a new port occupies a prominent place in world trade after the shattered port of Tyre on his way to Egypt, as well as the establishment of a new port Ahidvh great link between the old world and the country’s eastern harbor.
Eastern Harbour.
Tombs of Mustafa Kamel Archaeological

Located cemeteries Mustafa Kamel in the region of Mustafa Kamel, and that is called by that name, and consists of four tombs carved all in the rock, has carved graves first and second under the surface of the earth, and the cemetery, the third and fourth goes up part of it above ground, has been detected This group of graves by accident between 1933 and 1934, These graves date back to the late third and early second century BC, and specifically to the Greco-Roman.
The altar inside the inner courtyard of the tomb .
Al Anfoushi ancient tombs

Located cemeteries Al Anfoushi in the sea west of Alexandria, dating to the third century BC, specifically around the year 250 BC., Ie in the late Ptolemaic and early era of the Romans. discovered these tombs in 1901 where he discovered the two buildings Jnaizaan respective Mcyprtan , and then rolled discovery of the Tomb of Al Anfoushi until the number of funerary buildings of five buildings, and there is building funeral sixth disappeared and no Alexandria librarylonger has an impact at the moment, and the advantage of these tombs decorated with beautiful Alfrsco, has many of them decorated in marble and marble.
Scene depicting the deceased in the afterlife in the presence of Isis and Osiris and Horus at the entrance to a cemetery.
Com Alhqavp ancient tombs

Located graves com Alhqavp in the com Alhqavp South neighborhood Mina onions, and one of the most important tombs of the city, and named the area by that name because of the many remnants of pottery and stone quarries that were piling up in this place, The importance of the cemetery due to the breadth and the large decoration and complexity of planning, it is also of the clearest examples of the overlap of Pharaonic art Roman art in the city and the finest models of architecture Ganasais, and found the cemetery by accident on September 28, 1900, despite the fact that drilling had begun in this area since 1892.
Image from within a cemetery
Shatby ancient tombs

This cemetery is located between Port Said Street and Corniche Road area Shatby in the face of St. Mark’s College, were discovered by accident in 1893 also, and return to the end of the second century and the beginning of the third century BC. Cemetery carved from the rock, and found out a lot of the effects of the Ptolemaic period is the most important statues Altnajra, are the graves of the oldest cemeteries in Ptolemaic Alexandria to its existence outside the walls of the old city.
An overview of the tombs of Shatby.
Alexandria National Museum

Is a museum of Alexandria, located in St. Fouad in the city center, featuring more than 1,800 artifacts representing all ages that have passed by the city from Roman times to the modern era, the museum is a former palace of a Timber Traders wealthy in the city, has created in the style of architecture, Italian, and the sale in 1954 the U.S. Consulate, and was bought by the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt $ 12 million Egyptian pounds, which is surrounded in turn to the national museum of the city, and the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak inaugurated on September 1, 2003.
Interface of the museum.
Greco-Roman Museum

A museum effects in Alexandria, inaugurated by Khedive Abbas Hilmi II on October 17, 1892, The museum displays a wide variety of effects that were found in Alexandria and Sheba, most of which the effects of the Ptolemaic and Roman times subsequent to him, and particularly since the emergence of Alexandria of the century BC to third century AD.
Interface of the museum.
Royal Jewelry Museum

Jewelry is a museum displaying the royal family that ruled Egypt. Palace was built in 1919 in the Zizinia, an area of about 4185 square meters, and was the property of the Princess Fatima Zahra one of the princesses of the royal family, has been designed according to the European style buildings in the nineteenth century. Turned the palace into a museum of the Royal Jewelry in 1986, which included a wide range of gold jewelry and artifacts of the royal family belonging to the upper in 1805.

$ 3 billion global tourism income a day.. The future starts now!

Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packages change during the 5 years… And the future of the markets… and the new interest in luxury hotels and rural tourism
And marketing campaigns and advertising
Attend exhibitions and exchanges of tourism and travel the world especially the larger such as Berlin and London should not be just for a private audience of specialists or to get a quick gains.

We personally take care of this by identify new ideas and try to transfer to Egypt all inclusive holidays, tours, vacations  , through seminars and discussions marked by the international stock markets.
Today we talk about new ideas that I have heard and read about in the London Stock Exchange last and most important of what to expect tourism experts prominent and officials in the world that the international tourist map will change during the next five years and that the future of the world tourism is industry now and not tomorrow through such ideas.. The future does not expect one not likely to delay .. Indeed, experts have identified several points to confirm or support the expectations and demands that we care about in Egypt to know our role and our place and to where and how they’ll evolve during these critical years?
Let’s start with the report of the like questions answered by Executives prominent in the tourism industry in the world confirmed through which the nations’ economic promising or emerging begun to appear recently on the map of the world’s economic will be the greatest opportunity for tourism, and said that these countries will be a source for the travel of tourists as well as to receive the tourists that is point of tourist attraction which has been for decades in Europe and America will move to these countries.
More than that, these officials said that these emerging markets have already started showing its impact on the tourism industry and the past few months these countries exercised a positive impact on tourism in terms of tourists travel to the rest of the world as Egyptwell as tourists from traveling to other countries.
The executives in their report that sea of ​​change happening in the way you work the tourism industry in the world, at a time I arrived in the traditional markets Northern Europe to the stage of maturity, the chances of real growth can be found in countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, which is called the BRIC economic group, a term combining the initial letters of the English of these countries.
In addition to this group there are also the GCC countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
The report pointed out that Russia has already become an important source of tourism companies big and tour operators in Europe, such as Thomas Cook T-U-ie, as the largest collection of tourism activity in Brazil, CVC has acquired by the Carlyle Group of America last January, which demonstrates the extent of interest in tourism in Brazil.

According to the report prepared by the responsible executives from the tourism industry in the world shows how the tourism industry to shift its focus and interest of developed countries such as Britain and European countries, as well as the United States to emerging countries in Asia and Latin America and the Middle East, and add Fiona Jeffrey: The emergence of middle classes petition in Brazil, India, Russia and China and their desire to travel in addition to rich Gulf states makes these states determine the future of tourism during the next few years.
The observer of the London Stock Exchange can be noted significant interest from state’s tourism marketing campaigns or on the exact advertising campaigns where many of the most important new ideas to focus on affective and emotional side or the human dimension in these campaigns.

And draw attention also in the London Stock Exchange is the attention to luxury and sophistication in the services, hotels, and to insist on the existence of luxury hotels and classic, historical, and at high prices in the sales and marketing, especially with the continued existence of the demand for these hotels layers refuses to tourism accommodation comprehensive and cheap prices and aviation charter.
What remains of the rich and higher spending in the tourism word to them and seek Nile Cruisesspecific companies for tourism and hotels.
In the context of critical changes taking place and will be taking place in the tourism industry in the world, and that must be monitored and study how to deal with it, there is another report from a recent global trends in tourism.
This report indicates that the countries of Latin America began turning their attention to focus on tourism to the beaches that distinguish rural tourism.
These transformations taking place in the tourism industry worthy of study, it has become the industry giant degree entice many governments on the attention and be considered one of the essential elements for economic progress. The numbers alone enough to show the importance of the tourism industry in today’s world, only the statistics of international tourism, the industry is a comprehensive passenger transport sector amounted to income of a trillion dollars in 2009, almost $ 3 billion per day .. Tourism and exports account for any income generated from tourists visiting the countries of the world 30% of exports of commercial services in the world and 6% of the total exports of goods.
And globally are rated fourth after tourism product of petroleum and chemicals, the automotive industry, which is for developing countries is a very important source of foreign exchange and provide employment opportunities and development as well.
The contribution of tourism in global economic activity rate of 5% and increase this percentage in the provision of employment opportunities for up to 6% or 7% .. Each of the above, the urgent need to know: Where wills Egypt on the world tourist map after 5 years?

