Tourism sector helps the growth of the Egyptian economy

Minister of Tourism said that the Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions sector is locomotive growth of the Egyptian economy in the coming period but subject to the return of security and stability to the Egyptian street, adding that the tourism sector greatly affected by political events, where events of the U.S. Embassy to the decline in occupancy rates in a hotel nearby for example, to 28 percent and control of the security forces after the events escalated to 38 \% in a single day.

This came during the eighth annual conference of competitive and held by the Egyptian National Council for competitive Tuesday in the presence of a large number of businessmen and investors, as well as a number of economics professors and government officials present and former.

Zaazou added that the tourism sector is the only one who pays directly and indirectly on the economy by pumping money directly to help provide market foreign currency, as well as its association with many of the industries.

He noted that the number of tourists reached during the first seven months of the beginning of this year 2.6 million tourists, an increase of 4.23 \% from the same period last year, as the number of tourist nights to reach 9.71 million tourist nights, an increase of Egypt4.34 million from the same period last year, and total tourism revenues reached 2.5 billion dollars, an increase of 15 \%.

He added Zaazou, the Ministry of Tourism aims this year to increase the number of tourists coming to Egypt to 12 million and increase tourism income to $ 10 billion, also aim in 2020 to the arrival of the number of tourists to 30 million, while the number of tourist nights to 300 thousand night and rising tourism income to $ 25 billion.

The Minister of Tourism to be the first direct flight from Istanbul to Sharm el-Sheikh will be launched next October 9 and will be 4 flights per week, while kicks off the trip Istanbul Hurghada October 17, within the framework of opening up new tourism markets.

On the possibility to achieve tourism competitiveness, confirmed Zazoa that Egypt can be achieved through the development of patterns and tourism products and new innovative open new markets, modify and facilitating regulations and laws governing tourism and attract more investment to develop tourist destinations, in addition to supporting small and medium enterprises and product development heritage.

And the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Tourism, Zaazou said that there are projects with a quick return on society, such as energy conservation and the development of the pyramids, which will be inaugurated in the next November, as well as to raise the efficiency of some roads and the provision of security and safety.

Tourism Minister: Egypt expects growth in the number of tourists 23% in 2012

Cairo – Expect Egyptian Tourism Minister growth in the number of Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions coming to Egypt to 12 million by the end of 2012, up 23 percent from last year ruled that the sector is affected by the election of a president of the Islamic movement.

The Egyptian economy has been hit by the decline in numbers of tourists and investors in the wake of the popular uprising that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak from power nearly 17 months ago.

Many fear in the tourism sector of the delayed recovery of the sector if we assume President Mohamed Morsi restrictions on the sector, such as the prevention of sea bass and wines which are considered a standard part of any foreign tourists’ vacation on the beach.
did not mention the Muslim Brotherhood, which belongs to Morsy that it will impose such restrictions.

The minister said Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour told a news conference in Cairo that Egypt received five million and 242 thousand and 652 tourists in the first six months of 2012, up 27 percent from the same period of 2011.

He added that the period witnessed a significant increase in the number of tourists from Russia, Poland and Germany in particular.

“I expect that the second part of the year will see a great tourist growth” pointing to factors including initiatives by the ministry to support eco-tourism.

“I expect that Egypt will be able to without a major effort (from) to end the year receiving more than 12 million tourists.”

Asked if he was concerned about the recovery of the sector because of the limitations can Egyptbe imposed by Morsi Abdel Nour said he did not expect to impose any policies that might harm the tourism sector is important.

He said “there is no political force or a political party or the President of the Republic or a government that works in a democratic framework and thus held accountable official of public opinion … to follow policies detrimental to tourism in Egypt.”

“Tourism employs four million people affected by indirectly more than 14 million and one.”

He said that Egypt has the necessary resources to achieve tourism revenues worth $ 25 billion by 2017, double the figure achieved in 2010.

Tourism is an important source of foreign currency for 11 percent of GDP in Egypt.

To save the national economy: Tourism breathe policy!

