Egypt tourism rebound after the presidential elections

Eng Ahmed Balbaa Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Association of Egyptian businessmen that the rates of flow of tourists will increase to Egypt following the completion of the next presidential election, provided that the State under the leadership of President-elect and the new government to send a clear message to the whole world to the sovereignty, stability and calm and walk the path of democracy is correct.

Explaining that he is no doubt In this moment, will the tourist inflow to Egypt to their nature which will contribute to the return of confidence to businessmen and owners of tourist projects Egyptians, foreigners, and thus have an opportunity to return prices to normal gradually and rates are reasonable as before.
He adds that the lack of stability and cooperation between sovereign bodies in the country during the last period represented in the Supreme Council of the armed forces and parliament, “the People’s Assembly and Shura Council” and the government lost to Egypt many opportunities for growth and Alazdharvy various areas of the economy after the success of the first revolution was peaceful.

Explaining that the motivation in the relationship gave a negative impression on the system of collective action within the country during this critical period .. He pointed out that the decision to leisure tourism is the decision of an extra in the selection of people to choose the place and time and traveler decision-maker has several alternatives, states and tourist areas to choose from each other and Certainly it will choose a quiet safe stable countries.

On the position of tourism this and the impact of revenue after the said Balbaa in press statements, especially that the tourism income has declined by 60% after the revolution of January 25 and any events negatively affect the tourism industry, we find that the events of the Abbasid and the Ministry of Defence has affected negatively on tourism, even if some tourism companies feared to send regiments to Egypt. stressing that the purchasing power of the tourist who comes to Egypt is currently down until the price of the room for example, fell by more than 40% and must return security and stability to the street, and recounted by the foreign media in European countries exporting tourism to us so as to insure man in the street in European countries on the health of the decision to travel to Egypt and by 100%.

And the policy of low prices followed by most investors at the moment and damage caused by Eng Ahmed Balbaa that most hotels still offering low-priced offers and the advantages and Addidh Mstmrany this now .. Expected to continue this policy until the end of the summer season, which will have a Tathermaa great in the winter season coming where most of the contracts concluded at discounted prices … and refers Balbaa he Allosv severe, there is a decline in numbers at least 40% and more than 50% in revenue where the average tourist expenditure and the level of spending in general a very low than previously because the low price attracts this class, which for Ataatouka raise the level of services high. pointing out that the current prices Ttrao h between 15 to 30 dollars per capita, “the first Enkulosv” in most hotels in Egypt. I am my biggest fear a lot of these reduced revenue as the decline in revenue from hotels to prevent departments to carry out maintenance and periodic beauty which affects the overall level of hotels and also the decline in revenue affects the skilled labor and also the possibility of continuing training programs in place within the hotels.

And on the status of tourism investment and constraints that prevent prosperity now confirms Balbaa that tourism investment is still dependent and do not know the reasons and there is no land put up for investment and a clear policy for pricing and planning for the centers of tourism still stands the old, although he he was not suited .. saying that hands trembling still exist everywhere in Egypt and must of re-assurance staff in the state and its employees, but all this became the only speech in the census and Andrei why? He points out that unfortunately the whole country to a standstill until the election of a new president and a new government and set the pace and rules and regulations of the state after the revolution and the changes and where the total claims in the case of waiting and anticipation of what will happen.

He pointed out that the current government is a caretaker only, not the government done for the lack of presence in the business sector and private sector tourism, which can achieve the losses suffered by the Egyptian economy in a very short time, which led to a decline in popularity, where does not exist with the owners of Alaqraroualemhnin and did not feel the men business because it is not doing or working alongside them to encourage them or stop the financial claims of the sovereign and other entities as well as they abandoned the workers in this sector after Marfdt exchange part of their salaries from the Crisis Fund, which contributes to the sector by 1% .. Moreover Flaeugd A. openings for new projects or re-planning and hosting conferences, meetings and seminars, but is in sleep state to see what might happen. Alexandria airport

With regard to the reluctance of banks to finance the tourism sector after the revolution of January 25 refers Balbaa that the banks declined to finance the tourism sector after the revolution, but the National Bank under the leadership of President Tareq Amer, who helped us a lot and stop us .. Apart from that we did not find a helping hand from the banks and therefore I would like to thank Tarek Amer ..

The interest rate is high in the tourism sector in general, although the tourism investment and hotel in Egypt beyond the barrier of 00 2 billion and there are 270 thousand hotel rooms .. calling for the amendment of some laws of lending banks tourism projects in conformity with the nature of the activity and be based Isthaddth Bank The central long-term loans for periods of not less than 20 years. ….

Finally, and on the weakness of business organizations and the lack of real interaction between them and the government asserts Balbaa that unfortunately are no entities for effective business organizations .. Most business organizations tourism in silence and anticipation and its role Kada be non-existent since these organizations need to governments make decisions .. wondering Where is this government now? .. no answer .. saying we hope to improve in the near future and return to Egypt of a new leadership in all fields. Egipt travel