The development of Egyptian historic hotels is national task

A few days ago I read a news story in the newspapers say that the instructions had been issued (do not know who is the entity that issued the instructions) to begin preparation and processing of the presidential palace in Heliopolis, known as the «Palace of the Federal» or Palace «Arabism» to be the seat of the new President expected his election!
I wondered a lot of this news, and wondered: Is it possible that this happens after the revolution of January 25?
Is it logic and reason and interest to return the palace to the Presidency of the Republic must return to Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions  or as a hotel in the historic uses of the purpose for which was created for him by more than 100 years?
Is it possible that the new President seized the historic hotel has 400 rooms and 55 suites and rooms and a huge wasted or lost on the state to use as a hotel wonderful generates income for the country is in dire need to be in the interest of the people, tourism and the economy? Cannot be reasonable or acceptable!
Must return the palace to become the Heliopolis Palace Hotel again . Or, as that was included in the list of hotels in Egypt developed the historical demand (an article last Thursday), which EGOTH owned by a subsidiary of the Holding Company for Tourism, Hotels and Cinema, Ministry of the business sector.
I called on Dr. Kamal Ganzoury and the military council and the state in general to resolve this issue!
I go back to the origin of the story even recognized by the reader, who did not follow our article previously (12 January).
And the origin of the story, The Palace “Federal” or the presidency in Heliopolis originally a hotel and was called “Heliopolis Palace” and the newspapers around the world write about it the most luxurious hotels in the world and it was inaugurated in 1910 under the name of “Grand Hotel” and was run by a French company, a design engineer Belgian “Ernst Khaspar” and the style of Islamic architecture in most of it and had been nationalized and Helioplis palace hotelthe transfer of subservience to the company EGOTH which owns hotels in the state, and in the seventies has been designated the headquarters of the Federation of Arab Republics until the former President Hosni Mubarak issued a republican decree with the beginning of his rule of Egypt by converting it to the headquarters of for the presidency.
This hotel «Heliopolis Palace», which received a lot of stars and kings and heads of the world, surnamed by some as «Taj Mahal» in the desert in relation to the Taj Mahal, India bedroom designs and decor and halls large and marble Italian was a tourist attraction rich of the world to His Excellency the severe to the point that tourism experts called the title dinosaur hotels because it cannot rival another hotel.
I have known and respected hotel in the world to the extent that the English newspapers were published ads for those wishing to travel and tourism to Egypt for this hotel are very special, such as the Declaration annexed with this place, and is the model of what was published in 1928, which explains the Declaration call to spend the winter in Egypt December 15, 1928 to April 15, 1929 elegant hotel in the world with reference to the services and luxury, magnificent scenery and French cuisine, tennis courts, golf and bar all in the U.S., says the Declaration of Heliopolis Palace Hotel.
Is it possible that we underestimate this hotel again after the revolution of January 25?
Is it after all this magnificence, this historic hotel, which exceed 100 years old and is one of the historic palaces, allowing the Egyptian people that the hotel remains the seat of government after the revolution of January 25, despite a lack of alternative?
Must return to the palace this purpose,which was established for him a hotel for the benefit of the people and the tourism and the economy.
What is the most presidential palaces, which serve as headquarters for the next President of the Republic, but this palace.
We have appealed to in our article the former (12 January), Dr. Kamal Ganzoury the Prime Minister to intervene to restore the palace to be used as a hotel and that was before the election of the parliament, and today we reiterate the call to Dr. Ganzoury and the Parliament and the Council of the military, and we hope not to be what we have read a few days ago to begin the preparation of the palace as the seat of the presidency Republic is correct and undo it immediately!
How can God be upon you to seize this hotel again?
It dares to this decision now? To come before the new President may change the situation and find it difficult to implement such a decision! Who knows?!
I imagine that we have after the revolution of January 25 to define the home and one for the rule of Egypt, there is a lack of historical must be opened for tourism and generate income for Egypt, such as Abidin and the dome and the head of figs, such as the developed world (Palace Buckingham in London) and there is a historical failure of the Ministry of Antiquities should be organized visits to the palaces.
The only palace (Heliopolis Palace) must, without hesitation to return a hotel again. Who dares to resolution now? Prohibiting the use of the Heliopolis Palace Hotel seat of government again?
We are in a wait!
It may be logical today as well be talking about another building in Cairo, which is building the National Party overlooking Tahrir Square, it has already been asked by converting it into a hotel, a State if he is fit to the architect or be torn down and build another hotel in this site is important, tourism is Egypt’s need severe with him if possible to keep some of its features or part of it for future generations bear witness to the revolution of Jan. 25.
I have read in recent days that the Ministry of Antiquities demanding the annexation of the building of the Egyptian Museum and the land was owned by the museum. Here we say that the case is not a struggle or not the ownership of one or other of the land. Any issue is not a conflict between the people of tourism and the people of the effects, do not imagine after the construction of Grand Egyptian Museum in the pyramid and given the difficulty of site old museum in the heart of the capital to be included this site or the building to either a building or a garden to join the Museum, but I would imagine that the most useful is to be hotels and perhaps let the Dr. Kamal Ganzoury the Prime Minister to form a committee of experts to resolve this issue in the public interest.
I know that the Prime Minister occupied by other urgent issues, but perhaps the reminder of such issues is also important so as not to waste time to no avail. We are in a race against time to reform the conditions of the country economically, and this is the heart of what we speak or are aiming to. Once a final decision on who dares?
Back of the presidential palace  «federal» Heliopolis to be a new hotel «Heliopolis Palace»?

It decides to transfer the headquarters of the National Party to another hotel you need the Egyptian policy in this site is rare? We are in a wait

Claim for the return of the presidential palace to tourists in Egypt

We are the first who wrote about the need to take advantage of the presidential palaces that used to belong to the presidency and open to Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions

Then we wrote then in the November 2, 2006 and January 31, 2008, and affirmed that the whole world will benefit these places such as Buckingham Palace in London, and the Royal Palace in Madrid, and that he is opening them at high prices for the visit for the benefit of the national economy, and we pointed out that there are some countries develop their existing shortcomings in the programs and sells them to tourists and tourism programs call this shortcoming, which is receiving a demand for history buffs, architects and intellectuals in general.
In recent days we have seen more from the writer speaks of the need to take advantage of these shortcomings, so much so that some students sell them to the private sector or to invest, and we who refuse to this trend, of course, this is the wealth of nation do not have to never go to the private sector, and enough of what happened from some of the experiences of privatization failed in such wealth in previous years.
But we must not stop at this point, we now ask a new vision to deal with this shortcoming, especially after the end of Jean-inventory problem is currently the Ministry of Justice of all inventory deficiencies and check on its contents.
Then has to be forming a committee to study the best advantage, and that is done through the next Parliament so decide first where the headquarters will be the President of the Republic it possible to use one of these palaces or not? .. But in any case should never after the revolution of 52 January that remain all deficiencies hostage in the hands of the President the next, must be utilized for the benefit of the people through tourism, in support Helioplis palace hotelof the national economy, whether these palaces in Cairo or in Alexandria, specifically, what it represents of the value of historical as large as the dome and Abdeen, Cairo, or the head of figs and park in Alexandria, and others, such as some of what was called the President of the Republic breaks.
Here we suggest that you are exploiting these deficiencies in the programs in what is known internationally as the tourism palaces and set high prices for the visit and will accept them tourists, of course, and must be coordination with the Ministry of effects, because it has the other palaces and museums, monuments and museums specialized such as the Museum Muhammad Ali in the castle or the Military Museum or Mohammed Ali Palace Manial, and pour all of these deficiencies in the interest of the Egyptian people.
But there are minors and only between the presidential palaces is that I want to talk about today in an urgent letter to Dr. Kamal Ganzouri the Prime Minister, where the appeal to him to take a crucial decision in this palace, known as the Palace of Arabism or federal in the suburb of Heliopolis, which was taken by former President headquartered to the rule of Egypt over the last thirty years.
The history of this palace says it was built originally on the basis that the hotel under the name of Heliopolis Palace, and has already been used a hotel to be nationalized and the transfer of subservience to the Egyptian General Company for Hotels now known as the company EGOTH, the company that owns all the hotels in the state of historical, such as Marriott Cairo, Aswan, Cataract, and Ontr Balasaloqsr, and of course, is a subsidiary of the Holding Company for Tourism, Hotels and Cinema.. The company has announced EGOTH lease the hotel to the international hotel management company to manage Spanish, but it was to stop this project and the allocation of the hotel to the presidency.
Here we draw the attention of the Ministry of Antiquities to the palace, this hotel must be registered as tracers, where the old road beyond the one hundred years.
So today we call upon Dr Kamal Ganzouri decide to minors to the company EGOTH to be exploited as a hotel again like the rest of the hotels the state, especially as hotel wonderful and contains 400 rooms and 55 apartment or wings of exquisite architectural design nicely and furniture in the style of Louis XIV and XV.
I’d day that defines reader pages Tourism and travel history of this hotel Heliopolis Palace, who was a presidential palaces, and is located in the suburb of Heliopolis, northeast of Cairo, was built as a hotel large in the period from 1908 to 1910 in the desert and was considered one of the largest hotels in the world at that time, The currently known Palace of Arabism. He had opened 1910 under the name Grand Hotel, and was owned by a French company.
It is rare that one of ordinary Egyptians have been known to the presidential palace, or see what its architecture and decorations, as well as presidential palaces up with the other .. Unless this was an important figure or citizen journalists, it was difficult for him to enter the palace.. There are still some Egyptians who lived through the palace when he was a hotel and he hesitated. The hotel hosts international conferences, weddings and honeymoon celebrations and races, and the dining hall at the hotel is the largest in Egypt hotels, each room or lounge in the hotel pronounced Balarach, luxury and large, to the extent that the King of Belgium when he visited the hotel in 1191 shouted, saying: This is great .. When he entered the main hall, along with his entourage.
He has spent the King and his wife Queen Elizabeth, a full month in the hotel, and the queen at the time recovering from typhoid disease.. The Queen has regained her health in a slow, gradual, and was strongly advised doctors Belgians Heliopolis area air dry.
There is another king expressed his deep admiration for the hotel also.. This king was not the throne of a country, it was the king of chocolate in America and the name of Milton S. Hershey and his wife before she passed away in 1915, they invited him to build a hotel modeled on the great Heliopolis Hotel in Cairo.
While he was preparing to build a Hershey hotel in Pennsylvania in the United States, it is make a call to designer hotel and arranged to buy his designs but the cost of designs were too high and went to $ 5 million, then the king give up chocolate for the American idea.
A visitor to Egypt during that period did not believe his eyes on visitors to the hotel, they were great world at that time, such as Emperor John Pierpont Morgan, the money which he considered the greatest hotels in the world.. He said that the Taj Mahal in the desert, relative to the Taj Mahal. The Dome of the hotel a matter of inspiration and admiration of kings and emperors alike money with a height of 55 meters from the ground floor up to the surface.
The development of the interiors of the hotel and taken from the works of the Arabic inscriptions Frenchman Marcel Alexander and Jerry import furniture from mahogany wood of the hotel from London, was also import marble columns from Italy.
After World War II, tourism has become big business and decreased travel time flight and entered the area tourists from the middle class and not from the rich only, and become a floating hotel on the Nile is that attracts tourists, so the hotel has diminished the number of visitors, some even said that it had become a dinosaur Among the hotels because it is no longer able to compete during the sixties of the twentieth century transformed the hotel to the headquarters for many government departments.
In January 1972 became the headquarters of the Federation of Arab Republics (Egypt, Syria and Libya) and bore the name of the Federal Palace.
In the eighties, had been granted the kiss palace hotel new life and he became the presidential residence to rule Egypt