The January 25 revolution Opened appetite most Egyptians do politics, whether by words or actions, and compete with other established parties after the removal of obstacles that were preventing it.
Because the Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packages sector has been affected a lot lately as a result of loose security plaguing the country, but it is one of the most important sources of national income has decided some employees in collaboration with others to establish a new party called the Party – Egyptian Tourism Egypt first goal the protection of the national economy as represented by the basic foundation has a tourism
We are talking – he says the founders of the party – for about 15% of the total labor force in Egypt and nearly 16 million Egyptians and despite the size of this large sector did not represent politically so far no canal any political current and departed everyone to the political conflict, and this party aims to that this category is the fundamental basis of the party from which the amplified his supporters to include the silent majority on the vast breadth of the land of Egypt, and toil to gain strength while preoccupied by politicians to Egypt their own affairs. The purpose of the establishment of the party is to be the political arm of the workers in the tourism and creating entity legitimate owns mechanism of expression of all partners in the tourism industry of the workers and business owners and tourism companies, transport and aviation, as well as 72 industry Related consistent and in the interest of Upper Egypt, which requires that concerted efforts everyone for tourism to return as it was long ago, and if there are stops to demand better distribution ratio for the service for the benefit of workers
The party considers despite inevitability and legitimacy requirement factional and that when conditions improve and return to normal we will be in the early grades to claim those rights and possibly organize these stances if necessary to support the tourism operators in obtaining their legitimate rights legitimately civilized including not disrupt work. Not only that, but effects are monitored and reactions and then invested politically to ensure success in reaching their goals. The party promotes a culture of production, construction and distance including representatives from be their personal interests above the interests of their country and do not know who only their personal rights, forgetting that human home linked to the performance of their duty first.
Strong political
that party Egyptian tourism Egypt first under construction also shows founders is a political party believes religious freedom, social justice and human rights and traditions and values ​​genuine Egyptian. And embrace the idea that tourism is a mainstay must be combination of all political forces and state agencies to protect and work for its development as an option super excellence because of their ability to bring about rapid development in the financial resources of the state and then push the wheel of development projects nationalism in other areas, and that the concept of the party for political office and leadership, like other functions must be subject to financial control and Egyptperiodic evaluation of performance according to a set of goals prepared in advance and commensurate benefits and salaries with the nature of the work. And the party is trying to achieve social justice, democracy and equality between citizens and depends on the economy as a way to raise living standards and improve the ability of the nation to influence regional and international as befits the status of Egypt historical comes attention to scientific research and create a climate for creativity and change the pattern of education in all areas that starting point to the future and the basic guarantee to maintain the democratic gains and economic investment in education and training is highly necessary. It is known that any political party is a group of individuals Union to work together to achieve specific public interest in accordance with the principles of private agree. And shall have the administrative apparatus Associate and seeks to expand the circle of supporters among the people., Tourism has always been the mainstay of our economy and still is the only sector which has the capacity superior to re-cover the cash in record time compared to other sectors that require development and rehabilitation not only huge investments are not available now but longer period of time certainly, tourism in Egypt Party first is the symbol and the beginning of the case public espoused by the party which the economy and to the availability of all natural resources and human and material Once the situation stabilizes political and security returns tourism revenues rapidly and steadily.
Tourist markets
Has damaged tourism after the January 25 revolution – and the talk on the San Khaled Suleiman and cofounder – as a direct result of the absence of security, and she was shocked after the election, where she received tourism stab another launched some trends have helped the media negatively sent to all tourist markets, and that the choice of tourism as a symbol of the economy of basis of the size of direct tourism employment of more than 1.5 million people added to investors and owners of shops and restaurants and tourist transport workers and the aviation sector and ground services and contractors, suppliers and others … There is in fact what can be classified as party even religious, The party is not a party only if he could influence the political and economic life and social …. Perhaps the most prominent example of this is the British Labor Party, which arose early in the confines of a trade union in cooperation with the Intellectual Society. The same applies to parties of peasants in some Scandinavian countries created by peasant associations, and that all the institutions of civil work and in spite of its importance is already limited impact in the very narrow limits, due to the variety and non-union and overlapping activities less sense. And more importantly, that all the above organizations do not have the ability to influence decision party is an institution capable of bringing about Egyptpolitical change and then the desired economic and social through participation in the peaceful transfer of power and control the work of the government. And seeks Party Egypt first to unify included many civil society organizations to expand the party’s base, which represents the channel legitimacy to all of the demands in the tourism sector and to promote a strong goals advocated by both coalitions tourism, though the party has taken a tourism symbol of the national economy actually all organizations and bodies tourism support and rally around him instead of disintegration.
National income
The basic principles of the party says Khaled Suleiman – are a major source of national income Egyptian and on all institutions and state bodies working to protect and develop continuously with the establishment of the principle of citizenship as the sole basis for determining the duties and rights of all citizens at home and abroad. And uphold the interests of Upper Egypt in the face of all national issues in order to achieve development and preserve Egypt’s position as a leader in the international community. And activating the role of youth in promoting the country and build their own future, and party aims to establish a national economy with visions of renewed ensure the equitable distribution of wealth and promote the principle of productivity and work to establish a culture of human rights and democratic principles and intellectual pluralism, political and renounce all forms of violence and exclusion and consolidation behavior democratic and working to build an economy that is in line with the technological changes and the digital revolution and provide protection for the tourism sector against all forms may arise as a result of political instability, economic or security. With work on permanent development and continuing to this sector including pay locomotive human and economic development community Renowned for the tourism sector of the ability to influence positive rapid in all aspects of the national economy and consolidate all national forces, which means believes tourism as a tool economical super excellence to work together under the entity legitimate allows Egyptall serious expression and the ability to change the fact tourism and then economic. and work to become the tourism industry in Egypt is the interface real and reflective of the culture of this people honored and be a real message to the world reflect the civil and attend modern Egypt and promotion in the ranks of developed nations. And also puts the party from within his priorities to work to strengthen the role of youth and women in the intellectual and political life, to ensure that the citizen the right to food, clothing, housing, treatment and pension manner that respects humanity and preserve his dignity.

