Characterized Egypt’s heritage civilized humane diffuse in its boundaries relay timetable historic unrivaled, which includes the third world heritage, its territory and its desert and territorial waters, which is a national treasure, because it involves the stages of Egypt luxury tours development and human progress on the ground, and the diversity of its mark clear on human conscience and religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the history of civilization the world, such as human civilizations first and prehistoric, in addition to the civilizations Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Islamic, and genius of the place, time and human her as its strategic position, and beaches stretching, and sun warm, desert wonderful, and hospitality, and in spite of all these ingredients, but The economic returns tourism, although they come in second place after the Suez Canal revenues, but it compared the international tourism income is very modest where Egypt comes at a low rank.
So the value of tourism income reflects the extent of deterioration administrative sector of Antiquities and Tourism, and that they relate together and influence one in the other, and the predominance of individual, not to follow modern management techniques and scientific methods applied, not theoretical only, and therefore must rethink how best use of our cultural heritage In addition to the value of the various must also maximize economic returns because they may become locomotive development or one of the cornerstones in the Egyptian Renaissance, by making relics national project and for his excellence in the result of rapid economic on the national income and solve a lot of problems, including the problem of unemployment and many social and economic problems and other cultural and other.
So there must be a system of integrated work, and teamwork, and the development of archaeological work and elevate it and its impact on the tourism sector and access them to the desired level is to increase the number of tourists to the rate in line with the possibilities and ingredients archeological and tourist to Egypt, and increasing the national income each access Egypt through which to its natural and desired, through an ambitious plan spirited vision and founded on two axes two principal first axis includes restructuring the Ministry of Antiquities after transformation of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the creation of new sectors to regulate the system of administrative and technical, financial, scientific and security through the establishment of a national center for research archaeological cares materials and methods restoration of monuments and recorded and documented and rehabilitation, and the establishment of a standing committee public for restoration and maintenance, the establishment of sector effects prehistoric and rock carvings and cave archaeological, Generation sector for signs of sunken in the Nile or lakes or the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, and the establishment of handicrafts sector and transcripts archaeological and to meet the needs effects of these crafts for restoration flour and architecture for all architectural elements and functional and decorative as well as to the needs of tourism and export outside of the products craftsmanship and transcripts Egyptian archaeological, Generation sector control and inspection and follow-up to adjust the system archaeological work in areas, museums and relics protection from theft, vandalism and running up to the information and publishing placed where all research reports and projects implemented in the restoration The registration and documentation and maintenance of monuments and excavations, and the development of the system security for relics protection in areas relics open and remote, stores and museums effects through the development of the General Administration of security through training and rehabilitation and reinforcement of staff security in addition to police relics and tourism, in addition to the establishment of specialized units to national security and intelligence to track vandalism, forgery and counterfeiting, theft and excavations random illegal by individuals, and the work of more than one range security and supervisory about the effects, and second axis includes changing the ministry’s policy and setting targets near and strategy for the advancement of work, because it is the first step towards increasing turnout tourism through the development of methods of protection The restoration and recording, documenting and rehabilitation relics preservation and how to take advantage of the value of scientific, practical and cultural, artistic, and not rely only on traditional areas of tourist attraction, but work on the inclusion of new areas where there are thousands of archaeological sites scattered throughout Egypt, through effective collaboration between universities and specialized institutes in the field of archeology and tourism to create system work under which team spirit and purpose how to promote sector relics and tourism which is to make the most of the cultural heritage, both at the cultural or technological, industrial or recreational or educational through carry out registration and documentation of the effects in all regions of the republic through are specialized areas or assign graduates after work scientific sessions of how to conduct business registration and documentation on the basis of scientific ensure relics protection from fraud, theft, forgery and vandalism with the need not to rely on traditional methods only, but must also use the latest scientific methods to keep the footprint effect through the registry X-ray or UV or rigorous analysis or other, and protect them from theft, forgery and vandalism, interest in developing regions archaeological and restoration and rehabilitation and preparation for visits tourist, work on the expansion of stores museum on scientific grounds for relics protection, stopping the introduction of missions exploration foreign individual and replaced missions relics joint mission foreign and domestic of change in terms of the law to protect relics 117 of 1983
and amended in 2010, especially items missions exploration foreign, leading to the participation of local missions in the process of exploration that there is a head of Egyptian mission local and foreign president of Mission foreign, leading to the exchange of experiences on that published works mission in information management and publishing, project cancellations restoration by contracting companies and limiting the work of these companies on the routine business of the establishment of museums protection or acts electrical and sound and light or administrative buildings, that the ministry through the sectors of architectural restoration and audit of conduct restoration work through specialists, professionals and artisans recruited both in areas relics, museums or stores archeological and collaboration with universities and scientific institutes specialized, and encourage the holding of seminars, conferences and festivals local and international carnivals tourism promotion, work to increase awareness of archaeological, cultural and tourism through the media in its different forms.