The importance of tourism to promote sports in the demand for tourism in Egypt

Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions  is the phenomena of the age, which is derived from the growing need for rest and recreation, the threads of the manifold, both in terms of economic, social, or political, environmental or technological.
They represent for the economic, characteristics of economic activity through the production of goods and tourism services, of sports equipment, entertainment equipment, … etc., transportation services, accommodation, restaurants, activation, etc … entertainment.
As tourism as a social phenomenon, it also holds the attention of the social scientist from the perspective of migration, consumption of time and space, the exchange of values, social relations and acquaintance and retrieval of the labor force.
From the political side, the state intervenes to develop a policy tourist certain to guide and tourism planning, especially in developing countries, given that tourism is the primary resource for the economy, such as: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and here we must recall that the political situation has a close relationship with tourism is that which contributes to or delay in its development.
It is also the ocean environment is the basis of tourism, because the natural conditions are determined by the presence of tourism as a key component to the issue of tourism (the original offer).
And call the growing need for recreation and relaxation request a special type of tourism called tourism recreation or tourism recreation, as the most important factors affecting the demand of individuals on tourism is the practice of sport, which uses a set of relations entertaining and sports, for this, this research addresses the importance of sports activities to benefit of recreational tourism.
First, analysis of demand for tourism:
Tourism a behavior human movement and travel, a phenomenon as old as humanity itself, and therefore difficult to determine the real beginning of it, although the phenomenon had been taken to crystallize a concept economic and social phenomenon with the beginning Pyramidsof the Renaissance in European societies, by virtue of the transformations of agricultural and industrial civilization that I’ve seen this continent and not others of the continents.
Known tourist offer sometimes as tourist attractions, including the total components and data of natural, historical, civilization and cultural rights in a country, as well as infrastructure services and services for tourism infrastructure in that country, and the definition most commonly used in this area, is to represent all items that must be intended to provide places of tourist coasts of real or potential, services and goods, and everything likely to tempt people to visit certain tourist area.
This means that the tourism product is a concrete reality of nature tourism, which produces the natural result of the integration of data and facilities in the tourist site with transportation to the site and in it, so that these elements are combined in nature and the relationship of a prominent characteristic of the site or the country of tourism.
The analysis aims to identify the tourist offer opportunities for tourism development, present and future, on the grounds that is characterized by non-tourist offer flexibility as well as the difficulty of producing goods of alternative tourism, in contrast to the tourist demand.
I-the concept of demand for Egypt tours:
Means the tourism demand over the participation of local people, groups and individuals from other countries in the various tourist activities of a country, and in some other way is the combined total of the numbers of tourists and foreign nationals coming to a particular tourist area.
The advantage of a number of features and benefits including:
– Non-repetition, in the sense that satisfy the needs and desires of the tourist in a place not only push to repeat the visit to the region or state and high flexibility due to its association with motivated self when tourists other self cannot be measured, such as fashion and the weather, as well as the love of knowledge when people push them to expand sites visited by ..
– Demand for tourism is directly linked to the financial capacity of the tourist demand for tourism is affected by levels of economic well-being in the mother country and the state goal, as well as influenced by degree of progress in communication and transportation, as Egypt well as many other factors influenced by cultural and political is difficult in many cases control.
– Affected by the demand for tourism, both at the local level or global climate-tourism year security, economic well-being levels, trends of the local population and foreigners.
II-Factors affecting the demand for tourism:
1 – Population:
The relationship between population and demand for tourism in general is a positive relationship, and may not apply this rule to some countries with high population density, due to the specifications of other population plays an important role in the demand for tourism including,
2 – Age:
The more young people in the community increased the demand for tourism with the stability of other factors, because youth are the forces of physical and rush to a large change and see them, pushing them to tourism, physiological factors have an impact on demand for tourism The following chart shows the effect of age in the demand for tourism:
3 – Gender:
The ratio of male to female ratio in the society, where males are more vibrant and active and love to travel, in addition to the enjoyment of freedom is almost absolute in comparison to females by virtue of the community.
4 – Marital Status:
In other words the proportion of singles in society, because the person unmarried freer and less constrained and responsibility, in addition to factor the costs resulting from family obligations, as it recorded in Algeria dropped considerably in the average age of marriage, who became 29 years old for females and 33 years for males, with a significant reduction in birth rate, life has become the contemporary complex, tourists pay to look for comfort in any place could regain the physical and mental strength.
III-related tourism, recreation and relaxation:
Distinction is made between several overlapping concepts and terms with the concept of tourism, including:
1 – free time:
Defined as the time remaining after the performance of work and sleep, and more precisely is all that is left to the individual time off of work and sleep and spend the basic needs, especially domestic work.
2 – recreation:
Includes all activities that the person exercised during leisure time, excluding overtime, or child care or the performance of homework, as well as all maintenance work on the house, and recreation is divided into two types:
2-1 – recreation near:
Includes two types, representing one relaxation procedure and who are in housing or in the surroundings and do not use the means of transport, but are accessible on foot to the target areas and duration of time ranging mostly between 1-3 hours, and recreation Domestic is happening within the locality and they are used in often the means of transport, ranging from 3-6 hours duration.
2-2 – relaxation term:
And is active in the tourist areas and entertainment outside the population centers, and for a period of not more than one day and less than twenty-four hours.
Here, it must be noted that the concept of leisure time include tourism and recreation in its Egypt last minutedifferent forms, because these species are all based on the principle of exploitation of man by his free time in certain activities, and motivated certain periods of time goes on and shorten as leisure time and by type of activity and purpose.
3 – Travel:
Where is the traveler is a person who moves from one country to another, or from one region to another within the state for various reasons may be a tourist or a tourist.
4 – to visit:
World Tourism Organization defines the visitor, as the person who is visiting a country other than those that reside on a permanent basis, for any reason not to get a job or paid work in the country visited, and includes this definition:
5 – cruise:
Park picnic or student is a temporary visitor, staying less than twenty-four hours in the target country (country of visit), are not included in this definition Msavroa transit even spent some time in the air and sea ports or land-based stations to the host country.
6 – Tourism:
Where the tourist is a visitor to stay for one night at least in the target country (the country of visit), i.e. the duration of the visit not less than twenty-four hours and be for any purposeEgypt except for employment or wage employment.
Secondly, tourism and sports tourism entertainment and recreation:
The overall objective of tourism is to achieve economic benefit and social for all parties involved in the process of tourism development, but this is the strategy to a high degree of importance because it determines the path that must be applied by tourism in a particular area to reach the desired goals, and can limit the importance of alternative tourism in the following aspects:
– Identify the activities and procedures desired.
– Identify the general framework of the policies of tourism development.
– A guide to all relevant tourism development.
– Creating awareness of all the strategies and objectives of tourism.
– To highlight the importance of tourism and the contribution of the tourism sector in the economy and society.
– Find an effective partnership between tourism and other economic sectors.
I-sports tourism sites:
There are many strategies available, feasible and that would enhance access to the objectives of the ruler, with no doubt that Algeria has the potential of a variety of tourist, but nevertheless remains an open question about the type of tourism should be developed and promoted with taking into account the expected demand and objectives ruler.
Where we find the tourism and sports tourism, known entertainment and recreation, and tourism are linked closely to the development and promotion activities targeted to young people especially; many of these tourism activities should be developed in the direction of Egypt Nile cruisethis category, including sports teams and foreign tourists.
Where it comes to tourism, regional tourism hunting, fishing, snorkeling, diving and tourism fun and entertainment, where to give attention to this tourism would participate in open citizen and social integration, and we find sports tourism that contribute to the recreation in several locations, including:
1 – coastal tourism:
The coastal tourism at the international level in most countries base of tourism activity because of the enormous flows bring, as well as economic and financial benefits generated by, it represents 80% of international tourist demand.
And it should form the coastal marine tourism in the long run the foundation stone for the development of tourism in Algeria, and this option a number of conditions imposed and the reasons of objectivity, which include:
A – Activity strong domestic demand during the summer season (three-III).
B – focused annual holidays during the summer season, and not distributed throughout the year, raising the demand for marine tourism in the country during that period.
C – to inform the community living abroad and foreigners to marine tourism.
D – the emergence of priority coastal investment demand through domestic and foreign applications.
As most of the concerns of investors oriented coastal tourism,
2 – desert tourism:
Tourism accounts for desert and paper profitable in the Tourism Development International, a large area which is characterized by the Sahara, it is possible to change the preference to in the absence of interest in optimal forms of other tourist attractions, which could transform this desert tourism to the possibility of tourist attraction turned into poles are important for tourism international (especially Arabs)
The diversity of natural resources, historical and cultural enable the development of tourism exploration and reconnaissance, tourism, cultural and tourism excursions and touring, but nevertheless should be given to sectors associated with this type of tourism such as culture, environment and local communities in order to develop preventive measures for sites of cultural and natural resources and protect the ocean .
3 – Tourism febrile:
The aim of the Tourism baths is a treatment and recovery by going to places of attributes of healing such as mineral water or sulfur or mud baths or sand, which is the cure for many diseases, including bone disease and respiratory diseases, skin diseases, in addition to medical supervision content there.
4 – Cultural Tourism:
Symbolizes the cultural wealth of a country to its identity, through cultural heritage, monuments and museums and all kinds of theater creativity, graphics, festivals as well as Travel to Egyptthe scientific culture.
And the future direction of tourism by prospective studies of the World Tourism Organization confirms that cultural tourism will occupies an important place in the show and, considering the international tourism during the next decade.
Enjoyed by Egypt as a tourist destination diversity of the fields of tourism between tourism conferences and exhibitions, tourism beaches and leisure tourism medical tourism, religious tourism, safari tourism, sports tourism festivals and competitions, the most important archeological or cultural tourism as one of the oldest types of tourism in Egypt, no matter varied types of tourism and possession of Egypt to the elements of many of them, remains the cultural tourism is denominated tourism is repeated or similar, or payable to the competition because it owns Egypt, where there is the third known effects in the whole world next to the presence of many important museums including the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo the richest museums in the world of the pharaonic
Egypt has seen a renaissance tourist real since the eighties, where developed signs of growth of the tourism industry of nearly one million tourists in 1982 to 2.5 million in 1993 and then jumped to more than 5.5 million tourists in 2000, and increased hotel capacity from 18.9 thousand rooms in 1982 to nearly 58 thousand in 1993 and then reached to 117 thousand at the end of June 2001, also contributed to tourism during the past few years in achieving a more balanced spatial development by adding approximately 12 thousand square kilometers, it seized from barren desert to the Egyptian globe.
In addition, became the Egyptian tourism industry locomotive of economic development as one of the most important exports at all, service was or commodity, and is the primary source of national economy of foreign currency by $ 4.5 billion in 2000, also provided the State Treasury by nearly 2.8 billion pounds a year to the tax proceeds and fees that are imposed on courses up to the spending of tourists, this is next to it-intensive industry of employment, which contribute to solving the problem of unemployment especially among young people and university graduates as create room hotel one between 2.7-3 jobs directly and indirectly, and this is not the numbers static, but indications of development of certain .
Egypt has occupied the position worthy of tourist in the light of the advantages enjoyed by the temptations of tourism by:
Integration policy of the State for Tourism with the overall policy of economic development, social and cultural current in Egypt, and clear this integration so as to ensure maximum coordination between the various hardware and continuity in the implementation and to ensure the clarity of the national objectives of tourism development, whether general objectives of economic, social, cultural or environmental
Establish a center for tourist information, according to the latest developments in information technology and communications, including accurate data, occur regularly on all the variables of tourism activity in Egypt, such as tourism products Egyptian of all kinds, hotels, tourist villages and shops public transport companies in tourism, ports and airports and land ports, and the number of The presence of other tourists, this place is a prerequisite for the implementation and development of tourism policy, with the need to have this center is connected to international networks of electronic information, so that it could also serve the tourism activity directly, and in line with recent developments in the international tourism market.
Sports Tourism is one of the important means to promote tourism, giving the tourism fun Egypt safetyand entertainment sought by all peoples, has become sports tourism a very important factor in tourist attractions.
One of the main areas of sports tourism:
Island Equestrian Club, Golf Club, Fishing Club, the Red Sea area clubs, marine sports club in Hurghada, and Sharm el-Sheikh.
Golf Tourism:
Is tourism golf a tourist patterns developed, and is keen Ministry of Tourism on marketing it so out of concern for the diversity of tourism product of Egypt, and add the ingredients to attract a new harmony with all the trends of tourist demand conscious as well as the producer golf tourism addresses the segment distinct from tourists the world with high spending and give tourism Golf in Egypt tourist an opportunity to practice his sport popular in the golf distinct tourist areas such as unique Luxor, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