The importance of tourism in the national economy

Tourism is the locomotive of economic development. Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions when translated today to numbers, it means nearly 40% of the total services exports, surpassing all revenue service receipts, and 19.3% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 7% of GDP directly, which rises to 11.3% if we add indirect contributions in the tourism sector and represented in the services associated with the travel and tourism sector’s share represents Egypt restaurants and hotels where only 3.5% for the complexity of the tourism industry with a lot of production and service sectors, which more than 70 industry nutritious. Tourism is also one of the most important sectors of the state in order to save jobs where the percentage who work either directly or indirectly, to about 12.6% of the total volume of employment in the country.

Egyptian tourism product:
I have led a number of factors combined to gain access to the tourism industry this position among its peers of industries in Egypt as blessed tenets natural awarded by a situation competitively unique on the world tourism map besides the fact that Egypt cradle of the oldest civilizations known to human history, which left behind a legacy rich with a unique combination flocking lovers of cultural tourism and tourism impacts.
The Ministry of Tourism does not fade away to work to diversify tourism products and the introduction of new types of tourism meet all requirements and satisfy all tastes, which helps to keep Egypt on their share of the tourism world and even invade new markets as that leads to achieve growth rates steady and unprecedented. Moreover, Egypt had witnessed in the last two decades of tourism development on a large scale in a number of outstanding tourist attractions, which supported its metadata from accommodation capacity is now ready to receive more than two hundred thousand tourists.
So Egypt disconnect with its favorable climate for tourism activity throughout the four seasons and is characterized by its diversity, tourism product, it is an integrated tourist Egyptdestination. According to a broad base of stocks historical and cultural heritage and the multiplicity of natural and environmental elements and artistic and cultural richness, has become the image perception in Egypt today as a tourist destination different from what it has been for many years. No longer Egypt just kiss that are accessible to those interested in cultural tourism and monuments, but also widened the circle of activity tourism to include the tourism beaches by allowing the exercise activity diving and all types of activities and water sports; yacht tourism; medical tourism; Tourism deserts and safari and wildlife; ecotourism; Tourism residence; Tourism conferences; golf tourism; sports tourism and fishing; tourism festivals; tourism shopping; Nile cruises; religious tourism.

Operational plans to maximize the role of the tourism sector:
Given the importance represented by the tourism industry in the system of the national economy of the country, it has developed the Ministry of Tourism’s strategy to increase the competitiveness of Egyptian tourism at the global level and increase contributions the tourism sector in advancing economic development, and that by attracting greater numbers of tourists to the tourist destination of Egypt with the situation into account what is closely linked to this goal of the need to diversify the tourism product and the expansion Egyptin the construction of hotel rooms way that accommodates the target number of tourists.
The target of the Ministry of Tourism that the number of tourist arrivals by 2011 to 14 million tourists and 140 million tourist nights; addition to access to energy shelter to 240 thousand rooms and achieve $ 12 billion tourist income.

The operational plans drawn up by the ministry to achieve these objectives in the following:

First: at the level of tourism promotion:

Maintain growth and Egypt’s competitive status in major traditional markets, namely: Russia, Germany, England, Italy, and France.
Achieve high growth rates in the number of tourists coming from emerging markets fit with concrete speed in the growth of these markets, namely: Ukraine, Poland, and Czech Republic.
Lifting Egypt’s competitive status in new markets and the Egyptian tourist product definition in a comprehensive and effective, such as: India and China.
Improve the image of the Egyptian tourist product on the international level and work to achieve the highest level of quality in the services received by tourists and ensure the fit of Egypt these services and tour prices.

Plans to develop and diversify tourism products on an ongoing basis and in a form that meets the needs and requirements of foreign markets.
Launch a propaganda campaign in all media.

