Tourism is the locomotive of economic development. Egypt last minute tours, last minute holidays, deals, tours to Egypt, shore excursions when translated today to numbers, it means nearly 40% of the total services exports, surpassing all revenue service receipts, and 19.3% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 7% of GDP directly, which rises to 11.3% if we add indirect contributions in the tourism sector and represented in the services associated with the travel and tourism sector’s share represents
restaurants and hotels where only 3.5% for the complexity of the tourism industry with a lot of production and service sectors, which more than 70 industry nutritious. Tourism is also one of the most important sectors of the state in order to save jobs where the percentage who work either directly or indirectly, to about 12.6% of the total volume of employment in the country.
Egyptian tourism product:
I have led a number of factors combined to gain access to the tourism industry this position among its peers of industries in Egypt as blessed tenets natural awarded by a situation competitively unique on the world tourism map besides the fact that Egypt cradle of the oldest civilizations known to human history, which left behind a legacy rich with a unique combination flocking lovers of cultural tourism and tourism impacts.
The Ministry of Tourism does not fade away to work to diversify tourism products and the introduction of new types of tourism meet all requirements and satisfy all tastes, which helps to keep Egypt on their share of the tourism world and even invade new markets as that leads to achieve growth rates steady and unprecedented. Moreover, Egypt had witnessed in the last two decades of tourism development on a large scale in a number of outstanding tourist attractions, which supported its metadata from accommodation capacity is now ready to receive more than two hundred thousand tourists.
So Egypt disconnect with its favorable climate for tourism activity throughout the four seasons and is characterized by its diversity, tourism product, it is an integrated tourist
destination. According to a broad base of stocks historical and cultural heritage and the multiplicity of natural and environmental elements and artistic and cultural richness, has become the image perception in Egypt today as a tourist destination different from what it has been for many years. No longer Egypt just kiss that are accessible to those interested in cultural tourism and monuments, but also widened the circle of activity tourism to include the tourism beaches by allowing the exercise activity diving and all types of activities and water sports; yacht tourism; medical tourism; Tourism deserts and safari and wildlife; ecotourism; Tourism residence; Tourism conferences; golf tourism; sports tourism and fishing; tourism festivals; tourism shopping; Nile cruises; religious tourism.
Operational plans to maximize the role of the tourism sector:
Given the importance represented by the tourism industry in the system of the national economy of the country, it has developed the Ministry of Tourism’s strategy to increase the competitiveness of Egyptian tourism at the global level and increase contributions the tourism sector in advancing economic development, and that by attracting greater numbers of tourists to the tourist destination of Egypt with the situation into account what is closely linked to this goal of the need to diversify the tourism product and the expansion
in the construction of hotel rooms way that accommodates the target number of tourists.
The target of the Ministry of Tourism that the number of tourist arrivals by 2011 to 14 million tourists and 140 million tourist nights; addition to access to energy shelter to 240 thousand rooms and achieve $ 12 billion tourist income.
The operational plans drawn up by the ministry to achieve these objectives in the following:
First: at the level of tourism promotion:
Maintain growth and Egypt’s competitive status in major traditional markets, namely: Russia, Germany, England, Italy, and France.
Achieve high growth rates in the number of tourists coming from emerging markets fit with concrete speed in the growth of these markets, namely: Ukraine, Poland, and Czech Republic.
Lifting Egypt’s competitive status in new markets and the Egyptian tourist product definition in a comprehensive and effective, such as: India and China.
Improve the image of the Egyptian tourist product on the international level and work to achieve the highest level of quality in the services received by tourists and ensure the fit of
these services and tour prices.
Plans to develop and diversify tourism products on an ongoing basis and in a form that meets the needs and requirements of foreign markets.
Launch a propaganda campaign in all media.
Second: at the level of the business climate:
The Ministry of Tourism to examine all ways to encourage investment and provide facilities to investors in order to create a climate favorable to achieve the desired development of tourism, which serves the strategic goals. The General Authority for Tourism Development, a one of the bodies of the Ministry of tourism contribute to the financing of development projects of infrastructure in the most important centers which have been identified as centers for tourism development to encourage and support investment in these centers, in the context of taking into account the environmental considerations in order to achieve sustainable tourism development. The tourism development strategy is as follows:
Maximizing the role of the private sector and limiting the role of the state in the planning,
supervision and follow-up.
Develop the legal and institutional framework (investment guarantees and incentives).
Encourage tourism investment through development schemes and regional development centers integrated tourism and functionally between development and interface coastal and deep desert of 52 tourist center along the coast of Egypt owned and managed by the private sector. (As the Center City tourist entity and infrastructure centralized serves a range of activities and services).
Diversify the tourism product (Hospitality, safari tourism, yacht tourism, GOLF, conference tourism …) and the development of tourism and entertainment sectors beaches.