It is important to emphasize the important fact to the effect that cannot be development and modernization of the tourism sector in isolation from the development and modernization of society as a whole, development is a comprehensive community lead to the development of tourism and vice versa as the development of tourism are joining forces with other social and economic activities to achieve comprehensive development that will benefit the all citizens without exception.

Types of tourism in Egypt

First, cultural tourism

Tourism is the cultural and archaeological sites of the most important and oldest types of Egypt holidays , as Egypt has many of the effects of the Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, museums, has created cultural tourism since the discovery of ancient Egyptian monuments decoding hieroglyphs, and even now does not break missions effects, travelers, tourists and authors of books, tourism to Egypt has published hundreds of books in different languages and was a means to attract tourists from all over the world to see Egypt and its effects and the ancient civilizations through the national museums and archaeological and artistic

The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Cairo and Giza:
Dam of Atonement: located in the Valley Mararey South Helwan.

City Online: one of the most important archeological sites, known as Pharaonic, Ain Shams or HelioPolis is one of the oldest capitals in the ancient world and the most important archaeological monuments of King Senusret I Obelisk “Obelisk rain,” an effect only remaining landmarks of this city.

, One of the most important archeological sites, known as Pharaonic, Ain Shams or Helio Polis is one of the oldest capitals in the ancient world and the most important archaeological monuments of King Senusret I Obelisk Obelisk rain which is the only impact the rest of the features of this city.
The Pyramids: The three pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure one of the seven wonders of the world as it is considered a unique architectural achievement engineered attest to the greatness of Egypt and Hmokh and stands to guard the Great Sphinx, a huge statue consists of a body of a lion and a human face.

Saqqara: set up the first stone structure in the world is on the Saqqara pyramid built by King Zoser in 2816 BC.

Area of Dahshur: of the most important archeological sites in Egypt, which includes the most important archaeological treasures, where they were found to more than archaeological discovery of gold in Ohramadtha and cemeteries, and most important of Egypt these pyramids, Bent Pyramid, known as the Pyramid yellow pyramid curve of King Sneferu, the Black Pyramid of King Amenemhat III, and pyramid King Senusret III has begun this region in the global tourism after the reception prepared for that
The most important areas of archaeological tourism in Luxor:

Luxor: the most important cities in the southern third level, which includes the effects of the world and was known in the old state in 270-280 BC. M and was famous in the Middle Kingdom when the foundations laid and the temple of Karnak was the capital of the modern state and is known by several names (and AST) good and Luxor and Luxor is a civilian serves as a museum open to the effects of ancient Egyptian and most important features:

Karnak Temple: It is a wonderful complex of beautiful temples, which is unparalleled and includes Karnak temples of goddess gods Amon and his wife’s death and her son, the god Khonsu, the moon god.

Luxor Temple: was opened after the restoration project complete it, and is the lobby of Amenhotep III the most beautiful courtyard exists between the Egyptian temples, where surrounded lobby 64 columns and hall of columns by 32 columns and has been called the Aswanyard the sun because it was open to the sky and the courtyard was surrounded by corridors roofed afford these columns .

Temple of Habu: The inauguration of a substantial addition on the tourist map because of its importance massive in terms of technical, aesthetic, and is the largest building to the King of Egyptian stayed intact so far and called Karnak, the western view of the magnitude which is a large temples remaining mainland western Luxor, which includes temples of great importance historical and archaeological sites, one of the largest funerary temples devoted to the commemoration of the pharaohs in the modern state, has been set up by King Ramses III on the left of the beach south of Thebes.

Valley of the Kings: It includes a huge number of tombs, including Tutankhamun’s tomb and its contents, which transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the most important archaeological cemetery tombs of Ramses I, Ramses III and Horemheb and Tuthmosis III.

Valley of the Queens: it comprises a significant number of tombs of the Queens of the most important tomb of Nefertari, Queen Tiye.

Aswan City: The city of Aswan, the most beautiful winter resorts of the world and includes several historic monuments, namely: the temples of Abu Simbel temples which are built by Ramses II months Pharaohs Egypt between 1223 BC 1290 AD. The two most important temples of Nubia The two temples of architectural wonders have been completely carved inside the mountain, namely:

Temple of Abu Simbel: It was dedicated to the worship of the god Ra Poplar Acht the God of the Rising Sun.

Temple of Abu Simbel Sub: built by Ramses II in memory of his beloved wife Nefertari and the advantage of this temple is the beauty of his drawings, colors, and is called the temple of the goddess of love, rock music and beauty

Second, leisure tourism
Egypt has a shoreline of views on Bahrain white and red and extends for about 3000 km and the advantage of the Red Sea with its water pure  and mountains varying and enjoying Egyptthe coast of the Gulf of Aqaba facilities great for water sports, as well as the spread leisure tourism resorts on the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Mediterranean coast.

Among the most important recreational and tourist sites tourism beaches in Egypt: Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Dahab, Nuweiba, Ras Sudr, Marsa Alam, Safaga, El Arish, Al Ain Sukhna North Coast of the Mediterranean Sea
Third, religious tourism

1 – Islamic Archaeology

A – mosques

Effects of the Islamic


Including: Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas, Mosque Al-Hussein Mosque, Sayyida Zainab Mosque of Imam Shafie, Azhar mosque, the Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun, Mosque of al-Hakim, Mosque of Mohammed Ali, and a mosque Rifai as well as numerous monuments and Islamic sites in Cairo Fatimid.