Second: at the level of the business climate:

The Ministry of Tourism to examine all ways to encourage investment and provide facilities to investors in order to create a climate favorable to achieve the desired development of tourism, which serves the strategic goals. The General Authority for Tourism Development, a one of the bodies of the Ministry of tourism contribute to the financing of development projects of infrastructure in the most important centers which have been identified as centers for tourism development to encourage and support investment in these centers, in the context of taking into account the environmental considerations in order to achieve sustainable tourism development. The tourism development strategy is as follows:

Maximizing the role of the private sector and limiting the role of the state in the planning, Egyptsupervision and follow-up.

Develop the legal and institutional framework (investment guarantees and incentives).

Encourage tourism investment through development schemes and regional development centers integrated tourism and functionally between development and interface coastal and deep desert of 52 tourist center along the coast of Egypt owned and managed by the private sector. (As the Center City tourist entity and infrastructure centralized serves a range of activities and services).
Diversify the tourism product (Hospitality, safari tourism, yacht tourism, GOLF, conference tourism …) and the development of tourism and entertainment sectors beaches.

Egypt safari Stop contributed to the decline in the number of tourists

South Sinai:
Despite its strategic importance and the wealth of Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions resources of mining and the downtown area of ​​South Sinai has suffered greatly from neglect as conditions suffered by people of unemployment conditions, ignorance, poverty and disease, a region that includes St. Catherine and forty Valley and elsewhere.
People of the region believe that the topography of the region have helped to population isolation and denial of services, despite its importance as the rugged desert areas and the towering mountains but contain a treasure trove mining, industrial and agricultural and tourism are unmatched.
Initially emphasized in favor of Rashid Sheikh tribe children happy St. Catherine that there are many problems facing dwellers south-central Sinai, the mountain valleys of its estimated fifty thousand people notably unemployment where suffered many of them in addition to poverty, disease and because of the marginalization of the former regime have The lack of attention to the development of Sinai or exploit its natural mineral and quarantine, industrial, although the desert replete with sand glass, marble, granite and gypsum However does not have at home factory a national one to provide job opportunities Egyptfor young multiplicity destinations States government to land was and still has obstructed development where business can and serious investors to establish their projects only after obtaining the approvals of 10 bodies government which contributed to the flight of investors from investing in southern Sinai, explained tribal elder boys happy that the tourism sector in St. Catherine With the increasing number of employees by Bedouins had greatly influenced by the adoption of the city Tourism per day due to the halt airport for receiving charter flights coming from abroad due to stop functioning due to lack development and the lack of night vision and neglecting the Ministry of Civil Aviation to the process of development, also stopped safaris tourist mountains and mountain valleys for security reasons contributed to the decline in the number of tourists coming to the city . He called for opening up new prospects for development in order to provide job opportunities for young people in all sectors and the development of Airport St. Catherine so that he can receive charter flights coming from abroad to work and the Ministry of Tourism to promote the city through international exhibitions for tourism, for its part demanded Ramadan Ahmed Musa a resident district Zaytuna’s the city of St. Catherine, aged 27 years and works in the tourism sector religious and safari need to support the city of St. Catherine in terms of tourism to receive flights long-term rather than receive tourism per day as all the citizens of the city are dependent on their income monthly to work in the tourism sector.
Also called for the reorganization of mountain valleys safari and Bedouin settlements deep in the desert after they stopped during the previous regime motivated by a security than our homes ruined as described where safari tourism mountain valleys yield appropriate Egyptreturn better than we entered during this period.
In the valley of the forty’s St. Katherine Protectorate Sheikh Ramadan mountain a Bedouin-old 57 years that the Valley cannot be reached only through walking or riding a camel as the road is bordered by mountains towering height and is located on the side pieces of rock giant hard self-removal efforts.
He pointed out that sentences longer and means of transportation for transfer dwellers assembly to the city, about him more than three kilometers and supports most residents to work in the tourism sector where come to some tourists to enjoy the beauty of nature as well as some crops of fruit and vegetables for domestic consumption so it was able to achieve sufficiency self vegetables and fruit, although it lacks Valley to electricity has been buying diesel-powered machine water to irrigate crops from wells and also be used in lighting for two hours a day.

