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Visit village of fisher men

Trip by traditional boat Fellucca

Visit the traditional fish market there

Traditional fish lunch

Tea or coffee in one of the traditional fishermen houses


Enjoy day tour to max area in Alexandria or as its well known Venice of Egypt or Venice of the east, start your trip from your hotel in Alexandria, our guide will accompany you to mar area which is 25 km west of Alexandria start your visit with panoramic photo stop to watch the whole village from the sea side.

Enjoy felluca ride the traditional boat in max canal so u can watch closely the traditional houses, boats also how they live in a very primitive way.

Walk in the traditional max fish market, watch how they sell and different kinds f fishes they sell.

stop for lunch in one of the most traditional restaurant there to enjoy the freshest fishes you will eat in your live, enjoy your lunch.

Enjoy tea or coffee in one of the traditional fishermen houses where you.

will have chance to talk with them and understand more about their life.