Including: Citadel of Salah al-Din, Mohamed Ali Citadel, Citadel Qaitbay Alexandria, Aqaba Castle, Castle soldier, Castle stage, Castle Nakhl, Al-Arish Castle, Castle and Nuweiba in the Sinai

Medical Tourism in Egypt
Egypt tours was famous with mineral water and free from moisture and silt in favor for the treatment of many diseases, and the multiplicity of its beaches and waters of seas, with its unique natural properties.

The spread in Egypt and mineral sulfur springs, which features the unique chemical installed. Which exceeds the rate of all mineral and sulfur springs in the world. Furthermore the availability of silt in the pools of these sulfur springs with its therapeutic properties of cured many diseases, bone diseases, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract and skin diseases, etc., has also proven treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis by burial in the sand.

Research also confirmed that the waters of the Red Sea, its contents and the presence of chemical coral reefs which helps healing of psoriasis. There are various tourist areas, which has the advantage of medical tourism in Egypt, areas of famous historical roots, such as: Helwan, Ain El Sira, Al Ain Sokhna, Hurghada, Fayoum, the oasis, Aswan, Sinai, and finally the city of Safaga stationed on the beach of the Red Sea, which has all the elements of tourism therapeutic and tourist groups that visit and the fame that comes black sand have the ability to get rid of some skin diseases.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the human will send a second after his death to live a life of immortality and so were keen to keep the bodies of the dead through the stuffed, and mummification process means the ancient Egyptians, as Raawa bury the dead bodies away from water infiltration and placed them in graves of the vulnerable in dry places in the desert and in the inside the pyramids, and these operations are under the advanced medical science and qualified doctors are able to use all the largesse of the nature of the chemical and pharmaceutical substances.

Before the birth of Jesus gave birth to three thousand years Egypt “Aamahotb” Dean of Medicine and pioneering the first global consensus of historians. The name means hieroglyph, which comes in peace, “the minister that the doctor architectural high priest Pyramidssingers, and above all, Rafie said the first stone in history: the pyramid of King” Zoser “Saqqara.

With the increasing archaeological discoveries, which left over time emerged as important medical and therapeutic for many of the sites in parts of Egypt, such as Helwan, Fayoum and South Sinai and Safaga as enjoyed by these places of mineral water, sand and dunes are able to treat and cure many incurable diseases in our world today, such as skin diseases and rheumatic.

The state has realized the importance of medical and therapeutic for these places arose on the care and attention which has become of the finest places of healing the world.

Thus, Egypt occupied a privileged position on the map of medical tourism has become a popular destination for those who want treatment from all over the world, come for the tourists to enjoy the climate of health and medical treatment, natural under the auspices of medical specialists in all branches and modern hospitals, which is available with the latest equipment the world supported by specialists in exercise and physical therapy at the highest level of service. In addition to providing a variety of tourist programs to visit the unique places in Egypt.


History of the Egyptian pyramids

Egypt Pyramids is the oldest of the seven wonders of the world, the tombs of the Pharaohs, was filled with pathways and cemeteries in one day

Property of the Kings, which are invaluable, and buried with them so use them in other life as far as they claim

Historians called the name of the Old Kingdom “era builders of the pyramids,” a reference to the large pyramids which we see all of us,

And built in the belly of the right hand of the desert valley, from the province of Fayoum south of Cairo to the north.

But why the pyramids were built and what is their purpose?
Attributed the idea to build the pyramids to the ancient Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, and to their belief in the Baath again

And the existence of eternal life. Of the ancient Egyptians built the cemetery where the vulnerable are placed after the body stuffed, and provides a full range

the needs of the Dead as tools and pieces of furniture and types of foods and drink, which was used in his life, even if they came

Spirit and replaced in the body, he returned to his eternal rights. Spray-painted the walls of the cemetery the usual  sceneries, the intervention of pleasure for the dead.
The largest of these Tour of the pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops’ son of the king, “Bent” and his successor in office took the construction of the Great Pyramid twentieth


Years and has a height of 148 meters and its base area 13 acres and the length of each side of the ribs its base about 230 meters, with an

The amount of stones used in its construction about 2300000 pieces of stone weighing in total about 5500000 stone

The East of the pyramid is “Chefren” but shorter in height of the pyramid “Cheops.”

The third pyramid is ” Chefren ” was built by King Menkaure, a mummy in the next sentence after Chefren has gained

King “Menkaure” a good reputation in contrast to Khufu, Chefren, who soon became famous injustice, cruelty and tyranny of servitude as a result of thousands of

Egyptians in the ongoing work… To this day, could not weather factors that affect the pyramids.

It remains the most important question: How was the building stones of the pyramid and the transfer of that distance and lifting it high altitude, and so as not to prolong

I’ll show you the results (facts) directly without the details and research:

A team of scientists from architecture, Egyptology, that the Pharaohs were able to cancel the gravity when lifting stones

Used in building the pyramids and move long distances, and that by directing vibrations of a sound and shipments

ELECTROSTATIC SPRAYING to facilitate the process of lifting.

Dr. Sayed Karim Professor of Architecture at Cairo University and an expert on Egyptology of the pyramids that this interpretation of the way

Building the pyramids came through Breton: The first in a tomb at Karnak architects of the Middle Kingdom, and the second at the Museum
Louvre in Paris.
He said that the Pharaohs were able to control many of the strong cosmic, and took advantage of their energy in achieving the purposes of scientific,

He added that the miracle is the Pharaonic how to adjust the angles and geometry of the universe and linked to the movement of the stars, and trends.  For more info click here:

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Tourism In Aswan

wide and worm Smile, appears from behind her very white teeth to dark skin, welcome you  like you’re one of them returned after years of absence, and the sun shining throughout the day completes rays warm smile that the current chat session with the people of the place, and Neil impeccable purity wave in the water in front of your eyes even for almost feel that what I saw in Cairo cannot be an extension of that river, wonderful, and the mountains stretching in front of your eyes smallness of «Saint» and weaknesses, and markets stretched out on the roads next to each effect and the Temple, to think that the whole town offers you a heritage of the needle to the rocket only if ordered by you. Welcomed the Cornice along the city invites you to walk beside him and taking pictures on the beach to keep them in the closet unforgettable memories. That simply is the city of Aswan, which lies on the eastern bank of the Nile, and at a distance of 899 kilometers from Cairo that tourists have come with the beginning of each winter. «Flower Egyptian south» is the name dubbed by the Aswan and whose name means in the Nubian «market», has been called this name to the large markets held out for being a link between the south of Egypt and the African continent brown, a piece of the effects of counterfeit or souvenir that You might like to buy from that wonderful city does not cost you effort, Search for shops specializing in this area, and the reason you will find when all traces or temple you are visiting, a market is selling craft products which famous people of the city manufacture, ranging from dresses Nubian famous and bags made of animal skins, straw , the end of the cutting effects of counterfeit and peanut Aswan famous, which is roasted on the sun’s rays, so that some houses near the areas visited by tourists turned into exhibitions enter newcomer to the city and watch the nature ways of making craft products in front of him and selects which wills such as houses of the village of «West So hail ». Talk about the beauty of nature and the weather in Aswan now until the end of the spring, cannot be described words. Perhaps this is the secret of the capacity of those quiet city to challenge the other winter resorts in various parts of the world, including endowed with its dry climate, adding to the tourism impacts of, medical tourism, especially for patients with kidney and respiratory system, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, too, because of the landfill in the sands brown area rich elements useful in the treatment of these diseases, in addition to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation reflected from the mountains surrounding the city, and the Nile Page throughout the year and especially on the islands of Elephantine, and Isis.