Expectations of a recovery Tourism within two months after the lifting of European travel warnings for Egypt

Resulted in foreign tours by Dr. Mohamed Morsy president for granting Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packages  kiss of life again, especially with the announcement of several European countries and the direction of America to raise the warnings issued about not visiting Egypt, as well as advertising and British Foreign Secretary William Hague for his country’s support for increased investment and tourism in Egypt, The agreement, signed by Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr on the sidelines of the visit of the President of the Republic of Italy and on bilateral cooperation in the tourism sector during the years 2012 – 2013.
Says Mohamed Essam El Din Abbas Atta member of the Tourism Committee Association Egyptian businessmen that Declaration and Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia on the direction of Madrid to cancel warnings issued for tourists Spaniards not to visit Egypt, after meeting Dr. Mohamed Morsi would increase the number of tourists in Egypt, especially the Spanish tourists and Italians The Portuguese prefer to visit Egypt during the summer months.
He expected to recover tourism in Egypt during the coming period, coinciding also with the announcement of Japan and the direction of America for raising warnings to their citizens about traveling to Egypt, especially the French tourists and the English and the Americans prefer to visit Egypt in the winter. explains that the lifting of the embargo operations by these countries came to coincide with the visits of President Mohamed Morsy of ForeignEgypt Affairs, as well as the recent visit to the city of Luxor, which gave a strong message to reassure tourists, the tourism sector in general. He points out that Spanish tourism to Egypt topping second place among European tourists coming to Egypt, especially in summer and thus will lead the remarks at the official level to the recovery of the industry, which is characterized by very sensitive.
It notes that the decline in unit sit-ins and demonstrations will lead to a return of confidence again in the Egyptian tourism, and therefore occupancy rates return to satisfactory levels.
And adds that the ratio of occupancies in the area of ​​the pyramid and reached to about 85% before the revolution, and then declined to about 10%, and during the last few days touched levels 30%, and is expected to climb to about between 50% and 60% during the months of October and November next. The data reveal the Central Bank of Egypt that the number of tourists to Egypt from EU countries arrived for about 584 thousand tourists during the month of June this year, compared to 604 thousand tourists during the month of May, about 691 thousand during the month of March.
The number of tourist nights reaching to about 6 million for the night during the month of June, compared to about 6.5 million nights in the month of May, and about 8.7 million nights in the month of April, the month of March, bringing the total tourist nights of European countries to about 7.1 million for the night.

Egyptian tourism gradually regains its activity

Egypt is one of the leading tourist attractions in the world because of its Egypt vacation, Egypt packages, Egypt vacations packages treasures multifaceted, and is considered one of the most important sources of national income of the country.
This said Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou Egyptian tourism is experiencing significant and historic periods after the January 25 revolution and the beginning of a new system based on the consolidation of democracy to hold free presidential elections and before real parliamentary elections, “adding that Egypt would be in a better position in the future.
Egypt’s tourism sector loses $ 27 million a day
Hisham Zaazou described and Tourism Minister of recent events which took place in Egypt in Dahshur Nile Towers Tourism Egyptian, stressing continuity in the work and responsibility in the tourism sector in order to restore the power of the Egyptian tourism Egyptand overcome the effects of those events.
He stressed that he will work to complete the files initiated by the minister, Abdul-Nour, which was the starting point of the Egyptian tourism in the face of the crisis, which passed during the past year and a half and fell because of Egyptian tourism.
He stressed the need to increase cooperation between the public and private sectors under the successive crises that make this cooperation necessary and important and to be stronger and be the language of one sector because the interest in the end and one for the entire Egyptian tourism.
He noted that the sector has lost more than ten billion pounds in 2011, stressing that the new Minister of Tourism Hisham Zaazou in front of many of the challenges to push Egypt to further progress on the global tourism map.
He explained that there are significant liquidity problem facing the tourism sector in general in addition to the problem of security sector and the loss of more than 40 percent of the labor force, which had to train new workers with the need to include tribesmen in Sinai for training programs.
He explained that it will open new tourist offices in new markets in order to increase traffic refresher with the need to increase financial allocations to activate the new and traditional markets because that period is the most important in increasing activation.
He stressed that he will be organizing official visits to some tourist areas such as Sharm EgyptEl Sheikh and Hurghada because beach tourism represents 85 per cent of global tourism by the World Tourism Organization.
He is being prepared and paper proposals in collaboration with the Federation of Chambers of Tourism on the development of tourism in new areas in Egypt, which must be developed and processed with tourist increase insurance rates for ways to increase tourism.
and praised the significant role that the former Minister of Tourism Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour and Aviation Minister Hussein Massoud in the tourism sector, which no one can deny their efforts to restore part of the Egyptian tourism losses.
The Minister of Tourism former Mounir Fakhri Abdel Nour for wishes to regain the Egyptian street security and safety excellence them and be next season prosperous Egyptian tourism and return at full strength again, stressing that the award made by the Egyptian EgyptFederation of Chambers of Tourism has come to love exchanged between the sector, where involved in the face of the recent crisis together.
The danger and the great challenge that was facing the tourism sector has been exceeded large part, stressing the ability of the new minister Hisham Zaazou to complete the work in a strong and face the rest of the problems and restore the power of the Egyptian tourism.