Effects in Aswan with the features of a private diary, where it mixes with the people in the convergence gives pulse of life, and to feel You are visiting the Pharaohs raised in the city center you are going to blend the panel where human beings. Among these temples, the Temple of Kom Ombo, which dates back to the year 180 BC to worship the gods «Casting and Horus» and there is a high hill overlooking the River Nile, and the advantage of design based on two axes, each representing a separate unit in itself, and graffiti walls prominent, have been the work integrated lighting of the temple to illuminate the night. There is also a temple town of Edfu, one of the most beautiful temples and Egyptian collection in the design of the pharaonic, Greek, has been established for the worship of the god «Horus» and confirm the inscriptions on the walls, which tells the story of Horus and his revenge from his uncle, a symbol of evil «six». As well as it contains a measure of the Nile and the field of offerings, said at the entrance, has been the discovery of the temple in 1860 by a famous archaeologist, The Temple of Philae is the temple dedicated to Goddess «Isis», the symbol of love and loyalty and goodness of the ancient Egyptians and which toured Egypt, as legend has it Pharaonic to collect parts of the body of her husband, «Osiris» who was killed by his brother «six», and made her son Horus, avenger of his father, and the temple had been sinking because of the flood water in the sixties of last century, and monitored the UNESCO big budget to save him, which was divided and re-assembled at the site of a new on the island of «Ajeljka» at a distance of approximately 500 meters from its original location on the island of Philae, has also been provided with sound and light performances and gather around dozens of tourists every night to hear some tales of ancient Egyptian history, in different languages.

There are also a number of small temples, including Temple «Amenhotep III», and «structure Thoth», «the Ptolemaic temple». The visitor can see the city of Aswan «raised the Cape Town», which includes many of the graves of the cemetery, including the nobility, and the tomb of Ahmose, the cemetery Sitau, and return label to the gods Cape Town «Nekhbet». And on one of the Mounds land west of the Nile in Aswan in the face of Botanical Garden, visitor can City View tomb of Sultan Mohammed Shah Husseini, leader of the Ismaili community and the famous title of «Aga Khan», which he had attended to visit the Aswan at the beginning of the last century, fell in love and decided to visit the city every winter, and develop love for them to build himself a tomb on one of Rabbani and recommends that buried in it, which is what happened after his death in 1959, then continued to his wife Begum Aga Khan is keen to visit each year in the tomb which has become a tourist site a prominent, but recommends is that other buried with her husband while come Mnatha which is what happened when she died. more info click here:

Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions

Most important characteristic of the shrine is the design architect who belongs to the Fatimid style. Apart from the relics in the temples and tombs located in Aswan, there is in that city museums will join a large number of effects, namely the Museum of Aswan, which was established in 1912, and where the effects as belonging to him from the eras of historical, ranging from the Pharaonic, Ptolemaic, Romanian, Coptic and Islamic, The museum was originally the headquarters of the English house irrigation engineer «William Wilcox» Aswan Dam which was designed and supervised the building since 1898, following the completion of the construction of the reservoir and the departure of the Cox, turning the house into a museum. There is also the Nubian Museum, which was established in cooperation between the Egyptian government and UNESCO in 1980 and taken into account in its design to be expressed about the environment Nubian, to think of see it in front of a house newbie’s large, has been attached to this museum center to preserve the heritage of Nubian provides a model program duration of 9 months for the transfer of skills and traditions of the ancient Nubian ladies older to younger girls. Nor is the ancient monuments the only feature of Aswan, which is characterized along with so many treasures of Pharaonic many nature reserves which give the city the green color generously, and between these reserves, protected valley Allagui which is located at a distance of 180 kilometers east of Aswan, characterized by the presence of a large number of wild animals out, hyenas, deer, goats, hawks, ostriches, as well as 92 species of rare plants out, there are also protected «box» that are attributed to the Mount box in the far eastern corner of Egypt and features trees runny granted by the density of forests open and there are a bird Adakknash a chest pink. The protected Saluja and deer, which are found at a distance of three kilometers from the Aswan reservoir, it is one of the more memorable because it contains reserves of birds and rare plants or endangered species such as ibis, black and purple Moorhen.


And spreads in Aswan a number of hotels with excellent service belong mostly to the five-star and give visitors the city a comfortable stay carefree, including the Sofitel Old Cataract, Hotel Oberoi Aswan, Amoun Village tourism, and hotel Naoctarki, Hotel Isis Island Aswan, and there are two hotels belong to the brigade four-star hotels and two tourist hotels, Isis, and Kalabsha Hotel. The access to Aswan is not that hard choice varies method according to the nature of the traveler and the temperament of psychological, there are flights organized by the airlines to the airports in Aswan and Abu Simbel, and there are flights sleeper train from the railway station in Cairo, Egypt, and there are Nile cruises, which start from Luxor and ends in Aswan and then return and the duration ranged between 4 and 6 nights. And to keep the trip to Aswan trip featured in the memory and conscience.

Tourism In Luxor

Historic city of Luxor is located in the center of the province of Qena, Upper Egypt, the maximum is bounded to the south and north of Esna center
Qus the east the Red Sea to the west by Armant and the limits of the New Valley Governorate. Luxor city dating back to prehistoric  times, where it is of the most famous ancient cities in the world and contains many temples and tombs, and the most famous Temple of Luxor and Karnak temples and the largest places of worship in the world.

It contains only one third the effects of the whole world which is thus the greatest open-air museum in the world, filling awe and effects suggestive civilization of old, the Luxor is part of ancient Thebes and the seat of power for 1350 years in a row from 2100 BC to 750 BC At this time, the Egyptians built many works of art architecture and this has turned the city into a city rich in history, dazzling spots relic temples and cemeteries, today you can walk between history and the heads of the gods in the way of rams, between the pillars and lotus flowers and papyrus, and enjoy the short trip Balcarith or in felucca at sunset.
Luxor is part of ancient Thebes, a city with the percent door as said by the great Greek historian Homer because of buildings with large doors. The city has grown through the ages, and impressed by the Arabs and the beauty of Luxor what they have seen many of the palaces.
That impressed the visitor when visiting the city, which are terrible Bmayanha space on the kidney of Nile in the city life in the east where the sun rises and in the city of death in the west where the sun sets in the orbit is not the end, where life lay in peace.
The temples of Karnak:

Found on the east bank of the Nile in the city life, the largest places of war, which was built over the centuries in the West Bank is Memnon statues, graves and valleys of the kings and queens and many temples and tombs of key figures.

Holy Lake:

It was used for purification. The lake is outside the main hall of the Holy Temple of Luxor, where there is a large statue of a scarab, and this was the statue of King Amenhotep Greeting to.

This is a picture of the Scarab:

Tombs of the valleys of the Kings and Queens:

This is the cemetery, which request the kings and queens of the modern state has ordered these kings and queens to burrow their faces on the rocks of the valley and the cemetery is made up of several rooms and corridors leading to the burial chambers.

Bahari Temple:

This temple was built by the Queen Hatshepsut in order to represent the mysteries of the underworld. Bahari temple is one of the latest effects it is up to the seventh century BC and used by Christians as a place to celebrate. The temple consists of three aisles separated Exotic Street.

Museum Ramses:

It was built specially to King Ramses II and the temple murals representing the Battle of Kadesh.

Temple of Dandara:

This Roman temple is located on the after sixty kilometers north of Luxor, Ptolemy III was first started in the temple and came from several rulers Romanians Ptolemies, containing the temple on your famous Queen Cleopatra and Caesar son of King Julius Caesar, the temple is famous explaining the towers astronomical. For more info click here:

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Temple of Esna:

Located south of Luxor, has a room full of pictures and publications which follow the Roman emperors who came to Egypt and sacrificed to the gods.
Temple of Luxor

Temple of Luxor dedicated to the Theban Triad of Amun-Ra, consisting of his wife’s death and their son Khonsu.