He pointed out that he succeeded during his ministry responsibility in ending legal problems suffered by some companies, and successfully re-Nile cruises long that will have a significant positive impact on tourism in Egypt and Upper Egypt, Luxor and Aswan.

Tourism supports Luxor Cinema 600 thousand. And events in Luxor and Karnak

Established management festival Luxor Egyptian cinema and Aruban headed Magda Wassef a press conference to announce the final arrangements for the festival which takes place between 17 to 22 Sept. to success as it has worthy Egypt’s reputation internationally, and stresses it is a country of safety and security, and to attract Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions in line with the current developments as art and creativity, tourism is the real bet for the future, the conference was attended by Dr.. Hisham Zaazou, Minister of Tourism, d. Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, Mohammed head office sector and deputy culture minister for d. Mohamed Saber Arab Culture Minister, d. Khaled Abdahalil head of cultural production, James Watt, Britain’s ambassador in Cairo, d. Mohamed Kamel Qalyoobi President N. Society for Culture and Arts, Magda Wassef president of the festival and conference hall in Nile Hall Conrad Cairo.
He d. Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of Antiquities on the extent of his happiness to his participation as Minister of Antiquities in support activities of this festival and choose Luxor City held on home soil festival, which is experiencing now stage recovery tourist will finish the establishment of the festival artistic and cultural always and never was sparked Egypt in Luxor theater for many movies, which brought up all of them either, “the conflict in the Egypt friendly” or “Karnak” and others, and therefore this plays a dual role may represent a richer scene year film at the same time is considered positive publicity good as we enjoy the richness of enriched be attractive not be means tourist attraction, which would like to stems forward more and more, and awards minister added effects it in the form of a column grandfather a means Baath solar to be expressing our history, as Minister impact it may decide to establish the opening ceremony of the festival in front of the Temple of Luxor and the closing ceremony in front of the Temple of Karnak activating tourism province of Luxor, and stressed the that the coming period will witness a number of occasions tourist successive starting from Taba via Cairo and even throughout the level in Egypt, including the New Valley region, which has been neglected on the tourist map in Egypt.
As Hisham Zaazou Minister of Tourism was allocated 600 thousand pounds from the ministry’s budget in support of the festival Luxor Egyptian cinema and Aruban because it will bring to Egypt more tourists, and given the West an impression of the state of stability which we live, as he assured everyone that the Egyptian tourism has begun its first steps real towards recovery where rates reached Statistics number of tourists on the rise 5 million and a half million tourists in 2012, an increase of 4.23% on the rates of last year, and stressed that the festival aims to diversity its product tourism to attract a large segment of tourists and private art festivals and film.
Said Mohamed First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture: that he attended on behalf of the minister, who happened to be in pause candles in opera to commemorate the Holocaust, stressing that the ministry is making intensive efforts with the Ministry of Finance to resolve the crisis of culture support of the festival, and we hope to end this problem in a matter of the next few days before the festival, and added that the ministry has contributed 600 thousand pounds in support of, and contributed to publications, and culture palaces teams, and is making a major effort to increase support.
The Magda Wassef president of the festival that included a lot of goals, notably a serious attempt to open new horizons of dialogue of civilizations between Egypt and Europe through the presentation of European films in the festival for the first time in Egypt in order to ensure the establishment of market cinematic art joint Egyptian and European, as well Egypt as display marketing Egyptian films inside theaters European, including longer a genuine breakthrough for Egyptian art toward market production of the global art, in addition to the goal of ultimate is an attempt to extend the technical service film to regional areas Egyptian which deprived them, and added that the most important reasons for choosing the city of Luxor to host the festival that the world considers the most beautiful country in the world and see it as it is the capital of the real world with its civilization and history, and added that the film, which represents Germany “Barbara” participate in the Oscars.
And competitions at the festival said: There main competition, involving 10 films including Egyptian Movie director Yousry Nasrallah “after signed” and displays on 18 before submitting commercially Day, and the competition short and competed 40 movies, and competition special look at cinema English presents the film “Hunting salmon in Yemen, “the Egyptian artist Amr Waked, and the Department of Cinema and outdoor sheds light on a group of old movies.
Said James Watt British Ambassador happiness great keenness management festival honoring British cinema choosing Britain guest of honor of the festival, which is a wonderful opportunity where British cinema with counterparts in Egypt and other countries, praising the importance of choosing the city of Luxor to the festival because of its world-renowned center of capitals reflect the history and tradition and civilization, emphasizing the depth of the Egyptian-British relations in various fields, not just technical hoping for more cooperation in the coming years and the success of the festival this year.

Egypt: Some prefer a foreigner.

Remains the issue of foreign labor in Egypt is very vital issue. especially in the hotels and Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions and often getting messages discussing this issue and specifically «general managers of hotels.

Most major international management companies operating in Egypt prefer to set «foreign general manager and often backed companies arguing that stronger royal greater administrative efficiency and staff working a thousand more than their country director in helping Egyptian labor discipline.
But managers the Egyptians deny it and say that it was just only be a bias of foreign management companies and ‘relevance’ sought by hoteliers that their hotel manager foreigner. On the whole pages “Travel and Tourism” This case open for dialogue despite before it for years, but I do not mind re dialogue around today and we begin with this letter:
Mr. Professor. Greetings
I ask you to open a debate on the subject of foreign workers in the tourism sector, particularly in the hotel sector. After growing complaints received by the Ministry of the number of workers in different sectors of being affected because of the use of labor foreign non-licensed and non-qualified to work and get a job that must be provided to the Egyptians, especially as Egypt exceeded the global percentage of 10% and was the Minister of Manpower former had confirmed he would not allow access for foreign workers on work permits in Egypt unless they have expertise does not exist in Egypt and will not give them even in this case permits permanent, but temporary permits minister added that Egypt he may not license the work of a foreigner in the case of the Egyptian who can work under the condition training for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months and there is a need For the facility of this experience with a maximum of 3 years only taking into account the need interest of the country’s economic experience foreign stressing the need commitment facilities, which authorizes them to use experts or technicians foreigners appointed 2 assistants Egyptians and provoke me (and many of the workers in the Hospitality and Tourism field) publishing new appointments news accommodation Egypt, which often appointments well not only in the international chain hotels and local, but also in hotels locally managed by their owners.
I wonder why I did foreign management companies ‘global’ since it began in Egypt in 1959 the management of Nile Hilton Hotel.
Yes Exit Nile Hilton Hotel many hotel experiences and which has led the Egyptian hospitality work during the seventies and eighties, but these experiences now lost either they leave prematurely reached the retirement age.
Then came the company Sheraton made another generation at least efficient for managers Hilton, In the nineties came management companies other which began on inspired bring some general managers of foreign and exclude managers Egyptians, then when they did not find any opposition became directors foreigners are al-Qaeda and the Egypt Egyptians exception and strange hotels business and imposed it is state-owned and managed companies most global managers of foreigners who spend years and years and then be replaced by foreigners also without any objection from the government owning companies, but their request!.
To make matters worse is the entry of the angel Arabs in hotel investment and who were and are still determined to be a general manager foreigners!.
Where activate the law that each foreign director appoints Egyptian Assistant Director to replace him? We do not say which years we have learned that prepare general manager needs from 3 to 5 years after the director of efficient operating in one department.
The simple calculation if there is a 30 to 40 hotels under foreign management was must have more than 100 managers Egyptian past twenty years can manage Egyptian hotels and come out from under their hands like them from the Egyptians, and so on from generation to generation so clear that there is a need to managers foreigners only in minimalistic.
But what did administrations foreign (not absolve from this angel) Director foreign comes to work at least 4 to 5 years and will not get into salaries and privileges it known international we were take him also in the Gulf states, but is set Resident Manager Egyptian often be license manager his name and be only interface in front of the official Yes have a role in administration in some operating requirements normal daily and dealing with official bodies and knows this third and any irregularities or provisions are as Director of Egypt, which in most cases are presented scapegoat in the first offense and be the official, who is ruled out ! How to hold people accountable or even make him director in charge and has no operating strings! How he takes his instructions from General Manager for him all the powers to take decisions, which often do not have any opinion about it?
If honored God and overcome these years he spent Director foreign finds himself did not Egyptbenefit in any development or education of the manager who in good or bad faith puts him in a swamp official bodies and dealing with the problems of labor and trade union and that the administration and foreign parent company decided to appoint Director of another foreign In the case requested that be promoted given some painkillers send training courses under the pretext of developing and increasing knowledge and due enthusiastically trying to prove itself but collide with the fact that the Director-General and the management company is excited to be a general manager Egyptians.
Of course there are great chefs who rivaled one of the Egyptians for many reasons, the first graduates sizes tourism and hotels to work in this profession where all prefer wearing a suit and work in air-conditioning.