Also named as Aept Ilandz, which means South campus or place your Amun-Ra. We have this place has been associated Temple of Karnak, which is the center of worship of Amun-Ra or Amun Min, Lord of heaven or the Lord of fertility.

The slave in the same temple some other deities such as Hatho and Atom, and the statues were found in the cache pit.

Luxor Temple was built for the worship of Amun-Ra and Mut and Khonsu, the gods, called also the title of Trinity Tibi (Theban Triad), is based on the situation during the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period and the beginning of the modern state.

The most important temple of existing buildings are those built by the kings Amenhotep III – of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and Ramses II – the family of the ninth century.

The destroyed three-cabin which had been constructed before the reign of Queen Hatshepsut and King Tuthmosis III of the Eighteenth Dynasty; then rebuilt in the reign of King Ramses II.

The kings in the later periods by changing some of the wall reliefs, for example, scenes of rejoicing, “Opt” covenant of Tutankhamen and Horemheb; compartment as well as scenes of the sacred complex in the era of Alexander the Great.

The Luxor km from Cairo 620 km south store the ancient Egyptian civilization, in which more than 800 area and the shrine archaeological includes most wonderful thing, and his heirs Egypt’s human heritage, and remained Luxor (Thebes), the capital of Egypt until the beginning of the Sixth Dynasty pharaoh when the capital was moved to Memphis in the north.

The town has its unique character that distinguishes it from all parts of the world, where one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt, and has more amount of ancient monuments, which is not without a place where the spokesman of the impact of the greatness of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years BC.

The Luxor has a lot of effects, most notably the Temple of Luxor and Karnak Temples and the Museum of the city and the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Queens, temples and funerary tombs of nobles and other effects timeless.

Taba Is Bride Of South Sinai

the city of Taba of the most tourist cities attractive to tourists, the city that combines history and tradition as it includes the effects of dating to about 5000 years, in addition to rare wildlife and heritage of the distinctive nomadic people of the city.

You cannot forget that the aquatic life and coral reefs unique of its kind, which comes to tourists from every direction to see it, in addition to its hotels that combine luxury, comfort and quality of service, which pits the city name in the world of tourism.
Historical monuments in Taba:

Museum of Taba:

Taba is not an ordinary tourist city, it contains the features of a historic character earned her noble descent, and places of originality and that you cannot miss the museum had Taba.

The museum houses three rooms containing more than 700 artifacts, is silent archive tells the story of the lives of the people of South Sinai, starting from the Pharaonic era to the modern era.

The museum is open to visitors from nine o’clock in the morning and evening until the fourth, prices of tickets for foreigners 16 pounds and one pound of the Egyptians.
Protected Taba:

Of the most famous and more places to visit by tourists in Taba, which amounts to an area of 3590 square kilometers and composition of the divine wonder of the caves and mountain pathways and geological formations and a series of valleys such as the valley has acquired the status of archaeological distinct.

Not only that, also features protected the wealth of animal and plant do not match, as it combines rare plants and animals threatened with extinction, as there are about 25 species of mammals and about 50 species of rare birds living in addition to 24 species of reptiles, but for the plants there are reserve about 480 species of unique species.

After you visit the historical monuments, time of fun and enjoy the beaches, Taba, the Witch, and practicing your favorite sport of swimming and diving in the deep sea.

If you want to experience like no other that combines the fun and excitement, try the deep-sea diving in Taba, to see colorful fish and coral reefs, which is famous for rare and out of the Red Sea.

Among the most famous dive sites in Taba:

The Mursi  Majabala area, which includes three places for diving months are:

Is the area of professional diving only, allowing you to dive up to a distance of 40 meters, the shallow part where you can see colorful fish and coral reefs.
Mjabila large area:

Is located on the left of the valley depth of 18 meters, suitable for different levels of diving enthusiasts, you can see groups of barracuda and bat fish in its depths.
Mjabila small area:

The area best suited for shallow diving at a depth of 16 meters, to see the houses of coral reefs and different brands of fish hiding among the rocks are stones.

There are also two areas of diving in the Strait of natural, namely:
Strait hole:

At a depth of 16 meters of natural strait, there is a large hole depth of 24 meters, only to find when entering the pit at a depth of 8 meters how to fish movement, and how you get on the diet of small fish and fish silver.
Banana Strait:

Is a region in the form of a banana, where you can dive at a depth of 12 meters.
Mathematics of water in Taba Heights:

You can spend quality time you and your family for a walk freely, whether yacht or boat in the glass area of Taba Heights.

Your child can play in Taba Heights safely in specialized areas of the children there.
Reef City:

You can dive in the city reefs at a depth of 20 meters, to see the thickness of the silver lion and sometimes small.
Pharaoh’s Island:

Boarded a boat and headed to the island of Pharos, to see the fortress of Saladin, and there are five locations on the island for diving and three boats.

Taba Heights:

Is an area specially equipped to be more well-being of places in the Middle East and North Africa, the strategic overlooking the Red Sea and the proximity to the international airport and the port among the mountains of Sinai, which limit the three neighboring countries, making it a truly unique area.

It also contains the region to hotels and tourist resorts at the highest level of quality, has been prepared designs resort town of Taba to be a favorite tourist destination for the lovers of adventure and fun and excitement.

Consists resort of Taba from five international hotel luxury-owned international group of companies specializing in the hospitality, organization and management of hotels, and there are Marina international award-winning numerous water sports and diving, as well as golf clubs, clubs, entertainment, shopping malls, resorts and mathematics diverse

If you are a fan of the practice of golf, Regency provides you with playground Balkiesaat global Palmstahat The hotel is covered with green and artificial lakes and spectacular views overlooking the Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Of the most famous hotels in Taba:

Intercontinental, Marriott, Sofitel, Hyatt.
Shopping and Restaurants:

There are a wide variety of exhibits that you can buy what suits them, for example, you can buy any souvenir from bazaars  spread across hotels and resorts.

You can also buy T-shirts made of Egyptian cotton, which carry pictures of the effects of the Pharaonic, also sold gold and silver jewelry, carpets and products of Khan el-Khalili.

Hotel restaurants offer dishes both global and to suit all tastes different nationalities of the visitors.

You can also experience system Dine around Taba Heights where you can choose to eat your food from any restaurant you like, without being restricted to the hotel in which you reside.  more info click here:   Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions

But make sure in advance of the rules and procedures, including pre-booking at the hotel.
Important Information before you travel:

The currency is the Egyptian pound, or dollar, which is equivalent to 5.6 pounds.

Climate is characterized by moderate temperatures to 22 and the average temperature is 33 and it rarely rains fall on the Taba is an atmosphere of dry throughout the year.

You can do a day trip from Taba to Sharm el-Sheikh villages, the island of Pharaoh, Dahab, colorful mountains, the monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Moses and the island of Tiran, and trips to the bathroom therapeutic Pharaoh, Moses bathroom, other than Safari tours which attract loving adventure in the desert.

Do not forget riding a camel and go on a dinner Badawi and dance to the music in the desert of Taba.

May not be  diving after sunset and until sunrise.

Fishing may not be colorful and rare or destruction of coral reefs or transfer taking into accounts the lack of water pollution in any exotic materials or the use of toxic substances.

When you visit St. Catherine’s adventure be sure to climb, but avoid it on your own and you must take the guide with you and that is usually of the people of the Sinai Bedouin.