 What is the Super experiences that foreign manager comes to this administration (which often comes as his first position as managing director) and always stay one or two of the food and beverage assistants under any foreign manager to exit to the pension or work in local hotels.
Now seeing sales managers and executives overseeing internal and engineers but also aide departments of foreign Unfortunately boast hotel owners and designing their presence through management companies and staying lower and if delay work permits under the pretext that it their investments and are free to manage people who chosen and Egyptians ineligible to run their hotels with the fact that the success of these foreigners come from the success of department managers Egyptians their conduct does not lose sight of course the ability Director «that found» in the management team, but in most cases the team Egyptian walking on his way to prove his success regardless of the Director existing administrative and tumble of these companies ‘global’.
We’re not talking about semi lack managers Egyptians Gulf Hotels (unfortunately you can see job advertisements in these countries, which explicitly states and all the lack of taste that Egyptian nationality undesirable) We are talking about two generations of general managers Egyptians who wronged because preference foreigners after generation employment of graduates of the Nile Hilton, Sheraton.
We want to be given a full opportunity for Egyptians to prove that they are capable of Egyptmanaging BC Egyptian regardless of management or foreign owners.
We just want to provide all the management company «International» plan to prepare general managers and departments Egyptians and be in time limits are accountable if they do not carry out and stop work permits of foreigners if it failed implementation of this plan want activation materials labor law foreigners and applied so that we have generations coming from managers Egyptians.
Hossam El Fiki – hotel management consultant
When Egyptian hotel manager can work in his country
Professor. After greeting noticed in recent years either before or after the revolution of January 2011 the reluctance and refusal companies administration foreign hotels operating in Egypt appoint directors servants to their hotels in Egypt from holders Egyptian nationality and became general manager of foreign is always enjoys this position despite the competence and experience the Director General of Egypt and knowledge of the labor market in Egypt and in some cases be the efficiency of the Director-General a few foreign and despite the presence of many general managers hotels Egyptians working abroad and seeing their competence and experience outstanding.
Can you believe that there is no foreign general manager in Egypt working in the same hotel for nearly 14 years connected (in 1998) so far? Even died and rejects the idea of ​​appointing deputy director-general.

Egypt received 540 thousand German tourists in 2012

Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou that “20% of foreign currency in Egypt comes from tourism, thanks to the strong infrastructure, will be the first  Egypt tour packages, Egypt packages  which will help to promote the Egyptian economy

He noted that Germany has always been and is still a strong partner in the field of tourism, and the figures are evidence of this has been met with Egypt nearly 540 thousand German tourists during the period from January to June 2012, an annual increase of 33.4%, as recorded occupancy hotels increased by 40.6%.
This came during a host city of El Gouna, Red Sea day workshop FVW, one of the leading German magazines in the tourism sector, the event aims to provide an opportunity for communication among participants Germans and Egyptian tourism leaders, as well as the Egyptexperience of the situation in Egypt and evaluate themselves.
Where he participated in the workshop of 25 German people travel agents , senior managers and tour operators.

And Mahmoud Zuaiter, CEO of International Hotels Holdings, a subsidiary of Orascom Development Holding, the outlook upbeat, saying: “The second half of 2012 will go down better results than the first half of the year,” and added, “Total revenue hotels ODH about 100 million pounds , compared to last year, to achieve an increase in profits by 44 million pounds. Recorded occupancy rate annual increase of 6% in July 2012, compared to the same period last year, and thus narrows the difference between the rates of 2012 and 2010 to reach about 20%. As we have seen a rise 10% in price (total return divided by the number of rooms) in addition to demand from new markets, which confirms our direction to restore natural tourism rates.
The Andre Elmer, director of services tourist destinations company TUI, the travel rates to Egypt in order to recover, “We have recorded the numbers of customers traveling to Egypt increased by 20% during the summer of 2012, compared to 2011. And we have ambitious Egyptplans to double those numbers, and that was reason to raise capacity of flights, where we guarantee 85% seats in the aircraft. ” Andre said German tourists know Egypt, and many of them repeat had, however, is minister vowed to correct the image for the stability of security in Egypt the first steps to restore the entire tourism.
El Gouna characterized its infrastructure developed in accordance with international standards, and advanced services, where it is the permanent headquarters of many international brands in the field of tourism.
Include facilities Gouna luxury pad Joya, and three berths at the highest international levels with a capacity of 282 boats, and there Gouna universities and international schools, and a golf course provider 18-hole and 17 hotels, and two health centers, and C equipped with the latest sports equipment. And available Gouna hospital integrated according to the highest international standards provider emergency services 24 hours a day, in addition to a special room to deal with an emergency dive, and service dialysis allowing guests book treatment before arrival to receive them and provide the transition to and from the hospital.